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Nombre de documents : 78.


Cotton breeding strategies in West and Central Africa: Challenges and perspectives. Sêkloka Emmanuel, Kanlidogbe Cyrille, Yavoedji Godonou, Bourgou Larbouga, Kouakou Brou Julien, Amangoua Nogbou Ferdinand, Gnapi Diane Estelle, Oumarou Palaï, Talba Amma K., Waga Mana Patrick Blaise, Kassambara El Hadji Mamoudou, Bayoko Gassire, Babacar Niang, Gnofam Nambou, Gapili Naoura, Giband Marc, Cao-Hamadou Tuong-Vi, Bachelier Bruno. 2024. In : World Cotton Research Conference-8, Book of Abstracts. Abdurakhmonov Ibrokhim (ed.), Yu John (ed.), Kranthi Keshav (ed.). ICAC, ICRA. Washington : ICAC, Résumé, p. 78. ISBN 979-8-218-56133-8 World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-8). 8, Tashkent, Ouzbékistan, 3 Octobre 2024/6 Octobre 2024.

Coupling experimentation and crop modeling to evaluate morpho-physiological traits of cotton cultivars in agroecological cropping systems in Benin. Aboua Degbedji, Gerardeaux Edward, Debaeke Philippe, Boulakia Stéphane, Sêkloka Emmanuel. 2024. In : Synergies for a resilient future: from knowledge to action. Book of Abstracts. Institut agro Rennes-Angers, INRAE. Rennes : Institut Agro Rennes-Angers-INRAE, Résumé, 105-107. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy (ESA 2024). 18, Rennes, France, 26 Août 2024/30 Août 2024.

Diapotheque: The database for storing actual slide metadata of LTC. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Auzoux Sandrine, Giner Michel. 2024. Montpellier : CIRAD, 5 p.

Discours tenu en réponse au discours du Président de la Bourse du Coton de Brême. Dîner du Président de la Bourse du Coton de Brême, dans le cadre de la 37ème Conférence Cotonnière Internationale de Brême (20-22 mars 2024). Le 19 mars 2024, Brême (Allemagne). Bachelier Bruno. 2024. . Bremen : Bremen Cotton Exchange-Faserinstitut Bremen, 2 p. Conférence Cotonnière Internationale de Brême. 37, Bremen, Allemagne, 20 Mars 2024/22 Mars 2024.

Effects of planting date and density on cotton cultivars in sub-Saharan Africa rainfed conditions: A case study in Mali. Mamoudou Kassambara Elhadji, Loison Romain, Sissoko Sory, Traore Abdou, Bretaudeau Alhousseïni. 2024. Agronomy Journal, 116 (6) : 2764-2775.

Exploration of the statistical relationships between rainfall indices and cotton yields in northern Cameroon, to strengthen the resilience of farmers to climate change. Knops Clara. 2024. Montpellier : Institut Agro Montpellier, 62 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Water and Agriculture : Institut Agro Montpellier

Optimizing type, date, and dose of compost fertilization of organic cotton under climate change in Mali: A modeling study. Dembélé Ginette, Loison Romain, Traoré Amadou, Dembélé Sidiki Gabriel, Sissoko Fagaye. 2024. PloS One, 19 (8):e0308736, 18 p.


The SISTER platform and Nouvelle, its database support system. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Giner Michel. 2024. s.l. : CIRAD, 5 p.

Stickiness and fiber characteristics related to fiber processing efficiency and yarn quality. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Gozé Eric, Giner Michel, Drieling Axel. 2024. . Bremen Cotton Exchange, Faserinstitut Bremen. Brême : Bremen Cotton Exchange, 24 p. International Cotton Conference Bremen. 37, Brême, Allemagne, 20 Mars 2024/22 Mars 2024.

Stickiness in spinning mill due to entomological sugars. Gourlot Jean-Paul. 2024. In : ITMF-ICCTM Working Groups Progress Report. ITMF, ICCTM. Brême : ITMF, Résumé, 1 p. ITMF-ICCTM Working Groups, Brême, Allemagne, 18 Mars 2024/19 Mars 2024.

