
Résultats pour : "acide gibbérellique"

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Aller à 2024 | 2011 | 2002 | 1999 | 1989

Nombre de documents : 5.


Effect of gibberellic acid and mechanical scarification on the germination and seedling stages of Chenopodium quinoa willd. under salt stress. Nazih Abderrahmane, Baghour Mourad, Maatougui Abdessalem, Aboukhalis Kaoutar, Chiboub Basma, Bazile Didier. 2024. Plants, 13 (10), n.spéc. Crop Physiology and Crop Production:1330, 16 p.


GA3 induces expression of E2F-like genes and CDKA during in vitro germination of zygotic embryos of Cocos nucifera (L.). Montero-Cortés Mayra, Cordova Ivan, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Hocher Valérie, Pech y Ake América, Sandoval Alfredo, Oropeza Carlos, Saenz Luis. 2011. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 107 (3) : 461-470.


Rice plant resistance to blast and gibberellins content in them. Avakyan E.R., Kovalyov Victor S., Kumeiko T.B., Koplik N.N., Olkhovaya K.K., Kharchenko E.S.. 2002. In : Rice genetic resources and breeding for Europe and other temperate areas : proceedings of Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Cirad, Ird, Ksau, Krasnodar Territory, Vniirisa, September, 3-8, 2001, Krasnodar, Russia. CIRAD, IRD, KSAU, Krasnodar. Montpellier : CIRAD ISBN 2-87614-504-9 Eurorice 2001 Symposium, Krasnodar, Russie, 3 Septembre 2001/8 Septembre 2001.


Reconocimiento in vitro de variantes somaclonales de porte alto en banano (cv. 'Gran enano', Musa 'AAA'). Respuesta a un tratamiento con GA3. Sandoval Jorge A., Côte François-Xavier, Doumas P.. 1999. Revista Corbana, 24 (51) : 11-20.


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