
Résultats pour : "technique ultrason"

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Nombre de documents : 36.


Coupling low-frequency ultrasound to a crossflow microfiltration pilot: Effect of ultrasonic pulse application on sono-microfiltration of jackfruit juice. Miramontes Escobar Herenia Adilene, Hengl Nicolas, Dornier Manuel, Montalvo-González Efigenia, Chacón-López Martina Alejandra, Achir Nawel, Vaillant Fabrice, Ortiz Basurto Rosa Isela. 2024. Membranes, 14 (9):192, 25 p.


Ultrasonic transmission through small tubes such as rat tibias for axial Young's modulus estimation: Discussion and recommendations. Laux Didier, Rondet Eric, Grabulos Joël, Dore Rémi, Ollier Léa, Virsolvy Anne, Mariano-Goulart Denis, Maimoun Laurent. 2022. Applied Acoustics, 188:Applied Acoustics, 8 p.


Ultrasound computed tomography on standing trees: Accounting for wood anisotropy permits a more accurate detection of defects. Espinosa Luis, Brancheriau Loïc, Cortes Yolima, Prieto Flavio, Lasaygues Philippe. 2020. Annals of Forest Science, 77 (3):68, 13 p.


Effect of wood anisotropy in ultrasonic wave propagation: A ray-tracing approach. Espinosa Luis, Prieto Flavio, Brancheriau Loïc, Lasaygues Philippe. 2019. Ultrasonics, 91 : 242-251.

Ultrasound imaging for sustainable and rational management of standing trees in urban areas. Espinosa Morenon Luis Fernando. 2019. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 167 p. Thèse de doctorat : Mécanique et génie civil : Université de Montpellier


Accuracy on the time-of-flight estimation for ultrasonic waves applied to non-destructive evaluation of standing trees: a comparative experimental study. Espinosa Luis, Bacca Jan, Prieto Flavio, Lasaygues Philippe, Brancheriau Loïc. 2018. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 104 (3) : 429-439.

Sensitivity of ultrasonic wave velocity estimation using the Christoffel equation for wood non-destructive characterization. Espinosa Morenon Luis Fernando, Brancheriau Loïc, Prieto Flavio, Lasaygues Philippe. 2018. BioResources, 13 (1) : 918-928.


Isolation and characterization of anthocyanins from Hibiscus sabdariffa flowers. Grajeda-Iglesias Claudia, Figueroa-Espinoza Maria-Cruz, Barouh Nathalie, Baréa Bruno, Fernandes Ana, de Freitas Victor, Salas Erika. 2016. Journal of Natural Products, 79 (7) : 1709-1718.


Effect of wood properties and production process on stiffness of charcoal studied by ultrasonic technique. Reis De Assis Maira, Brancheriau Loïc, Napoli Alfredo, Guibal Daniel, Boutahar Nabila, Trugilho Paulo Fernando. 2015. In : General Technical Report FPL-GTR-239. USDA, Forest Products Laboratory. s.l. : USDA, 341-348. International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. 19, Sao Paulo, Brésil, 22 Septembre 2015/25 Septembre 2015.

Tomography in standing trees: revisiting the determination of acoustic wave velocity. Arciniegas Mosquera Andrès Felipe, Brancheriau Loïc, Lasaygues Philippe. 2015. Annals of Forest Science, 72 (6) : 685-691.
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Use of a chirp-coded excitation method in order to improve geometrical and acoustical measurements in wood specimen. Lasaygues Philippe, Arciniegas Mosquera Andrès Felipe, Brancheriau Loïc. 2015. In : Proceedings of the 2015 ICU International Congress on Ultrasonics. Declercq Nico F. (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 348-351. (Physics Procedia, 70) International Congress on Ultrasonics, Metz, France, 10 Mai 2015/14 Mai 2015.

A novel method to correct for wood MOE ultrasonics and NIRS measurements on increment cores in Liquidambar styraciflua L. Rakotovololonalimanana Herizo, Chaix Gilles, Brancheriau Loïc, Ramamonjisoa Lolona, Ramananantoandro Tahiana, Thévenon Marie-France. 2015. Annals of Forest Science, 72 (6) : 753-761.
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Literature review of acoustic and ultrasonic tomography in standing trees. Arciniegas Andres, Prieto Flavio, Brancheriau Loïc, Lasaygues Philippe. 2014. Trees, 28 (6) : 1559-1567.

Travel-time ultrasonic computed tomography applied to quantitative 2-D imaging of standing trees: a comparative numerical modeling study. Arciniegas Andres, Brancheriau Loïc, Gallet Philippe, Lasaygues Philippe. 2014. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 100 (6) : 1013-1023.

Ultrasonic evaluation of coconut water shear viscosity. Laux Didier, Gibert Olivier, Ferrandis Jean Yves, Valente Marc, Prades Alexia. 2014. Journal of Food Engineering, 126 : 62-64.


Caractérisation acoustique et ultrasonore des produits bois et composites. Brancheriau Loïc. 2013. Montpellier : UM2, 122 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Information structures systèmes. Mécanique : Université Montpellier 2

Device for ultrasound imaging of standing trees. Arciniegas Andres, Brancheriau Loïc, Gallet Philippe, Lasaygues Philippe. 2013. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 19 (045035), 7 p. International Congress on Acoustics. 21, Montréal, Canada, 2 Juin 2013/7 Juin 2013.
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Polyphenol extraction and characterization of Justicia secunda Vahl leaves for traditional medicinal uses. Koffi Emmanuel N., Le Guernevé Christine, Lozano Paul, Meudec Emmanuelle, Adje Anoh Félix, Bekro Yves-Alain, Lozano Yves. 2013. Industrial Crops and Products, 49 : 682-689.