Structure and dataset of the micro-spinning tests performed at CIRAD linked to the ITMF-ICCTM Round-Tests on Stickiness Measuring Methods. Giner Michel, Gourlot Jean-Paul. 2024. . Bremen Cotton Exchange, Faserinstitut Bremen. Brême : Bremen Cotton Exchange, 1 p. International Cotton Conference. 37, Brême, Allemagne, 20 Mars 2024/22 Mars 2024.

A computational analysis revealed BES1 transcription factor and β-amylase as crosstalk elements in Upland cotton species (Gossypium sp.). Villamar-Torres Ronald Oswaldo, Mestanza Uquillas Camilo Alexander, Chévez-Vera Héctor David, Heredia-Pinos Marcos Raúl, Viot Christopher, Jazayeri Seyed Mehdi. 2024. Scientia Agropecuaria, 15 (3) : 449-460.


Cotton topping reduces the performance of aphids on topped and neighbor plants under greenhouse conditions. Lopez Llandres Ana, Verdeny-Vilalta Oriol, Brévault Thierry, Goebel François-Régis, Jean Janine. 2023. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 17 : 173-184.
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Exploring the carbonization effect on the interspecific identification of cotton (Gossypium spp.) seeds using classical and 2D geometric morphometrics. Milon Juliette, Bouchaud Charlène, Viot Christopher, Lemoine Michel, Cucchi Thomas. 2023. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 49:104007, 8 p.

Modelling the creep behavior of Gossypium hirsutum cotton fibers based on their physical and mechanical properties. Mahjoub Wafa, Harzallah Omar, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Dréan Jean-Yves. 2023. Industrial Crops and Products, 203:117223, 11 p.

Optimal choice of cotton cultivar for rainfed conditions in Sahelo-Sudanian climate with late planting: a case study in Senegal. Traore Abdou, Gozé Eric, Gérardeaux Edward, Diouf Latyr, Ndour Abdoulaye, Ndiaye Saliou, Oumarou Palaï, Loison Romain. 2023. Journal of Agricultural Science, 161 (4) : 469-476.

Stickiness RefMat preparation: Cirad-LTC procedure. Gourlot Jean-Paul. 2023. Montpellier : CIRAD, 9 p.

Towards an Early Warning System for cotton pests in Benin using long-term and multilocal observational data. Legros Quentin, Auzoux Sandrine, Lopez Llandres Ana, Megnigbeto Emmanuel Wilfried G., Brévault Thierry. 2023. Cotton Innovations, 3 (10) : 20-28.


Development of reference materials for checking the micro-ginning machines for their fiber quality preservation performance. Togola Mamadou, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Gozé Eric, Bachelier Bruno. 2022. In : World Cotton Research Conference-7 - Book of abstracts. ICAC, ICRA. Washington : ICRA-ICAC, Résumé, p. 116. ISBN 978-1-7923-8630-5 World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-7). 7, Caire, Égypte, 4 Octobre 2022/7 Octobre 2022.

Limited yield penalties in an early transition to conservation agriculture in cotton-based cropping systems of Benin. Yemadje Pierrot Lionel, Takpa O'Neil Gilchrist, Amonmide Isidore, Balarabe Oumarou, Sêkloka Emmanuel, Guibert Hervé, Tittonell Pablo. 2022. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6:1041399, 13 p.

Public sector research for the benefit of cotton growers and society. Hake Kater, Steel Phil, Kranthi Keshav R., Bachelier Bruno, Paytas Marcelo. 2022. In : World Cotton Research Conference-7 - Book of abstracts. ICAC, ICRA. Washington : ICRA-ICAC, Résumé, p. 113. ISBN 978-1-7923-8630-5 World Cotton Research Conference (WCRC-7), Le Caire, Égypte, 4 Octobre 2022/7 Octobre 2022.

