Genotype x environment interactions for growth and wood traits for eucalyptus hybrids.
Chaix Gilles, Denis Marie, Polidori Joel, Vigneron Philippe, Makouanzi Garel, Diombokho Abdoulaye, Nourissier-Mountou Sophie, Bouvet Jean-Marc.
In : Improvement and culture of eucalypts. Proceedings. De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo (ed.), Voigtlaender Maureen (ed.). USP-ESALQ, IUFRO, North Carolina State University, EMBRAPA, CIRAD, IPEF, CAPES
. Piracicaba : ESALQ, 175-178.
IUFRO Working group 2.08.03 Meeting on Improvement and culture of Eucalypts, Porto Seguro, Brésil, 14 Novembre 2011/18 Novembre 2011.