Shear viscosity investigation on mango juice with high frequency longitudinal ultrasonic waves and rotational viscosimetry. Laux Didier, Valente Marc, Ferrandis Jean Yves, Talha Najat, Gibert Olivier, Prades Alexia. 2013. Food Biophysics, 8 (4) : 233-239.


Application of ultrasonic tomography to characterize the mechanical state of standing trees (Picea abies). Brancheriau Loïc, Ghodrati A., Gallet Philippe, Thaunay Patrice, Lasaygues Philippe. 2012. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 353 (012007), 14 p. Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference. 10, Fréjus, France, 19 Janvier 2011/21 Janvier 2011.

Ultrasonic imaging of reaction wood in standing trees. Brancheriau Loïc, Saadat-Nia Mohammad Ali, Gallet Philippe, Lasaygues Philippe, Pourtahmasi Kambiz, Kaftandjian Valérie. 2012. In : Acoustical imaging. Nowicki Andrzej (ed.), Litniewski Jery (ed.), Kujawska Tamara (ed.). Heidelberg : Springer [Allemagne], 399-411. (Acoustical imaging, 31) ISBN 978-94-007-2618-5 International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging. 31, Varsovie, Pologne, 10 Avril 2011/13 Avril 2011.


Dispositif d'imagerie ultrasonore pour les bois sur pied. Gallet Philippe, Brancheriau Loïc, Thaunay Patrice, Lasaygues Philippe. 2011. In : Capteurs et systèmes de mesures pour les applications environnementales : Recueil des actes et informations pratiques : ECOTECHS'2011, Montoldre, France, 17-18 octobre 2011. Cemagref. Antony : CEMAGREF, 55-59. Ecotechs'2011, Montoldre, France, 17 Octobre 2011/18 Octobre 2011.

High frequency ultrasonic techniques dedicated to food physical properties assessment. Laux Didier, Ferrandis Jean Yves, Cereser Camara V., Blasco H., Valente Marc. 2011. In : New Topics in Food Engineering. Mariann A. Comeau. s.l. : Nova Science Publishers, 99-120. ISBN 978-1-61209-599-8

Ultrasonic imaging of defects in standing trees: development of an automatic device for plantations. Brancheriau Loïc, Gallet Philippe, Lasaygues Philippe. 2011. In : 17th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Sopron, Hungary, September 14-16, 2011. ed. by Ferenc Divos. Sopron : University of West Hungary, 93-100. ISBN 978-963-9883-82-6 International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium, Sopron, Hongrie, 14 Septembre 2011/16 Septembre 2011.

Ultrasonic wave parameter changes during propagation through poplar and spruce reaction wood. Saadat-Nia Mohammad Ali, Brancheriau Loïc, Gallet Philippe, Enayati Ali Akbar, Pourtahmasi Kambiz, Honarvar Farhang. 2011. BioResources, 6 (2) : 1172-1185.


Optimization of anthocyanin, flavonol and phenolic acid extractions from Delonix regia tree flowers using ultrasound-assisted water extraction. Adje Anoh Félix, Lozano Yves, Lozano Paul, Adima Augustin Amissa, Chemat Farid, Gaydou Emile M.. 2010. Industrial Crops and Products, 32 (3) : 439-444.


Ultrasonic tomography of green wood using a non-parametric imaging algorithm with reflected waves. Brancheriau Loïc, Lasaygues Philippe, Debieu Eric, Lefebvre Jean Pierre. 2008. Annals of Forest Science, 65 (7), 7 p.


Caractérisation d'échantillons de bois de Chêne Vert de la forêt d'Azrou par goniométrie ultrasonore et par la méthode du ruban chaud. Kabouchi Bousselham, Famiri Abderrahim, Ziani Mohsine, Ringa J., Gril Joseph, Laurent Thierry, Gérard Jean. 2007. Physical and Chemical News, 35 : 98-103.


Classement mécanique des bois guyanais de structure selon trois techniques non destructives. Baillères Henri, Demay L., Calchera Gilles, Vernay Michel. 1998. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques (257) : 47-62.



Ultrasonographic pregnancy diagnosis of rusa hinds (Cervus timorensis rusa) in New-Caledonia. Bianchi Manuel, Lebel S., Hurlin J.C., Chardonnet Philippe. 1994. In : 3e congrès international sur la biologie des cerfs. Anon. s.l. : s.n. Congrès International sur la Biologie des Cerfs. 3, Edimbourg, Royaume-Uni, 26 Août 1994/2 Septembre 1994.


Liquid natural rubber in Mexico. Alvarez Espindola A.. 1990. In : Compte-rendu de la conférence internationale sur les applications du caoutchouc naturel liquide = Development of the applications of liquid natural rubber : proceedings of a UNIDO sponsored workshop$ENG. CIRAD-IRCA. Paris : CIRAD-IRCA, 83-88. Conférence internationale sur les applications du caoutchouc naturel liquide, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 4 Décembre 1989/8 Décembre 1989.


La résistance à la pourriture des panneaux contreplaqués et des panneaux de particules : étude expérimentale d'une méthode d'essai en conditions non stériles. Trong L.. 1986. Nogent-sur-Marne : CIRAD-CTFT, 160 p. Thèse de docteur-ingénieur : Université de Nancy I

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