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Nombre de documents : 13.


An allometry perspective on crops. Westgeest Adrianus J., Vasseur François, Enquist Brian, Milla Rubén, Gómez-Fernández Alicia, Pot David, Vile Denis, Violle Cyrille. 2024. New Phytologist, 244 (4) : 1223-1237.



A 3D approach to model the taper of irregular tree stems: making plots biomass estimates comparable in tropical forests. Bauwens Sébastien, Ploton Pierre, Fayolle Adeline, Ligot Gauthier, Loumeto Jean-Joël, Lejeune Philippe, Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie. 2021. Ecological Applications, 31 (8):e02451, 12 p.
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Increased hydraulic constraints in Eucalyptus plantations fertilized with potassium. Guillemot Joannès, Asensio Verónica, Bordron Bruno, Nouvellon Yann, Le Maire Guerric, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Domec Jean-Christophe, Delgado Rojas Juan Sinforiano, Abreu-Junior Cassio Hamilton, Battie Laclau Patricia, Cornut Ivan, Germon Amandine, De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo, Robin Agnès, Laclau Jean-Paul. 2021. Plant, Cell and Environment, 44 (9), dossier Hydraulics of Woody Plants : 2938-2950.
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Scaling of petiole anatomies, mechanics and vasculatures with leaf size in the widespread Neotropical pioneer tree species Cecropia obtusa Trécul (Urticaceae). Levionnois Sébastien, Coste Sabrina, Nicolini Eric-André, Stahl Clément, Morel Hélène, Heuret Patrick. 2020. Tree Physiology, 40 (2) : 245-258.

Terrestrial laser scanning reveals convergence of tree architecture with increasingly dominant crown canopy position. Martin-Ducup Olivier, Ploton Pierre, Barbier Nicolas, Momo Takoudjou Stéphane, Mofack Gislain II, Kamdem Narcisse Guy, Fourcaud Thierry, Sonké Bonaventure, Couteron Pierre, Pélissier Raphaël. 2020. Functional Ecology, 34 (12) : 2442-2452.
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A simulation method to infer tree allometry and forest structure from airborne laser scanning and forest inventories. Fischer Fabian Jörg, Labriere Nicolas, Vincent Grégoire, Herault Bruno, Alonso Alfonso, Memiaghe Herve R., Bissiengou Pulcherie, Kenfack David, Saatchi Sassan, Chave Jérôme. 2020. Remote Sensing of Environment, 251:112056, 16 p.


Advances in understanding mango tree growth and canopy development. Normand Frédéric, Lauri Pierre-Eric. 2018. In : Achieving sustainable cultivation of mangoes. Galán Saúco Victor (ed.), Ping Lu (ed.). Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 87-119. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 34) ISBN 978-1-78676-132-3


Growing conditions do not affect allometric estimation of fresh fruit weight, but affect estimation of dry fruit weight of 'Kent' mango. Diatta Jeanne, Rey Jean-Yves, Sine Bassirou, Normand Frédéric. 2017. In : Proceedings of the XI International Mango Symposium. Bally Ian (ed.), Tran-Nguyen Lucy (ed.), Hall D. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 11-16. (Acta Horticulturae, 1183) ISBN 978-94-6261-179-5 International Mango Symposium. 11, Darwin, Australie, 28 Septembre 2015/2 Octobre 2015.


Contrasted allometries between stem diameter, crown area, and tree height in five tropical biogeographic areas. Blanchard Elodie, Birnbaum Philippe, Ibanez Thomas, Boutreux Thomas, Antin Cécile, Ploton Pierre, Vincent Grégoire, Pouteau Robin, Vandrot Hervé, Hequet Vanessa, Barbier Nicolas, Droissart Vincent, Sonké Bonaventure, Texier Nicolas, Kamdem Narcisse Guy, Zebaze Donatien, Libalah Moses, Couteron Pierre. 2016. Trees, 30 (6) : 1953-1968.


BAAD: A biomass and allometry database for woody plants. Falster Daniel S., Duursma Remko A., Ishihara Masae I., Barneche Diego R., FitzJohn Richard G., Vårhammar Angelica, Aiba Masahiro, Ando Makoto, Aspinwall Michael J., Baltzer Jennifer L., Baraloto Christopher, Battaglia Michael, Battles John J., Bond-Lamberty Ben, Van Breugel Michiel, Camac James, Claveau Yves, Coll Lluís, Dannoura Masako, Delagrange Sylvain, Domec Jean-Christophe, Fatemi Farrah, Feng Wang, Gargaglione Veronica, Goto Yoshiaki, Hagihara Akio, Hall Jefferson, Hamilton Steve, Harja Degi, Hiura Tsutom, Holdaway Robert, Hutley Lindsay, Ichie Tomoaki, Jokela Eric J, Kantola Anu, Kelly Jeff W.G., Kenzo Tanaka, King David, Kloeppel Brian D., Kohyama Takashi, Komiyama Akira, Laclau Jean-Paul, Lusk Christopher H., Maguire Douglas A., Le Maire Guerric, Mäkelä Annikki, Markesteijn Lars, Marshall John, McCulloh Katherine, Miyata Itsuo, Mokany Karel, Mori Shigeta, Myster Randall W., Nagano Masahiro, Naidu Shawna, Nouvellon Yann, O'Grady Anthony P., O'Hara Kevin, Ohtsuka Toshiyuki, Osada Noriyuki, Osunkoya Olusegun O., Peri Pablo Luis, Petritan Any Mary, Poorter Lourens, Portsmuth Angelika, Potvin Catherine, Ransijn Johannes, Reid Douglas, Ribeiro Sabina C., Roberts Scott D., Rodríguez Rolando, Saldaña-Acosta Angela, Santa-Regina Ignacio, Sasa Kaichiro, Selaya Galia, Sillett Stephen C., Sterck Frank J., Takagi Kentaro, Tange Takeshi, Tanouchi Hiroyuki, Tissue David T., Umehara Toru, Utsugi Hajime, Vadeboncoeur Matthew A., Valladares Fernando, Vanninen Petteri, Wang Jian, Wenk Elizabeth, Williams Richard, de Aquino Ximenes Fabiano, Yamaba Atsushi, Yamada Toshihiro, Yamakura Takuo, Yanai Ruth D., York Robert A.. 2015. Ecology, 96 (5) : p. 1445.

The growing conditions do not affect the allometric estimation of fresh fruit weight, but affect the estimation of dry fruit weight of the 'Kent' mango. Diatta Jeanne, Rey Jean-Yves, Sine Bassirou, Normand Frédéric. 2015. In : Handbook of the XI International Mango Symposium. 'Science Supporting the Mango Industry'. ISHS. Darwin : ISHS, Résumé, 52. International Mango Symposium. 11, Darwin, Australie, 28 Septembre 2015/2 Octobre 2015.
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