Round test 2022-1 on stickiness characterization methods. Final report. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Karsten Froese, Lassus Serge, Kouakou Brou Julien. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD, 121 p.

Round test 2022-2 on stickiness characterization methods. Final report. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Karsten Froese, Lassus Serge, Giner Michel. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD, 130 p.



Cotton seed systems in Africa: overview of the present situation and prospects for improvement. Giband Marc, Bachelier Bruno, Lançon Jacques, Loison Romain. 2021. . Bremen Cotton Exchange, Faserinstitut Bremen. Brême : Bremen Cotton Exchange, Résumé, 2 p. International Cotton Conference Bremen 2021. 35, Brême, Allemagne, 17 Mars 2021/18 Mars 2021.
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Round Test 2021-1 on stickiness characterization methods - Final report. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Froese Karsten, Lassus Serge. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD-ITMF, 116 p.

Round Test 2021-2 on stickiness characterization methods - Final report. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Froese Karsten, Lassus Serge. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD-ITMF, 132 p.

Steps towards suitable stickiness test results for trading and processing. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel. 2021. . Bremen Cotton Exchange, Faserinstitut Bremen. Brême : Bremen Cotton Exchange, 24 p. International Cotton Conference Bremen 2021. 35, Brême, Allemagne, 17 Mars 2021/18 Mars 2021.

Support program to the cottonseed supply chain in sub Saharan African countries. Cottonseed Systems Improvement for Africa. Compilation of cotton varieties grown in Africa. Giband Marc. 2021. Montpellier : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH-CIRAD, 50 p.

What did we learn from the eight first occurrences of the ITMF-ICCTM international round-trials comparing stickiness measuring methods (2017-2020)? Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Froese Karsten, Lassus Serge. 2021. In : ITMF-International Committee on Cotton Testing Methods (ICCTM) Progress Report 2021. ITMF, ICCTM. Brême : ITMF, Résumé, 1 p. (ICCTM Reports) ITMF-ICCTM Working Groups, Brême, Allemagne, 16 Mars 2021/16 Mars 2021.

When the seed breaks, when the fibre sticks. Bachelier Bruno, Gourlot Jean-Paul. 2021. . ICAC. Washington : ICAC, Résumé, 1 p. ICAC Webinars series, Washington, États-Unis, 2 Juin 2021.



Interpretation and use of SITC measured characteristics, Version 1.0 issued April 6, 2020. Gourlot Jean-Paul (ed.), Drieling Axel (ed.), Qaud Mona, Gordon Stuart, Knowlton James, Matusiak Malgorzata, Van der Sluijs Marinus, Martin Vikki, Froese Karsten, Delhom Christopher D.. 2020. Washington : ICAC-ITMF, 75 p.

Life cycle assessment of organic and conventional non-Bt cotton products from Mali. Avadi Tapia Angel Daniel, Marcin Maéva, Biard Yannick, Renou Alain, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Basset-Mens Claudine. 2020. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 : 678-697.
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PhenoRoots: An inexpensive non-invasive phenotyping system to assess the variability of the root system architecture. Muniz Martins Saulo, de Brito Giovani Greigh, da Conceição Gonçalves Washington, Mendes Diniz Tripode Bruna, Lartaud Marc, Duarte João Batista, De Lelis Morello Camilo, Giband Marc. 2020. Scientia Agrícola, 77 (5):e20180420, 8 p.

Round Test 2020-1 on stickiness characterization methods - Final report. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Froese Karsten, Lassus Serge. 2020. Montpellier : CIRAD-ITMF, 120 p.

Round Test 2020-2 on stickiness characterization methods - Final report. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Froese Karsten, Lassus Serge. 2020. Montpellier : CIRAD-ITMF, 111 p.

Transcription factors and molecular markers revealed asymmetric contributions between allotetraploid Upland cotton and its two diploid ancestors. Jazayeri Seyed Mehdi, Villamar-Torres Ronald Oswaldo, Zambrano-Vega Cristian, García Cruzaty Luz Cecilia, Oviedo-Bayas Byron, Do Amaral Santos Milena, Maddela Naga Raju, Ghafoor Seyed Mohammad Hossein Seyed Mohammad Hossein Ale Seyed, Viot Christopher. 2020. Plant Breeding, 79 (1), 17 p.


