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Nombre de documents : 14.


Unravelling life cycle impacts of coffee: Why do results differ so much among studies? Chéron-Bessou Cécile, Acosta Alba Ivonne, Boissy Joachim, Payen Sandra, Rigal Clément, Setiawan Arief Ameir Rahman, Sevenster M., Tran Thierry, Azapagic A.. 2024. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 47 : 251-266.


Agricultural greenhouse gas emissions of an Indian village - Who's to blame: Crops or livestock? Hemingway Charlotte, Vigne Mathieu, Aubron Claire. 2023. Science of the Total Environment, 856 (2):159145, 10 p.

Integrating carbon footprint to spatialized modeling: The mitigation potential of sugarcane ethanol production in the Brazilian Center-South. Palma Petrielli Gabriel, Pessoa Nogueira Guilherme, de Souza Henzler Daniele, Rinke Dias de Souza Nariê, Berbert Bruno Karina Maria, dos Santos Luciano Ana Cláudia, Le Maire Guerric, Hernandes Thayse Aparecida Dourado. 2023. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 189:106725, 12 p.

Overview of the ELSA group. Biard Yannick. 2023. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 diaporama (7 vues)

Review on Green Coffee Carbon Footprint. Chéron-Bessou Cécile, Rigal Clément, Payen Sandra, Avadi Angel, Demenois Julien. 2023. Montpellier : CIRAD, 108 p. N° de rapport : CIRAD-PERSYST N° 2971



Expérimentation affichage environnemental sur le secteur alimentaire - groupe indicateurs - note n°2 - données génériques/spécifiques/semi-spécifiques pour l'ACV. Nougarede Flore, Colomb Vincent, Perdreau Benjamin, Blanchemanche Sandrine, Majou Didier, Emonet Emeric, Joguet Philippe, Asal Shafik, Uthayakumar Thomas, Biard Yannick, Bockstaller Christian, Sautereau Natacha. 2021. Paris : ADEME, 10 p.

Impacts on greenhouse gas balance and rural economy after agroecology development in Itasy Madagascar. Rakotovao Narindra Harisoa, Chevallier Tiphaine, Chapuis-Lardy Lydie, Deffontaines Sylvain, Mathe Syndhia, Ramarofidy Mamonjiniaina Andriamirajo, Rakotoniamonjy Tsifera Henintsoa, Lepage Adrien, Masso Cargele, Albrecht Alain, Razafimbelo Tantely Maminiana. 2021. Journal of Cleaner Production, 291:125220, 13 p.
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Eutrophication and climate change impacts of a case study of New Zealand beef to the European market. Payen Sandra, Falconer Shelley, Carlson Bill, Yang Wei, Ledgard Stewart. 2020. Science of the Total Environment, 710:136120, 12 p.
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Expérimentation affichage environnemental sur le secteur alimentaire. Groupe Indicateurs. 1ères propositions. Éléments de cadrage initiaux. Nougarede Flore, Colomb Vincent, Perdreau Benjamin, Blanchemanche Sandrine, Majou Didier, Emonet Emeric, Joguet Philippe, Asal Shafik, Uthayakumar Thomas, Biard Yannick, Bockstaller Christian, Sautereau Natacha. 2020. s.l. : s.n., 12 p.

FAIRE SA " DOUBLE – PART " ? Efficacité des actions individuelles et initiatives au sein d'un centre de recherche face à l'urgence climatique. Biard Yannick. 2020. . Dynafor. Castanet Tolosan : Dynafor, 1 p. RDJ Dynafor, Castanet Tolosan, France, 5 Novembre 2020/5 Novembre 2020.


Biogas reduces the carbon footprint of cassava starch: a comparative assessment with fuel oil. Hansupalak Nanthiya, Piromkraipak Palotai, Tamthirat Phakamas, Manitsorasak Apisit, Sriroth Klanarong, Tran Thierry. 2016. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134 (Part B) : 539-546.
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