
Résultats pour : "Postia placenta"

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Aller à 2016 | 2015 | 2011 | 2010

Nombre de documents : 8.


Control of wood thermal treatment and its effects on decay resistance: A review. Candelier Kévin, Thévenon Marie-France, Pétrissans Anélie, Dumarçay Stéphane, Gerardin Philippe, Pétrissans Mathieu. 2016. Annals of Forest Science, 73 (3) : 571-583.
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Essential oils from Origanum compactumas an alternative active ingredient against wood decay fungi. Ghanmi Mohamed, Satrani Badr, Thévenon Marie-France, Elyounssi Khalid, Ajjourri M.. 2015. Natural Products, 11 (4) : 135-142.

Heat treatment of Tunisian soft wood species: Effect on the durability, chemical modifications and mechanical properties. Elaieb Mohamed Tahar, Candelier Kévin, Pétrissans Anélie, Dumarçay Stéphane, Gerardin Philippe, Pétrissans Mathieu. 2015. Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnología, 17 (4) : 699-710.

Hydrogel-based boron salt formulations for wood preservation. Obounou Akong Firmin, Gerardin Philippe, Thévenon Marie-France, Gérardin-Charbonnier Christine. 2015. Wood Science and Technology, 49 (3) : 443-456.


Decay resistance attributes of teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) wood: comparison of the fungicidal activities of quinones. Niamké Bobelé Forence, Amusant Nadine, Leménager Nicolas, Chaix Gilles, Thévenon Marie-France, Baudasse Christine, Kati-Coulibaly Séraphin, Adima Augustin Amissa, Ado Gossan Innocent, Jay Allemand Christian. 2011. In : The International Research Group on Wood Protection 42th Annual Meeting: Section 1 Biology, Queenstown, New Zealand, 8-12 May 2011. s.l. : s.n., 13 p. The International Research Group on Wood Protection Annual Meeting. 42, Queenstown, Nouvelle-Zélande, 8 Mai 2011/12 Mai 2011.

Effects of polyvinyl alcohol on leachability and efficacy of boron wood preservatives against fungal decay and termite attack. Mohareb Ahmed, Thévenon Marie-France, Wozniak Edmond, Gerardin Philippe. 2011. Wood Science and Technology, 45 (3) : 407-417.


Effects of monoglycerides on leachability and efficacy of boron wood preservatives against decay and termites. Mohareb Ahmed, Thévenon Marie-France, Wozniak Edmond, Gerardin Philippe. 2010. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 64 (2) : 135-138.

Effects of polyvinyl alcohol on leachability and efficacy of boron wood preservatives against fungal decay and termites attack. Mohareb Ahmed, Thévenon Marie-France, Wozniak Edmond, Gerardin Philippe. 2010. In : 41st Annual Meeting of the International Research Group on Wood Protection, Biarritz, France, 9-13 May 2010. IRG. s.l. : s.n., 10 p. Annual Meeting of the International Research Group on Wood Protection. 41, Biarritz, France, 9 Mai 2010/13 Mai 2010.

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