
Résultats pour : "analyse de séries chronologiques"

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Nombre de documents : 24.


Insight into large-scale LULC changes and their drivers through breakpoint characterization. An application to Senegal. Ngadi Scarpetta Yasmine, Lebourgeois Valentine, Dieye Mohamadou, Laques Anne-Elisabeth, Begue Agnès. 2024. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 132:104066, 21 p.

Rainfall during multiyear La Niñas caused the decline of social wasps in Northeastern Amazonia. Déjean Alain, Rossi Vivien, Compin Arthur, Corbara Bruno, Carpenter James M., Orivel Jérôme, Petitclerc Frédéric, Burban Benoit, Azémar Frédéric. 2024. Ecology, 105 (11):e4433, 6 p.



Soil organic carbon models need independent time-series validation for reliable prediction. Le Noë Juia, Manzoni Stefano, Abramoff Rose, Bölscher Tobias, Bruni Elisa, Cardinael Rémi, Ciais Philippe, Chenu Claire, Clivot Hugues, Derrien Delphine, Ferchaud Fabien, Garnier Patricia, Goll Daniel, Lashermes Gwenaëlle, Martin Manuel, Rasse Daniel, Rees Frédéric, Sainte-Marie Julien, Salmon Elodie, Schiedung Marcus, Schimel Josh, Wieder William, Abiven Samuel, Barré Pierre, Cécillon Lauric, Guenet Bertrand. 2023. Communications Earth and Environment, 4:158, 8 p.


Attentive spatial temporal graph CNN for land cover mapping from multi temporal remote sensing data. Censi Alessandro Michele, Ienco Dino, Gbodjo Yawogan Jean Eudes, Pensa Ruggero Gaetano, Interdonato Roberto, Gaetano Raffaele. 2021. IEEE Access, 9:20324283 : 23070-23082.

Fijiyama: A registration tool for 3D multimodal time-lapse imaging. Fernandez Romain, Moisy Cédric. 2021. Bioinformatics, 37 (10) : 1482-1484.
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Spatio-temporal dynamics of mangrove forest in Trat, province of Thailand. Pimple Uday. 2021. Paris : AgroParisTech, 218 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de l'environnement : AgroParisTech

Towards user-adaptive remote sensing: knowledge-driven automatic classification of Sentinel-2 time series. Arvor Damien, Betbeder Julie, Daher Felipe R.G., Blossier Tim, Le Roux Renan, Corgne Samuel, Corpetti Thomas, De Freitas Silgueiro Vinicius, Da Silva Jr Carlos Antonio. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 264:112615, 27 p.



Assessing the optimal preprocessing steps of MODIS time series to map cropping systems in Mato Grosso, Brazil. Kuchler Calvano Patrick, Bégué Agnès, Simoes Margareth, Gaetano Raffaele, Arvor Damien, Ferraz Rodrigo P.D.. 2020. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 92:102150, 6 p.

C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery for the classification of diverse cropping systems. Dingle Robertson Laura, Davidson Andrew M., McNairn Heather, Hosseini Mehdi, Mitchell Scott W., de Abelleyra Diego, Verón Santiago R., Le Maire Guerric, Plannells Milena, Valero Silvia, Ahmadian Nima, Coffin Alisa, Bosch David, Cosh Michael H., Basso Bruno, Saliendra Nicanor. 2020. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41 (24) : 9628-9649.

Convergence between satellite information and farmers' perception of drought in rangelands of North-West Patagonia, Argentina. Solano-Hernández A., Bruzzone Octavio A., Groot Jeroen C. J., Laborda Luciana, Martinez A., Tittonell Pablo, Easdale Marcos Horacio. 2020. Land Use Policy, 97:104726, 10 p.

Evaluation of sentinel-1 and -2 time series for estimating LAI and biomass of wheat and rapeseed crop types. Mercier Audrey, Betbeder Julie, Rapinel Sébastien, Jégou Nicolas, Baudry Jacques, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2020. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14 (2):024512, 22 p.

Extracting multilayer networks from Sentinel-2 satellite image time series. Interdonato Roberto, Gaetano Raffaele, Lo Seen Danny, Roche Mathieu, Scarpa Giuseppe. 2020. Network Science, 8 (51) : 526-542.
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Image-based time series representations for pixelwise eucalyptus region classification: A comparative study. Dias Danielle, Dias Ulisses, Menini Nathalia, Lamparelli Rubens Augusto Camargo, Le Maire Guerric, da S. Torres Ricardo. 2020. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17 (8) : 1450-1454.

Object-based multi-temporal and multi-source land cover mapping leveraging hierarchical class relationships. Gbodjo Yawogan Jean Eudes, Ienco Dino, Leroux Louise, Interdonato Roberto, Gaetano Raffaele, Ndao Babacar. 2020. Remote Sensing, 12 (17), n.spéc. Multi-Sensor Data Fusion and Analysis of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensed Imagery:2814, 28 p.

Toward spatio-spectral analysis of sentinel-2 time series data for land cover mapping. Gbodjo Jean Eudes, Ienco Dino, Leroux Louise. 2020. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 17 (2) : 307-311.

Weakly supervised learning for landcover mapping of satellite image timeseries via attention-based CNN. Ienco Dino, Gbodjo Yawogan Jean Eudes, Gaetano Raffaele, Interdonato Roberto. 2020. IEEE Access, 8 : 179547-179560.

A multirepresentational fusion of time series for pixelwise classification. Dias Danielle, Pinto Allan, Dias Ulisses, Lamparelli Rubens Augusto Camargo, Le Maire Guerric, da S. Torres Ricardo. 2020. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13 : 4399-4409.


Combining Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Satellite Image Time Series for land cover mapping via a multi-source deep learning architecture. Ienco Dino, Interdonato Roberto, Gaetano Raffaele, Ho Tong Minh Dinh. 2019. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 158 : 11-22.
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Trend-cycles of vegetation dynamics as a tool for land degradation assessment and monitoring. Easdale Marcos Horacio, Fariña C., Hara Sofía María, Pérez León N., Umaña F., Tittonell Pablo, Bruzzone Octavio A.. 2019. Ecological Indicators, 107:105545, 10 p.


Evidence of reduced individual heterogeneity in adult survival of long-lived species. Péron Guillaume, Gaillard Jean-Michel, Barbraud Christophe, Bonenfant Christophe, Charmantier Anne, Choquet Rémi, Coulson Tim, Grosbois Vladimir, Loison Anne, Marzolin Gilbert, Owen-Smith Norman, Pardo Déborah, Plard Floriane, Pradel Roger, Toïgo Carole, Gimenez Olivier. 2016. Evolution, 70 (12) : 2909-2914.


TerraSAR-X dual-pol time-series for mapping of wetland vegetation. Betbeder Julie, Rapinel Sébastien, Corgne Samuel, Pottier Eric, Hubert-Moy Laurence. 2015. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 107 : 90-98.
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Modèle de décomposition des séries chronologiques : Application à l'analyse des prix du plantain au Cameroun. Temple Ludovic. 2000. Douala : CRBP, 16 p. N° de rapport : Réf : 203/CRBP/2000

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