
Résultats pour : "forêt mélangée"

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Nombre de documents : 35.


Tree diversity increases carbon stocks and fluxes above-but not belowground in a tropical forest experiment. Schnabel Florian, Guillemot Joannès, Barry Kathryn E., Brunn Mélanie, Cesarz Simone, Eisenhauer Nico, Gebauer Tobias, Guerrero-Ramírez Nathaly R., Handa Tanya, Madsen Chris, Mancilla Lady, Monteza Jose, Moore Tim, Oelmann Yvonne, Scherer-Lorenzen Michael, Schwendenmann Luitgard, Wagner Audrey, Wirth Christian, Potvin Catherine. 2025. Global Change Biology, 31 (2):e70089, 16 p.


Changes in light use efficiency explains why diversity effect on biomass production is lower at high planting density in mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium. Oliveira I.R., Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Guillemot Joannès, Brandani C.B., Bordron Bruno, Frayret C.B., Laclau Jean-Paul, Ferraz A.V., Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Le Maire Guerric. 2024. Forest Ecology and Management, 554:121663, 12 p.

Enhancing tree performance through species mixing: Review of a quarter-century of TreeDivNet experiments reveals research gaps and practical insights. Depauw Leen, De Lombaerde Emiel, Dhiedt Els, Blondeel Haben, Abdala-Roberts Luis, Auge Harald, Barsoum Nadia, Bauhus Jürgen, Chu Chengjin, Damtew Abebe, Eisenhauer Nico, Fagundes Marina V., Ganade Gislene, Gendreau-Berthiaume Benoit, Godbold Douglas L., Gravel Dominique, Guillemot Joannès, Hajek Peter, Hector Andrew, Herault Bruno, Jactel Hervé, Koricheva Julia, Kreft Holger, Liu Xiaojuan, Mereu Simone, Messier Christian, Muys Bart, Nock Charles A., Paquette Alain, Parker John D., Parker William C., Paterno Gustavo B., Perring Michael P., Ponette Quentin, Potvin Catherine, Reich Peter B., Rewald Boris, Scherer-Lorenzen Michael, Schnabel Florian, Sousa-Silva Rita, Weih Martin, Zemp Delphine Clara, Verheyen Kris, Baeten Lander. 2024. Current Forestry Reports, 10 : 1-20.


Influence of tree residue retention in Mediterranean forest on soil microbial communities responses to frequent warming and drying events. Brunel Caroline, Farnet Da Silva Anne Marie, Lerch Thomas Z., Gros Raphael. 2023. European Journal of Soil Biology, 118:103541, 10 p.


For the sake of resilience and multifunctionality, let's diversify planted forests! Messier Christian, Bauhus Jürgen, Sousa-Silva Rita, Auge Harald, Baeten Lander, Barsoum Nadia, Bruelheide Helge, Caldwell Benjamin, Cavender-Bares Jeannine, Dhiedt Els, Eisenhauer Nico, Ganade Gislene, Gravel Dominique, Guillemot Joannès, Hector Andrew, Herault Bruno, Jactel Hervé, Koricheva Julia, Kreft Holger, Mereu Simone, Muys Bart, Nock Charles A., Paquette Alain, Parker John D., Perring Michael P., Ponette Quentin, Potvin Catherine, Reich Peter B., Scherer-Lorenzen Michael, Schnabel Florian, Verheyen Kris, Weih Martin, Wollni Meike, Zemp Delphine Clara. 2022. Conservation Letters, 15 (1):e12829, 8 p.




Did belowground N transfer in mixed plantations of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus meet the Stress Gradient Hypothesis? De Oliveira Ivanka Rosada, Ribeiro Paula Ranieri, Bordron Bruno, Vicente Ferraz Alexandre, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Amaral Guerrini I., Robin Agnès, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39, n.spéc., Résumé : 280. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, Curitiba, Brésil, 29 Septembre 2019/5 Octobre 2019.

Is there a niche complementarity for nitrate uptake among savannah shrub and tree species in a very deep Brazilian soil? Pinheiro Rafael, Laclau Jean-Paul, Guerrini Iraê Amaral, Alo Livia, Bouillet Jean-Pierre. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39, n.spéc., Résumé : 644. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, Curitiba, Brésil, 29 Septembre 2019/5 Octobre 2019.

