Résultats pour : "inventaire forestier continu"
Nombre de documents : 7.
A history of the rehabilitation of mangroves and an assessment of their diversity and structure using Landsat annual composites (1987–2019) and transect plot inventories.
Pimple Uday, Simonetti Dario, Hinks Isabella, Oszwald Johan, Berger Uta, Pungkul Sukan, Leadprathom Kumron, Pravinvongvuthi Tamanai, Maprasoap Pasin, Gond Valéry.
Forest Ecology and Management,
462:118007, 17 p.
Disturbance regimes drive the diversity of regional floristic pools across Guianan rainforest landscapes.
Guitet Stéphane, Sabatier Damien, Brunaux Olivier, Couteron Pierre, Denis Thomas, Freycon Vincent, Gonzalez Sophie, Herault Bruno, Jaouen Gaëlle, Molino Jean-François, Pélissier Raphaël, Richard-Hansen Cécile, Vincent Grégoire.
Scientific Reports,
8:3872, 12 p.
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Assimilating satellite-based canopy height within an ecosystem model to estimate aboveground forest biomass.
Joetzjer E., Pillet Michiel, Ciais Philippe, Barbier Nicolas, Chave Jérôme, Schlund M., Maignan Fabienne, Barichivich J., Luyssaert Sebastiaan, Herault Bruno, von Poncet F., Poulter Benjamin.
Geophysical Research Letters,
44 (13) : 6823-6832.
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