Implementation of an early artificial inoculation test to screen oil palm progenies for their level of resistance and hypothesis on natural infection : Ganoderma disease of the oil palm.
Breton Frédéric, Miranti R., Lubis Zulkifli, Hayun Z., Setiawati Umi, Flori Albert, Nelson Stephen, Durand-Gasselin Tristan, Jacquemard Jean-Charles, De Franqueville Hubert.
In : 16th International Oil Palm Conference and Expopalma. Challenges in sustainable oil palm development, 22 to 25 September 2009, Cartegena de Indias, Colombia. FEDEPALMA , CENIPALMA
. Bogota : FEDEPALMA, 1-30.
International Oil Palm Conference and Expopalma. 16, Carthagène des Indes, Colombie, 22 Septembre 2009/25 Septembre 2009.