
Résultats pour : "intelligence artificielle"

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Aller à 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2002 | 2001 | 1999 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992

Nombre de documents : 32.


Evaluating the feasibility of automating dataset retrieval for biodiversity monitoring. Fuster-Calvo Alexandre, Valentin Sarah, Tamayo William C., Gravel Dominique. 2025. PeerJ, 13:e18853, 22 p.

Les légumineuses à graines dans les exploitations agricoles au centre et au sud du Bénin. Faihun Abossede Murielle, Ranaivoson Lalaina Bakotiana, Kouevi Tèko Augustin, Maboudou-Alidou Guirguissou, Coulibaly Aboubakar, Tossa Marin Laured. 2025. Innovations Agronomiques, 99 : 119-132.

Reuse out-of-year data to enhance land cover mapping via feature disentanglement and contrastive learning. Dantas Cássio F., Gaetano Raffaele, Paris Claudia, Ienco Dino. 2025. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 18 : 1681-1694.

Testing the equivalency of human “predators” and deep neural networks in the detection of cryptic moths. Arias Monica, Behrendt Lis, Dreßler Lyn, Raka Adelina, Perrier Charles, Elias Marianne, Gomez Doris, Renoult Julien P., Tedore Cynthia. 2025. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 38 (2):voae146 : 214-224.
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Combining satellite and field data reveals Congo's forest types structure, functioning and composition. Picard Juliette, Nungi-Pambu Maïalicah, Barbier Nicolas, Cornu Guillaume, Couteron Pierre, Forni Eric, Gibbon Gwili, Lim Felix, Ploton Pierre, Pouteau Robin, Tresson Paul, Van Loon Tom, Viennois Gaëlle, Rejou-Mechain Maxime. 2024. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 21 p.

Epidemic intelligence in Europe: A user needs perspective to foster innovation in digital health surveillance. Bouyer Fanny, Thiongane Oumy, Hobeika Alexandre, Arsevska Elena, Binot Aurélie, Corrèges Déborah, Dub Timothée, Mäkelä Henna, Van Kleef Esther, Jori Ferran, Lancelot Renaud, Mercier Alizé, Fagandini Ruiz Francesca, Valentin Sarah, Van Bortel Wim, Ruault Claire. 2024. BMC Public Health, 24:973, 20 p.

A new adaptive identification strategy of best crop management with farmers. Gautron Romain, Baudry Dorian, Adam Myriam, Falconnier Gatien, Hoogenboom Gerrit, King Brian, Corbeels Marc. 2024. Field Crops Research, 307:109249, 12 p.


Envisaging a global infrastructure to exploit the potential of digitised collections. Groom Quentin, Dillen Mahtias, Addink Wouter, Ariño Arturo H., Bölling Christian, Bonnet Pierre, Cecchi Lorenzo, Ellwood Elizabeth R., Figueira Rui, Gagnier Pierre-Yves, Grace Olwen, Güntsch Anton, Hardy Helen, Huybrechts Pieter, Hyam Roger, Joly Alexis, Kommineni Vamsi Krishna, Larridon Isabel, Livermore Laurence, Lopes Ricardo Jorge, Meeus Sofie, Miller Jeremy, Milleville Kenzo, Panda Renato, Pignal Marc, Poelen Jorrit, Ristevski Blagoj, Robertson Tim, Rufino Ana C., Santos Joaquim, Schermer Maarten, Scott Ben, Seltmann Katja Chantre, Teixeira Heliana, Trekels Maarten, Gaikwad Jitendra. 2023. Biodiversity Data Journal, 11:e109439, 29 p.

Estimating compositions and nutritional values of seed mixes based on vision transformers. Mehreen Shamprikta, Goeau Hervé, Bonnet Pierre, Chau Sophie, Champ Julien, Joly Alexis. 2023. Plant Phenomics, 5:ID0112, 11 p.

restoptr: An R package for ecological restoration planning. Justeau-Allaire Dimitri, Hanson Jeffrey O., Lannuzel Guillaume, Vismara Philippe, Lorca Xavier, Birnbaum Philippe. 2023. Restoration Ecology, 31 (5):e13910, 8 p.


How networks of citizen observatories can increase the quality and quantity of citizen-science-generated data used to monitor sdg indicators. Woods Sasha Marie, Daskolia Maria, Joly Alexis, Bonnet Pierre, Soacha Godoy Karen, Liñan Sonia, Woods Tim, Piera Jaume, Ceccaroni Luigi. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (7), n.spéc. Citizen Science Projects for Environmental Challenges and Sustainable Development Goals:4078, 17 p.


Participatory detection of language barriers towards multilingual sustainability(ies) in Africa. Litre Gabriela, Hirsch Fabrice, Caron Patrick, Andrason Alexander, Bonnardel Nathalie, Fointiat Valerie, Nekoto Wilhelmina Onyothi, Abbott Jade, Dobre Cristiana, Dalboni Juliana, Steuckardt Agnès, Luxardo Giancarto, Bohbot Hervé. 2022. Sustainability, 14 (13), n.spéc. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Multilingual Sustainability:8133, 15 p.

