
Résultats pour : "oxydoréduction"

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Aller à 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2016 | 2004 | 2002 | 1990 | 1987 | 1984 | 1981 | 1967 | 1961

Nombre de documents : 15.


Redox-related gene expression and sugar accumulation patterns are altered in the edible inflorescence produced by the cultivated form of pacaya palm (Chamaedorea tepejilote). Hosni Hanene, Diallo Abdoulaye, Morcillo Fabienne, Vaissayre Virginie, Collin Myriam, Tranchant-Dubreuil Christine, Dussert Stéphane, Joët Thierry, Castaño Felipe, Marquínez Xavier, Stauffer Fred W., Hodel Donald R., Castillo Mont Juan Jose, Adam Hélène, Jouannic Stefan, Tregear James. 2021. Annals of Botany, 128 (2) : 231-240.


Biochar-based fertilizer: Supercharging root membrane potential and biomass yield of rice. Chew Jinkiat, Zhu Longlong, Nielsen Shaun, Graber Ellen Ruth, Mitchell David R.G., Horvat Joseph, Mohammed Mohanad, Liu Minglong, van Zwieten Lukas, Donne Scott, Munroe Paul, Taherymoosavi Sara, Pace Ben, Rawal Aditya, Hook James, Marjo Chris, Thomas Donald S., Pan Genxing, Li Lianqing, Bian Rongjun, McBeath Anna, Bird Michael, Thomas Torsten, Husson Olivier, Solaiman Zakaria, Joseph Stephen, Fan Xiaorong. 2020. Science of the Total Environment, 713:136431, 11 p.


Genome-wide analysis in Hevea brasiliensis laticifers revealed species-specific post-transcriptional regulations of several redox-related genes. Zhang Yi, Leclercq Julie, Wu Shuangyang, Ortega-Abboud Enrique, Pointet Stéphanie, Tang Chaorong, Hu Songnian, Montoro Pascal. 2019. Scientific Reports, 9:5701, 10 p.


Practical improvements in soil redox potential (Eh) measurement for characterisation of soil properties. Application for comparison of conventional and conservation agriculture cropping systems. Husson Olivier, Husson Benoit, Brunet Alexandre, Babre Daniel, Alary Karine, Sarthou Jean-Pierre, Charpentier Hubert, Durand Michel, Benada Jaroslav, Henry Marc. 2016. Analytica Chimica Acta, 906 : 98-109.
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Influence des traitements thermiques sur la flaveur des aliments. Brat Pierre. 2004. In : Réunion annuelle Flhor, Montpellier, 5-9 juillet 2004. CIRAD-FLHOR-ARF. Montpellier : CIRAD, 21 p. Réunion annuelle FLHOR, Montpellier, France, 5 Juillet 2004/9 Juillet 2004.


In situ Mössbauer spectroscopy and soil solution monitoring to follow spatial and temporal iron dynamics. Feder Frédéric, Klingelhöfer Goestar, Trolard Fabienne, Bourrié Guilhem. 2002. In : World congress of soil science. Thailande-Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives-LDD, SFST, IUSS, FFTC, WASWC. Bangkok : WCSS, 1 Cd-Rom World Congress of Soil Science. 17, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 14 Août 2002/20 Août 2002.

Influence of biogeochemical mechanisms on soil alkalinity in flooded alkaline soil. Dicko Mohamed Koulan, Marlet Serge, Vallès Vincent, N'Diaye Mamadou Kabirou, Chevassus-Rosset Claire, Condom Nicolas. 2002. In : World congress of soil science. Thailande-Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives-LDD, SFST, IUSS, FFTC, WASWC. Bangkok : WCSS, 1 Cd-Rom World Congress of Soil Science. 17, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 14 Août 2002/20 Août 2002.

A solid-solution model for Fe(II)-Fe(III)-Mg green rust "fougerite" : structural and geochemical constraints. Bourrié Guilhem, Trolard Fabienne, Refait Philippe, Feder Frédéric. 2002. In : World congress of soil science. Thailande-Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives-LDD, SFST, IUSS, FFTC, WASWC. Bangkok : WCSS, 1 Cd-Rom World Congress of Soil Science. 17, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 14 Août 2002/20 Août 2002.


Etude physico-chimique des sols d'un bas-fond sur les hautes terres de Madagascar : conséquences pour la riziculture. Vizier J.F., De Giudici P., Raunet Michel. 1990. L'Agronomie Tropicale (1975), 45 (3) : 171-177.


Low-energy (0-10 eV) electron transmission spectra of multilayer tryptophan films. Leclerc Grégoire, Goulet Thomas, Cloutier Pierre, Jay-Gerin Jean-Paul, Sanche Léon. 1987. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 91 (19) : 4999-5001.


Role of the lutoidic tonoplast in the senescence and degeneration of the laticifers of Hevea brasiliensis. Chrestin H., Bangratz J., D'Auzac Jean, Jacob Jean-Louis. 1984. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Entomologie, 114 : 261-268.



Le sol des bassins paraliques de la cote Ouest de Madagascar. Durand J.H.. 1967. L'Agronomie Tropicale. Série 3, Agronomie Générale. Etudes Scientifiques, 22 (12) : 1176-1186.


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