
Résultats pour : "extraction au fluide supercritique"

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Aller à 2017 | 2016 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2007 | 2004 | 1991

Nombre de documents : 8.


DEMETERRES project: Development of innovative technologies for removing radionuclides from contaminated solid and liquid matrices. Chagvardieff Pierre, Barré Yves, Blin Virginie, Faure Sylvain, Fornier Anne, Grange Didier, Grandjean Agnès, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Henner Pascale, Siroux Brice, Leybros Antoine, Messalie Marc, Paillard Hervé, Prévost Thierry, Rennesson Malvina, Sarrobert Catherine, Vavasseur Alain, Very Anne-Aliénor. 2017. In : 13th International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS-13) & 19th Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division of the American Nuclear Society (RPSD-2016). Fausto Malvagi (ed.), Fadhel Malouch (ed.), Cheikh M’Backe Diop (ed.). Les Ulis : EDP Sciences-Curran Associates, 590-598. (EPJ Web of Conferences, 153) ISBN 978-1-5108-4812-2 International Conference on Radiation Shielding (ICRS 13). 13, Paris, France, 3 Octobre 2016/6 Octobre 2016.


SC-CO2 Extraction of guayule biomass (Parthenium argentatum) – yield and selectivity towards valuable co-products, lipids and terpenics. Punvichai Teerasak, Amor Ali, Tardan Eric, Palu Serge, Pioch Daniel. 2016. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 6 (6) : 1777-1787.


Evaluation and modelling of continuous flow sub-critical water hydrolysis of biomass derived components; lipids and carbohydrates. Baig Muhammad N., Santos R.C.D., King J., Pioch Daniel, Bowra S.. 2013. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 91 (12) : 2663-2670.


Extraction de composants de biomasse lignocellulosique et oléagineuse en milieu eau et CO2 supercritique et fonctionnalisation enzymatique. Baig Muhammad N.. 2012. Montpellier : UM2, 241 p. Thèse de doctorat : Génie des procédés : Université Montpellier 2


Evaluation and modelling the utility of SCCO2 to support efficient lipase mediated esterification. Baig Muhammad N., Santos R.C.D., Zetzl C., King J., Pioch Daniel, Bowra S.. 2011. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 49 (4) : 420-426.


Effect of working conditions on vegetable oil transformation in an enzymatic reactor combining membrane and supercritical CO2. Pomier E., Delebecque N., Paolucci-Jeanjean Delphine, Pina Michel, Sarrade S., Rios Gilbert Marcel. 2007. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 41 (3) : 380-385.


Valorization of brazilian vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash ex Small) oil. Martinez Julien, Rosa Paulo T.V., Menut Chantal, Leydet Alain, Brat Pierre, Pallet Dominique, Meireles M. Angela A.. 2004. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52 (21) : 6578-6584.


Evaluation analytique de l'arôme cacao. Guyot Bernard. 1991. In : Deuxième congrès international du cacao et du chocolat = Second international congress on cocoa and chocolate. ILV. Hambourg : Behr's Seminars, 14 p. Congrès International du Cacao et du Chocolat. 2, Munich, Allemagne, 13 Mai 1991/15 Mai 1991.

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