
Résultats pour : "imagerie multispectrale"

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Nombre de documents : 27.


Monitoring the early growth of forest plantations with Sentinel-2 satellite time-series. Goral Mathieu, Le Maire Guerric, Ferraço Scolforo Henrique, Stape Jose Luiz, Miranda Evandro Nunes, Silva Ferreira Thais Cristina, Barbosa Ferreira Vitoria, Feret Jean Baptiste, De Boissieu Florian. 2025. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28 p.


Canopy height mapping in French Guiana using multi-source satellite data and environmental information in a U-Net architecture. Lahssini Kamel, Baghdadi Nicolas, Le Maire Guerric, Fayad Ibrahim, Villard Ludovic. 2024. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 5:1484900, 21 p.

High-resolution multispectral and RGB dataset from UAV surveys of ten cocoa agroforestry typologies in Côte d'Ivoire. Lammoglia Sabine Karen Djidemi, Akpa Lucette, Danumah Jean Homian, Assoua Brou Yves Laurent, N'Dja Kassi Justin. 2024. Data in Brief, 55:110664, 7 p.

Mapping stem volume in fast-growing eucalypt plantations: Integrating spectral, textural, and temporal remote sensing information with forest inventories and spatial models. Lanzi Alo Livia, Le Maire Guerric, Thiersch Cláudio Roberto, Santos Mota Thiago, Costa Pinheiro Rafael, de Souza Passos José Raimundo. 2024. Annals of Forest Science, 81:43, 16 p.

Radiometric landscape: a new conceptual framework and operational approach for landscape characterisation and mapping. Lemettais Louise, Alleaume Samuel, Luque Sandra, Laques Anne-Elisabeth, Alim Yonas, Demagistri Laurent, Bégué Agnès. 2024. Geo-spatial Information Science, 23 p.

Unmanned aerial vehicle imagery prediction of sorghum leaf area index under water stress, seeding density, and nitrogen fertilization conditions in the Sahel. Dembele Joseph Sekou B, Gano Baboucar, Mbaye Modou, Doumbia Mohamed, Dembele Léonce Lamine, Kouressy Mamoutou, Témé Niaba, Vaksmann Michel, Diouf Diaga, Audebert Alain. 2024. Agronomy Journal, 116 (3) : 1003-1014.


Characterization of rice yield based on biomass and SPAD-based leaf nitrogen for large genotype plots. Duque Andres F., Patino Diego, Colorado Julian D., Petro Eliel, Rebolledo Maria Camila, Mondragon Ivan F., Espinosa Natalia, Amezquita Nelson, Puentes Oscar D., Mendez Diego, Jaramillo-Botero Andres. 2023. Sensors, 23 (13), n.spéc. Sensors and Artificial Intelligence in Smart Agriculture:5917, 21 p.

Forest landscape restoration: Spectral behavior and diversity of tropical tree cover classes. Eiti Haneda Leo, Brancalion Pedro H.S., Molin Paulo G., Pinheiro Ferreira Matheus, Silva Carlos Alberto, Torres de Almeida Catherine, Faria Resende Angelica, Brossi Santoro Giulio, Rosa Marcos R., Guillemot Joannès, Le Maire Guerric, Feret Jean Baptiste, Alves de Almeida Danilo Roberti. 2023. Remote Sensing Applications. Society and Environment, 29:100882, 15 p.

A novel approach to combine spatial and spectral information from hyperspectral images. Gaci Belal, Abdelghafour Florent, Ryckewaert Maxime, Mas-Garcia Silvia, Louargant Marine, Verpont Florence, Lahoum Yohana, Bendoula Ryad, Chaix Gilles, Roger Jean-Michel. 2023. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 240:104897, 12 p.


Implications of landscape configuration on understory forage productivity: A remote sensing assessment of native forests openings. Trinco Fabio Daniel, Rusch Verónica Elena, Howison Ruth Alison, Garibaldi Lucas Alejandro, Tittonell Pablo. 2021. Agroforestry Systems, 95 (8) : 1675-1688.

Use of very high spatial resolution imagery for mapping wood energy potential from tropical managed forest stands, Reunion island. Bley-Dalouman Hélène, Broust François, Tran Annelise. 2021. In : XXIV ISPRS Congress "Imaging today, foreseeing tomorrow". Paparoditis N. (ed.), Mallet C. (ed.), Lafarge F. (ed.), Yang M.Y. (ed.), Yang M.Y. (ed.), Jiang J. (ed.), Shaker A. (ed.), et Al.. Hanovre : ISPRS, 189-194. (ISPRS Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2021) ISPRS Congress 2021 Commission III. 24, s.l., 5 Juillet 2021/9 Juillet 2021.