Perspective for genomic-enabled prediction against black sigatoka disease and drought stress in polyploid species. Mbo Nkoulou Luther Fort, Ngalle Bille Hermine, Cros David, Adje Charlotte O.A., Fassinou Nicodeme V. H., Bell Joseph, Achigan-Dako Enoch G.. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 18 p.

Reinforcement learning for crop management support: Review, prospects and challenges. Gautron Romain, Maillard Odalric-Ambrym, Preux Philippe, Corbeels Marc, Sabbadin Régis. 2022. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 200:107182, 14 p.


Identification and counting of sorghum panicles using artificial intelligence based drone field phenotyping. Mbaye Modou, Audebert Alain. 2021. Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 1 (3) : 234-240.

Monitoring online media reports for early detection of unknown diseases: Insight from a retrospective study of COVID-19 emergence. Valentin Sarah, Mercier Alizé, Lancelot Renaud, Roche Mathieu, Arsevska Elena. 2021. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68 (3) : 981-986.

Research perspectives on animal health in the era of artificial intelligence. Ezanno Pauline, Picault Sébastien, Beaunée Gaël, Bailly Xavier, Munoz Facundo, Duboz Raphaël, Monod Hervé, Guégan Jean-François. 2021. Veterinary Research, 52:40, 15 p.


AI naturalists might hold the key to unlocking biodiversity data in social media imagery. August Tom A., Pescott Oliver L., Joly Alexis, Bonnet Pierre. 2020. Patterns, 1 (7):100116, 11 p.

Contribution citoyenne au suivi de la flore d'un parc national français, un exemple remarquable à l'échelle du Parc national des Cévennes. Bonnet Pierre, Goeau Hervé, Hopkins Frantz, Vela Errol, Sahl Amandine, Affouard Antoine, Lombardo Jean-Christophe, Champ Julien, Gresse Hugo, Joly Alexis. 2020. Carnets Botaniques:21, 9 p.

How citizen scientists contribute to monitor protected areas thanks to automatic plant identification tools. Bonnet Pierre, Joly Alexis, Faton Jeaqn-Michel, Brown Susan, Kimiti David, Deneu Benjamin, Servajean Maximilien, Affouard Antoine, Lombardo Jean-Christophe, Mary Laura, Vignau Christel, Munoz François. 2020. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 1 (2):e12023, 8 p.

Pl@ntNet services, a contribution to the monitoring and sharing of information on the world flora. Bonnet Pierre, Champ Julien, Goeau Hervé, Stöter Fabian-Robert, Deneu Benjamin, Servajean Maximilien, Affouard Antoine, Lombardo Jean-Christophe, Levchenko Oleksandra, Gresse Hugo, Joly Alexis. 2020. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 4:e58933, 3 p. TDWG 2020 Annual Conference, s.l., États-Unis, 21 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.


Reports of the Workshops Held at the 2019 International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. Alburez-Gutierrez Diego, Chandrasekharan Eshwar, Chunara Rumi, Gil-Clavel Sofia, Hannak Aniko, Interdonato Roberto, Joseph Kenneth, Kalimeri Kyriaki, Malik Momin M., Mayer Katja, Mejova Yelena, Paolotti Daniela, Zagheni Emilio. 2019. AI Magazine, 40 (4) : 78-82.


Temporal transcriptional logic of dynamic regulatory networks underlying nitrogen signaling and use in plants. Varala Kranthi, Marshall-Colón Amy, Cirrone Jacopo, Brooks Matthew D., Pasquino Angelo V., Leran Sophie, Mittal Shipra, Rock Tara M., Edwards Molly B., Kim Grace J., Ruffel Sandrine, McCombie Richard, Shasha Dennis, Coruzzi Gloria M.. 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (25) : 6494-6499.


Des systèmes autonomes aux systèmes multi-agents : Interaction, émergence et systèmes complexes. Müller Jean Pierre. 2002. Montpellier : UM2, 58 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Informatique : Université Montpellier 2


Intelligence artificielle et aide à la décision en agriculture. Jallas Eric, Martin-Clouaire Roger, Sequeira R.A., Martin Pierre, Nowak Richard, Crétenet Michel. 2001. In : Modélisation des agroécosystèmes et aide à la décision. Malézieux Eric (ed.), Trébuil Guy (ed.), Jaeger Marc (ed.). Montpellier : CIRAD, 217-240. (Repères) ISBN 2-87614-474-3


Emerging technologies for agricultural management : aplication of artificial intelligence methods for knowledge discovery in agriculture. Sequeira Ronaldo, Jallas Eric, King R.. 1999. In : Jardin planétaire'99 : actes = Planetary garden'99 : proceedings. INRA, CIRAD, Savoie-Conseil général. Chambery : Prospective 2100, 141-146. International symposium on sustainable ecosystem management. 1, Chambery, France, 14 Mars 1999/18 Mars 1999.


Distributed artificial intelligence and object-oriented modelling of a fishery. Bousquet François, Cambier C., Morand Pierre. 1994. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 20 (8) : 97-106.


L'intelligence artificielle au service des pêches artisanales. Bousquet François, Cambier C.. 1993. ORSTOM Actualités, 40 : 8-12.

Simulating the interaction between a society and a renewable resource. Bousquet François, Cambier C., Mullon C., Morand Pierre, Quensière J., Pavé A.. 1993. Journal of Biological Systems, 1 (2) : 199-214.


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