Résultats pour : "Arachis ipaensis"
Nombre de documents : 4.
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Genetic mapping of wild introgressions into cultivated peanut: a way toward enlarging the genetic basis of a recent allotetraploid.
Foncéka Daniel, Hodo-Abalo Tossim, Rivallan Ronan, Faye Issa, Ndoye Sall Mbaye, Ndoye Ousmane, Favero Alessandra P., Bertioli David J., Glaszmann Jean-Christophe, Courtois Brigitte, Rami Jean-François.
BMC Plant Biology,
9 (103), 13 p.
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Development of CSSLs from a cross between cultivated peanut and a wild synthetic amphidiploid.
Foncéka Daniel, Tossim Hodo-Abalo, Faye Issa, Ndoye Ousmane, Rami Jean-François.
In : Generation Challenge Programme Annual Research Meeting, 16-20 September 2008, Bangkok, Thailand
. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.
Generation Challenge Programme Annual Research Meeting, Bangkok, Thaïlande, 16 Septembre 2008/20 Septembre 2008.
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