Résultats pour : "dépistage"
Nombre de documents : 3.
Identification of Fusarium wilt resistance loci in two major genetic backgrounds for oil palm breeding.
Daval Aurélie, Pomiès Virginie, Dossa Jacques, Riou Virginie, Lopez David, Poncet Charles, Cochard Benoît, Jacob Florence, Billotte Norbert, Tisne Sébastien.
Industrial Crops and Products,
187 (Part A):115291, 13 p.
Practical guidelines for early screening and field evaluation of banana against Fusarium wilt, Pseudocercospora leaf spots and drought.
Dita Miguel A., Teixeira Luiz, Li Chunyu, Zheng Sijun, O'Neill Wayne, Daniels Jeff, Perez-Vicente Luis, Carreel Françoise, Roussel Véronique, Carlier Jean, Abadie Catherine, Carpentier Sébastien Christian, Iyyakutty Ravi, Kissel Ewaut, Van Wesemael Jelle, Chase Rachel, Tomekpé Kodjo, Roux Nicolas.
Montpellier : Biodiversity International, 83 p. ISBN 978-92-9255-192-6
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