
Résultats pour : "arbre fixateur d'azote"

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Nombre de documents : 18.


Belowground nitrogen transfer from Pterocarpus officinalis to Taro under field and controlled conditions. Fall Fatoumata, Galiana Antoine, Pruneau Ludovic, Roux-Cuvelier Michel, Bâ Amadou Moustapha. 2024. Plant and Soil, 16 p.

Changes in light use efficiency explains why diversity effect on biomass production is lower at high planting density in mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium. Oliveira I.R., Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Guillemot Joannès, Brandani C.B., Bordron Bruno, Frayret C.B., Laclau Jean-Paul, Ferraz A.V., Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Le Maire Guerric. 2024. Forest Ecology and Management, 554:121663, 12 p.


Planting nitrogen-fixing trees in tropical Eucalyptus plantations does not increase nutrient losses through drainage. Formaglio Greta, Krusche Alex Vladimir, Mareschal Louis, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Nouvellon Yann, Delgado-Rojas Juan Sinforiano, Montebelo Alexandra, Ranger Jacques, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2023. Forest Ecology and Management, 537:120940, 11 p.


Organic phosphorus immobilization in microbial biomass controls how N2-fixing trees affect phosphorus bioavailability in two tropical soils. Waithaisong Kittima, Robin Agnès, L'Huillery Valentin, Abadie Josiane, Sauvage François-Xavier, Chemardin Patrick, Mareschal Louis, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Laclau Jean-Paul, Moraes Gonçalves José Leonardo, Plassard Claude. 2022. Environmental Advances, 11 p.


Nutrient deficiency enhances the rate of short-term belowground transfer of nitrogen from Acacia mangium to Eucalyptus trees in mixed-species plantations. Oliveira I.R., Bordron Bruno, Laclau Jean-Paul, Paula Ranieri Ribeiro, Ferraz A.V., Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Le Maire Guerric, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2021. Forest Ecology and Management, 491:119192, 9 p.
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Diversité et importance des pratiques de gestion de la fertilité des sols dans les exploitations agricoles familiales du Moyen-Ouest de la région Vakinankaratra et de la zone Est de la région d'Itasy, Madagascar. Razafimahatratra Hanitriniana Mamy, Bélières Jean-François, Razanakoto Onjaherilanto R., Raharimalala Sitrakiniaina, Randriamihary Fetra Sarobidy Eddy Josephson. 2019. Journal de l'Agro-Ecologie, 8 : 18-33.

Mixed settlements of eucalyptus and acacia in transition area between Brazilian Savana (Cerrado) and Amazon Forest biomes. Camargo Diego, Behling Maurel, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Rosada De Oliveira Ivanka, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Campos Pereira Murilo. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39, n.spéc., Résumé : 299. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, Curitiba, Brésil, 29 Septembre 2019/5 Octobre 2019.


Nitrogen fixation rate of Acacia mangium Wild at mid rotation in Brazil is higher in mixed plantations with Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden than in monocultures. Paula Ranieri Ribeiro, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Trivelin Paulo, Balieiro Fabiano de C., Nouvellon Yann, Oliveira Julianne de C., De Deus Junior José Carlos, Bordron Bruno, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2018. Annals of Forest Science, 75 (1):14, 14 p.

Supporting and regulating ecosystem services in cacao agroforestry systems. Mortimer Róisín, Saj Stéphane, David Christophe. 2018. Agroforestry Systems, 92 (6) : 1639-1657.
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Differences in nitrogen cycling and soil mineralisation between a eucalypt plantation and a mixed eucalypt and Acacia mangium plantation on a sandy tropical soil. Tchichelle Sogni Viviane, Epron Daniel, Mialoundama Fidèle, Koutika Lydie-Stella, Harmand Jean-Michel, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Mareschal Louis. 2017. Southern Forests, 79 (1) : 1-8.

Nitrogen dynamics in a nutrient-poor soil under mixed-species plantations of eucalypts and acacias. Koutika Lydie-Stella, Tchichelle Sogni Viviane, Mareschal Louis, Epron Daniel. 2017. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108 : 84-90.

Shifts in the bacterial community composition along deep soil profiles in monospecific and mixed stands of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium. de Araujo Pereira Arthur Prudêncio, Avelino Maia de Andrade Pedro, Bini Daniel, Durrer Ademir, Robin Agnès, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Dini Andreote Fernando, Bran Nogueira Cardoso Elke Jurandy. 2017. PloS One, 12 (7):e0180371, 15 p.


No isotopic evidence of a differential mineralization of old soil organic matter in sandy, nutrient poor, tropical soils under eucalypts and acacias. Epron Daniel, Tchichelle Sogni Viviane, Nouvellon Yann, Mareschal Louis, Koutika Lydie-Stella. 2016. European Journal of Soil Biology, 76 : 92-94.


Evidence of short-term belowground transfer of nitrogen from Acacia mangium to Eucalyptus grandi trees in a tropical planted forest. Ribeiro Paula Ranieri, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Trivelin P.C.O., Zeller Bernd, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Nouvellon Yann, Bouvet Jean-Marc, Plassard Claude, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2015. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 91 : 99-108.


Mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus and Acacia mangium as an alternative for bioenergy production in tropical regions. Hakamada Rodrigo, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Voigtlaender Maureen, Gava José Luis, Leite F., Mareschal Louis, Nouvellon Yann, Mazoumbou J., Koutika L., Epron Daniel, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2014. International Forestry Review, 16 (5), n.spéc. XXIV IUFRO World Congress abstracts, Résumé : p. 359. IUFRO World Congress. Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research. 24, Salt Lake City, États-Unis, 5 Octobre 2014/11 Octobre 2014.


Burkholderia species are the most common and preferred nodulating symbionts of the piptadenia group (Tribe Mimoseae). Bournaud Caroline, Miana de Faria Sergio, Ferreira dos Santos José Miguel, Tisseyre Pierre, Silva Michele, Chaintreuil Clémence, Gross Eduardo, James Euan K., Prin Yves, Moulin Lionel. 2013. PloS One, 8 (5):e63478, 13 p.


Production and carbon allocation in monocultures and mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium in Brazil. Nouvellon Yann, Laclau Jean-Paul, Epron Daniel, Le Maire Guerric, Bonnefond Jean-Marc, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2012. Tree Physiology, 32 (6) : 680-695.

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