
Résultats pour : "dommage d'inondation"

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Nombre de documents : 3.


Increased frequency of extreme rainfall events threatens an emblematic cultural coastal agroecosystem in Southeastern Thailand. Dumrongrojwatthana Pongchai, Lacombe Guillaume, Trébuil Guy. 2022. Regional Environmental Change, 22:36, 15 p.


Are interactions important in estimating flood damage to economic entities? The case of wine-making in France. Nortes Martinez David, Grelot Frédéric, Brémond Pauline, Farolfi Stefano, Rouchier Juliette. 2021. Natural Hazards and Earth Systems Sciences, 21 : 3057-3084.


Diagnostic rizicole des bas-fonds face aux risques climatiques. Les effets des aléas d'inondation (Lofing-Bankandi, Dano, Burkina Faso). Serpantié Georges, Dorée Augustine, Douanio Manaka, Somé Fabrice, Hien Séverin, Bossa Aymar Yaovi, Fusillier Jean-Louis, Lidon Bruno, Sawadogo Abdraime, Dabiré Nab. 2020. In : Risques climatiques et agriculture en Afrique de l’Ouest. Sultan Benjamin (ed.), Bossa Aymar Yaovi (ed.), Salack Seyni (ed.), Sanon Moussa (ed.). Marseille : IRD Ed., 85-97. (Collection Synthèses) ISBN 978-2-7099-2820-5

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