Mixed settlements of eucalyptus and acacia in transition area between Brazilian Savana (Cerrado) and Amazon Forest biomes. Camargo Diego, Behling Maurel, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Rosada De Oliveira Ivanka, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Campos Pereira Murilo. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39, n.spéc., Résumé : 299. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, Curitiba, Brésil, 29 Septembre 2019/5 Octobre 2019.


Nitrogen fixation rate of Acacia mangium Wild at mid rotation in Brazil is higher in mixed plantations with Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden than in monocultures. Paula Ranieri Ribeiro, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Gonçalves José Leonardo M., Trivelin Paulo, Balieiro Fabiano de C., Nouvellon Yann, Oliveira Julianne de C., De Deus Junior José Carlos, Bordron Bruno, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2018. Annals of Forest Science, 75 (1):14, 14 p.

Tree root dynamics in montane and sub-alpine mixed forest patches. Wang Yan, Kim John H., Mao Zhun, Ramel Merlin, Pailler François, Perez Jean-Marc, Rey Hervé, Tron S., Jourdan Christophe, Stokes Alexia. 2018. Annals of Botany, 122 (5), n.spéc. Developmental Plant Cell Biology : 861-872.
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Additive or non-additive effect of mixing oak in pine stands on soil properties depends on the tree species in Mediterranean forests. Brunel Caroline, Gros Raphael, Ziarelli Fabio, Farnet Da Silva Anne Marie. 2017. Science of the Total Environment, 590 : 676-685.


The determinants of tropical forest deciduousness: disentangling the effects of rainfall and geology in central Africa. Ouédraogo Dakis-Yaoba, Fayolle Adeline, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Mortier Frédéric, Freycon Vincent, Fauvet Nicolas, Rabaud Suzanne, Cornu Guillaume, Bénédet Fabrice, Gillet François, Oslisly Richard, Doucet Jean-Louis, Lejeune Philippe, Favier Charly. 2016. Journal of Ecology, 104 (4) : 924-935.
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Evidence of short-term belowground transfer of nitrogen from Acacia mangium to Eucalyptus grandi trees in a tropical planted forest. Ribeiro Paula Ranieri, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Trivelin P.C.O., Zeller Bernd, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Nouvellon Yann, Bouvet Jean-Marc, Plassard Claude, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2015. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 91 : 99-108.


Global comparison of light use efficiency models for simulating terrestrial vegetation gross primary production based on the LaThuile database. Yuan Wenping, Cai Wenwen, Xia Jiangzhou, Chen Jiquan, Liu Shuguang, Dong Wenjie, Merbold Lutz, Law Beverly, Arain M.H., Beringer Jason, Bernhofer Christian, Black Andy, Blanken Peter D., Cescatti Alessandro, Chen Yang, François Louis, Gianelle Damiano, Janssens Ivan A., Jung Martin, Kato Tomomichi, Kiely Gérard, Liu Dan, Marcolla Barbara, Montagnani Leonardo, Raschi Antonio, Roupsard Olivier, Varlagin Andrej, Wohlfahrt Georg. 2014. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 192-193 : 108-120.

Landscape diversity slows the spread of an invasive forest pest species. Rigot Thibaud, Van Halder Inge, Jactel Hervé. 2014. Ecography, 37 (7) : 648-658.

Monodominance at the rainforest edge: case study of Codia mackeeana (Cunoniaceae) in New Caledonia. Ibanez Thomas, Birnbaum Philippe. 2014. Australian Journal of Botany, 62 (4) : 312-321.

Using a stand-level model to predict light absorption in stands with vertically and horizontally heterogeneous canopies. Forrester David I., Guisasola Rubén, Tang Xiaoyang, Albrecht Alex T., Lam Dong Tran, Le Maire Guerric. 2014. Forest Ecosystems, 1 (17), 19 p.

A new insight in the structure, composition and functioning of central African moist forests. Fayolle Adeline, Picard Nicolas, Doucet Jean-Louis, Swaine Michael, Bayol Nicolas, Bénédet Fabrice, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie. 2014. Forest Ecology and Management, 329 : 195-205.


Fine-root turnover rates of European forests revisited: an analysis of data from sequential coring and ingrowth cores. Brunner I., Bakker Mark, Björk Robert G., Hirano Y., Lukac M., Aranda X., Borja I., Eldhuset T.D., Helmisaari H.S., Jourdan Christophe, Konôpka B., Lopez B.C., Miguel Pérez C., Persson H., Ostonen I.. 2013. Plant and Soil, 362 (1-2) : 357-372.

