Résultats pour : "Diagnostic moléculaire"
Nombre de documents : 1.
Trends in molecular diagnosis and diversity studies for phytosanitary regulated Xanthomonas.
Catara Vittoria, Cubero Jaime, Pothier Joël F., Bosis Eran, Bragard Claude, Dermic̓ Edyta, Holeva Maria C., Jacques Marie Agnès, Petter Françoise, Pruvost Olivier, Robene Isabelle, Studholme David J., Tavares Fernando, Vicente Joana G., Koebnik Ralf, Costa Joana.
9 (4), n.spéc. Integrating Science on Xanthomonas and Xylella for Integrated Plant Disease Management:862, 30 p.
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