
Résultats pour : "changement de couvert végétal"

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Nombre de documents : 23.


Using participatory mapping for a shared understanding of deforestation dynamics in Murehwa district, Zimbabwe. Tonderai Mataruse Prosper, Nyikahadzoi Kefasi, Fallot Abigail, Perrotton Arthur. 2024. Cahiers Agricultures, 33:15, 12 p.


BFASTm-L2, an unsupervised LULCC detection based on seasonal change detection - An application to large-scale land acquisitions in Senegal. Ngadi Scarpetta Yasmine, Lebourgeois Valentine, Laques Anne-Elisabeth, Dieye Mohamadou, Bourgoin Jeremy, Bégué Agnès. 2023. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 121:103379, 14 p.


Commodity crops in biodiversity-rich production landscapes: Friends or foes? The example of cotton in the Mid Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe. Baudron Frédéric, Guerrini Laure, Chimimba Edmore, Chimusimbe Edwin, Giller Ken E.. 2022. Biological Conservation, 267:109496, 13 p.

A global overview of studies about management, land-use change and climate change effects on soil organic carbon. Beillouin Damien, Cardinael Rémi, Berre David, Boyer Annie, Corbeels Marc, Fallot Abigail, Feder Frédéric, Demenois Julien. 2022. Global Change Biology, 28 (4) : 1690-1702.
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Long-term (1990-2019) monitoring of forest cover changes in the humid tropics. Vancutsem Christelle, Achard Frédéric, Pekel J.F., Vieilledent Ghislain, Carboni S., Simonetti Dario, Gallego Javier, Aragao Luiz E.O.C., Nasi Robert. 2021. Science Advances, 7 (10):eabe1603, 21 p.

Looking beyond forest cover: an analysis of landscape-scale predictors of forest degradation in the Brazilian Amazon. Bourgoin Clément, Betbeder Julie, Le Roux Renan, Gond Valéry, Oszwald Johan, Arvor Damien, Baudry Jacques, Boussard Hugues, Le Clech Solen, Mazzei Lucas, Dessard Hélène, Läderach Peter, Reymondin Louis, Blanc Lilian. 2021. Environmental Research Letters, 16 (11):114045, 15 p.

Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots., et al., Baisie Michel (collab.), Bénédet Fabrice (collab.), Naisso Petrus (collab.), Sist Plinio (collab.), Droissart Vincent (collab.), Rejou-Mechain Maxime (collab.), Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie (collab.), Derroire Géraldine (collab.), Herault Bruno (collab.), Blanc Lilian (). 2021. Biological Conservation:108849, 27 p.


50 years of woody vegetation changes in the Ferlo (Senegal) assessed by high-resolution imagery and field surveys. Dendoncker Morgane, Brandt Martin, Rasmussen Kjeld, Taugourdeau Simon, Fensholt Rasmus, Tucker Compton J., Vincke Caroline. 2020. Regional Environmental Change, 20 (4):137, 13 p.

Do forest-management plans and FSC certification help avoid deforestation in the Congo Basin? Tritsch Isabelle, Le Velly Gwenolé, Mertens Benoît, Meyfroidt Patrick, Sannier Christophe, Makak Jean-Sylvestre, Houngbedji Kenneth. 2020. Ecological Economics, 175:106660, 13 p.

Land use and land cover dynamics analysis of the Togodo protected area and its surrounding in Southeastern Togo, West Africa. Akodewou Amah, Oszwald Johan, Saïdi Slim, Gazull Laurent, Akpavi Sêmihinva, Akpagana Koffi, Gond Valéry. 2020. Sustainability, 12 (13):5439, 20 p.

Small reservoirs, landscape changes and water quality in sub-saharan West Africa. Cecchi Philippe, Forkuor Gerald, Cofie Olufunke, Lalanne Franck, Poussin Jean Christophe, Jamin Jean-Yves. 2020. Water, 12 (7):1967, 25 p.


Trajectoires paysagères et biodiversité : effets de l'anthropisation sur les plantes envahissantes à l'échelle de l'Aire Protégée Togodo et sa périphérie dans le sud-est du Togo. Akodewou Amah. 2019. Montpellier : AgroParisTech, 301 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de l'environnement : AgroParisTech



Analysing plausible futures from past patterns of land change in West Burkina Faso. Jahel Camille, Vall Eric, Rodriguez Zermeño, Bégué Agnès, Baron Christian, Augusseau Xavier, Lo Seen Danny. 2018. Land Use Policy, 71 : 60-74.


Driving forces of recent vegetation changes in the Sahel: Lessons learned from regional and local level analyses. Leroux Louise, Bégué Agnès, Lo Seen Chong Danny, Jolivot Audrey, Kayitakire François. 2017. Remote Sensing of Environment, 191 : 38-54.


Monitoring of agricultural landscapes using remote sensing data. Corgne Samuel, Hubert-Moy Laurence, Betbeder Julie. 2016. In : Land surface remote sensing in agriculture and forest. Baghdadi Nicolas (ed.), Zribi Mehrez (ed.). Londres : ISTE, 221-247. (Remote Sensing Observations of Continental Surfaces Set) ISBN 978-1-78548-103-1
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Des écosystèmes sous l'effet des changements climatiques. Doumenge Charles. 2015. In : L'homme et les forêts tropicales, une relation durable ?. Singer, Benjamin (Coord.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 42-45. (Enjeux sciences : Ed. Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-2337-4

Fine root dynamics within land-use change from tropical forests to agriculture: A systematic review protocol. Persch Sebastian, Clendenning Jessica, Dawson Lorna, Jourdan Christophe. 2015. Bogor : CIFOR, 26 p. (Working paper / CIFOR, 200)

Géographie et distribution. Doumenge Charles. 2015. In : Mémento du forestier tropical. Mille Gilles (ed.), Louppe Dominique (ed.). Versailles : Ed. Quae, 29-35. ISBN 978-2-7592-2340-4

Rapid tree carbon stock recovery in managed Amazonian forests. Rutishauser Ervan, Hérault Bruno, Baraloto Christopher, Blanc Lilian, Descroix Laurent, Doff Sotta Eleneide, Ferreira Joice Nunes, Kanashiro Milton, Mazzei Lucas, Oliveira Marcus V.N., De Oliveira Luis, Peña-Claros Marielos, Putz Francis E., Ruschel Ademir R., Rodney Ken, Roopsind Anand, Shenkin Alexander, Da Silva Katia Emidio, de Souza Cintia, Toledo Marisol, Vidal Edson, West Thales A.P., Wortel Verginia, Sist Plinio. 2015. Current Biology, 25 (18) : 787-792.


Conflict, migration and land-cover changes in Indochina: A hydrological assessment. Lacombe Guillaume, Pierret Alain, Hoanh Chu Thai, Sengtaheuanghoung Oloth, Noble A.D.. 2010. Ecohydrology, 3 (4) : 382-391.

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