Using UAV borne, multi-spectral imaging for the field phenotyping of shoot biomass, leaf area index and height of west african sorghum varieties under two contrasted water conditions. Gano Baboucar, Dembele Joseph Sekou B, Ndour Adama, Luquet Delphine, Beurier Grégory, Diouf Diaga, Audebert Alain. 2021. Agronomy (Basel), 11 (5):850, 20 p.


Assessing Worldview-3 multispectral imaging abilities to map the tree diversity in semi-arid parklands. Lelong Camille, Kalenga Tshingomba Urcel, Soti Valérie. 2020. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 93:102211, 10 p.

A novel NIR-image segmentation method for the precise estimation of above-ground biomass in rice crops. Colorado Julian D., Calderon Francisco, Mendez Diego, Petro Eliel, Rojas Juan P., Correa Edgar S., Mondragon Ivan F., Rebolledo Maria Camila, Jaramillo-Botero Andres. 2020. PloS One, 15 (10):e0239591, 20 p.


High-throughput biomass estimation in rice crops using UAV multispectral imagery. Devia Carlos A., Rojas bustos Juan Pablo, Petro Eliel, Martinez Carol, Mondragon Ivan F., Patino Diego, Rebolledo Cid Maria Camila, Colorado Julian D.. 2019. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 96 (3-4) : 573-589.
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A CNN-based fusion method for feature extraction from sentinel data. Scarpa Giuseppe, Gargiulo Massimiliano, Mazza Antonio, Gaetano Raffaele. 2018. Remote Sensing, 10 (2):236, 20 p.

A two-branch CNN architecture for land cover classification of PAN and MS imagery. Gaetano Raffaele, Ienco Dino, Osé Kenji, Cresson Rémi. 2018. Remote Sensing, 10 (11):1746, 20 p.


Driving forces of recent vegetation changes in the Sahel: Lessons learned from regional and local level analyses. Leroux Louise, Bégué Agnès, Lo Seen Chong Danny, Jolivot Audrey, Kayitakire François. 2017. Remote Sensing of Environment, 191 : 38-54.



Analysis of the diurnal cycles for a better understanding of the mean annual cycle of forests greenness in Central Africa. Philippon Nathalie, De Lapparent B., Gond Valéry, Sèze Geneviève, Martiny Nadège, Camberlin Pierre, Cornu Guillaume, Morel B., Bigot S., Brou T., Dubreuil Vincent. 2016. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 223 : 81-94.

Estimation and uncertainty assessment of surface microclimate indicators at local scale using airborne infrared thermography and multispectral imagery. Kotchi Serge-Olivier, Barrette Nathalie, Viau Alain A., Jang Jae-Dong, Gond Valéry, Mostafavi Mir Abolfazl. 2016. In : Geospatial Technology - Environmental and Social Applications. Imperatore Pascuale (ed.), Pepe Antonio (ed.). Rijeka : Intech Publisher, 99-141. ISBN 978-953-51-4768-8

Field phenotyping of water stress at tree scale by UAV-sensed imagery: New insights for thermal acquisition and calibration. Gomez-Candon David, Virlet Nicolas, Labbé Sylvain, Jolivot Audrey, Regnard Jean-Luc. 2016. Precision Agriculture, 17 (6) : 786-800.
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Mapping Dicorynia guianensis Amsh. wood constituents by submicron resolution cluster-TOF-SIMS imaging. Vanbellingen Quentin, Fu Tingting, Bich Claudia, Amusant Nadine, Stien Didier, Della Negra Serge, Touboul David, Brunelle Alain. 2016. Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 51 (6) : 412-423.

Weak environmental controls of tropical forest canopy height in the Guiana shield. Goulamoussene Youven, Bedeau Caroline, Descroix Laurent, Deblauwe Vincent, Linguet Laurent, Hérault Bruno. 2016. Remote Sensing, 8 (9):747, 16 p.


Prédire la structure des forêts tropicales humides calédoniennes : analyse texturale de la canopée sur des images Pléiades. Blanchard Elodie, Birnbaum Philippe, Proisy Christophe, Ibanez Thomas, Vandrot Hervé, Chambrey Céline, Hequet Vanessa, Couteron Pierre. 2015. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection (209) : 141-147.


Mapping short-rotation plantations at regional scale using MODIS time series: case of eucalypt plantations in Brazil. Le Maire Guerric, Dupuy Stéphane, Nouvellon Yann, Loos Rodolfo Araujo, Hakamada Rodrigo. 2014. Remote Sensing of Environment, 152 : 136-149.


Proposition d'une stratégie de segmentation d'images hyperspectrales. Gorretta Nathalie, Roger Jean-Michel, Fiorio Christophe, Bellon-Maurel Véronique, Rabatel Gilles, Lelong Camille. 2009. Traitement du Signal, 26 (2) : 161-174.

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