Modelling root demography in heterogeneous mountain forests and applications for slope stability analysis. Mao Zhun, Jourdan Christophe, Bonis Marie-Laure, Pailler François, Rey Hervé, Saint André Laurent, Stokes Alexia. 2013. Plant and Soil, 363 (1-2) : 357-382.

Spatial pattern of trees influences species productivity in a mature oak-pine mixed forest. Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Perot Thomas, De Coligny François, Goreaud François. 2013. European Journal of Forest Research, 132 (5-6) : 841-850.


Engineering ecological protection against landslides in diverse mountain forests : Choosing cohesion models. Mao Zhun, Saint André Laurent, Genet Marie, Mine François-Xavier, Jourdan Christophe, Rey Hervé, Courbaud Benoît, Stokes Alexia. 2012. Ecological Engineering, 45 : 55-69.

Modeling of light transmission under heterogeneous forest canopy : An appraisal of the effect of the precision level of crown description. Da Silva David, Balandier Philippe, Boudon Frédéric, Marquier André, Godin Christophe. 2012. Annals of Forest Science, 69 (2) : 181-193.


Point process models for mixed sessile forest stands. Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Molino Jean-François, Goreaud François. 2011. Annals of Forest Science, 68 (2) : 267-274.


Permanent sample plots for natural tropical forests: A rationale with special emphasis on Central Africa. Picard Nicolas, Magnussen Steen, Ngok Banak Ludovic, Namkosserena Salomon, Yalibanda Yves. 2010. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 164 (1-4) : 279-295.


Dynamics of fine root distribution after establishment of monospecific and mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus grandis and Acacia mangium. Da Silva Eduardo Vinicius, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, De Freitas Coelho Selma Regina, Moreira e Moreira Rildo, De Miranda Mello Sergio Luis, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Jourdan Christophe, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2009. Plant and Soil, 325 (1-2) : 305-318.


First typology of oak and Scots pine mixed stands in Orléans Forest (France), based on the canopy spatial structure. Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Ginisty Christian, Goreaud François, Perot Thomas. 2006. New Zealand journal of forestry science, 36 (2-3) : 325-346.


Couplage de modèles de flux de gènes et de modèles de dynamique forestière. Dreyfus Philippe, Pichot Christian, De Coligny François, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Cornu Guillaume, Jésel Sébastien, Dessard Hélène, Oddou-Muratorio Sylvie, Gerber Sophie, Caron Patrick, Latouche-Hallé Céline, Lefèvre François, Courbet François, Seynave Ingrid. 2005. In : Un dialogue pour la diversité génétique : 5e Colloque National BRG - ISARA, Lyon, 3-4-5 novembre 2004 = A dialog for the genetic diversity. BRG. Paris : BRG, 231-250. (Les Actes du BRG, 5) ISBN 2-908447-33-9 Colloque national BRG Dialogue pour la diversité génétique. 5, Lyon, France, 3 Novembre 2004/5 Novembre 2004.


Simulating realistic spatial structure for forest stands: a mimetic point process. Goreaud François, Loussier B., Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Allain Régis. 2004. In : Interdisciplinary Spatial Statistics Workshop 2004, 2-3 December 2004, Paris, France. s.l. : s.n., 1-22.

A generic crown development model multi-species forest stand modelling. Vincent Grégoire, Harja Degi, Jasnari. 2004. In : Proceedings of the 4th International workshop on functional-structural plant models (FSPM), abstracts of papers and posters, 7-11 June 2004, Montpellier, France. Godin Christophe (ed.), Hanan Jim (ed.), Kurth Winfried (ed.), Lacointe André (ed.), Takenaka Akio (ed.), Prusinkiewicz Przemyslaw (ed.), Dejong Thedore M. (ed.), Beveridge Christine (ed.). CIRAD-AMIS-UMR AMAP. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMAP, 279. International Workshop on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM). 4, Montpellier, France, 7 Juin 2004/11 Juin 2004.


Using process-dependent groups of species to model the dynamics of a tropical rainforest. Picard Nicolas, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, Sist Plinio. 2003. In : Modelling forest systems. Amaro Ana (ed.), Reed David (ed.), Soares Paula (ed.). IUFRO, ISG, ISA. Wallingford : CABI Publishing, 237-248. ISBN 0-85199-693-0 Workshop on Reality, Models and Parameter Estimation, the Forestry Scenario, Sesimbra, Portugal, 2 Juin 2002/5 Juin 2002.



Productivité des formations forestières sous climat soudano-guineen. Louppe Dominique. 1993. Korhogo : CIRAD-Forêt, 23 p.

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