70 years of Cotton Varietal Improvement in Cameroon. Oumarou Palaï, Méména Oungvan, Bayero Mohamadou, Sigrist Jean-Charles, Klassou Célestin, Cao Tuong-Vi, Dessauw Dominique, Gawrysiak Gérard, Viot Christopher. 2019. Garoua : SODECOTON-IRAD, 1 poster

Quality seed for Africa - Opportunities, challenges and perspectives. Lançon Jacques, Bachelier Bruno, Giband Marc, Loison Romain. 2019. . Brisbane : ICAC, 1-10. International Cotton Advisory Committee: Global Leadership: Pushing Cotton’s Boundaries.. 78, Brisbane, Australie, 2 Décembre 2019/5 Décembre 2019.

Round Test 2018-2 on stickiness characterization methods - Final Report –. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Froese Karsten, Lassus Serge. 2019. Montpellier : CIRAD-ITMF, 217 p.

Round Test 2019-1 on stickiness characterization methods - Final report. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Froese Karsten, Lassus Serge. 2019. Montpellier : CIRAD-ITMF, 193 p.

Round Test 2019-2 on stickiness characterization methods - Final Report. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Drieling Axel, Froese Karsten, Lassus Serge. 2019. Montpellier : CIRAD-ITMF, 139 p.


Cotton Fibers Creep Behavior: Viscoelastic Modelling and Bundles Friction. Mahjoub Wafa, Harzallah Omar, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Dréan Jean-Yves. 2018. . Davis : s.n., 1 p. Fiber Society 2018 Fall Conference, Davis, États-Unis, 29 Octobre 2018/31 Octobre 2018.

Creation of universal reference materials for harmonization of cotton stickiness characterization (HarCoStiC). Gourlot Jean-Paul, Lassus Serge (collab.), Drieling Axel (collab.), Karsten Froese (collab.). 2018. . Brême : ITMF, 8 p. ITMF-ICCTM Working Groups 2018, Brême, Allemagne, 16 Mars 2018/16 Mars 2018.

Feasibility study: A new way to check the stability of industrial ginning throughout the season. Togola Mamadou, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Gozé Eric, Bachelier Bruno, Coulibaly Massa, Traoré Abdoul Karim. 2018. Textile Research Journal, 88 (20) : 2362-2378.
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First records of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), in Senegal. Brévault Thierry, Ndiaye Awa, Badiane Djibril, Bal Amadou Bocar, Sembène Mbacké, Silvie Pierre, Haran Julien. 2018. Entomologia Generalis, 37 (2) : 129-142.

Ginning: a way of measuring its specific impact on fiber quality. Gourlot Jean-Paul, Togola Mamadou, Gozé Eric, Bachelier Bruno, Coulibaly Massa, Traoré Abdoul Karim. 2018. In : Cotton insights: International Cotton Conference Bremen Lectures. Bremen Cotton Exchange, Fibre Institute Bremen. Bremen : Bremen Cotton Exchange, 10 p. International Cotton Conference. 34, Bremen, Allemagne, 21 Mars 2018/23 Mars 2018.

Guideline for Standardized Instrument Testing of Cotton (Version 3). Drieling Axel (ed.), Gourlot Jean-Paul (ed.), Knowlton James (ed.). 2018. s.l. : ICAC-ITMF, 45 p.

Plant training for induced defense against insect pests: a promising tool for integrated pest management in cotton. Llandres Lopez Ana, Almohamad Raki, Brévault Thierry, Renou Alain, Téréta Idrissa, Jean Janine, Goebel François-Régis. 2018. Pest Management Science, 74 (9) : 2004-2012.
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Programme d'amélioration de la semence de coton. Bachelier Bruno, Giband Marc, Lacape Jean-Marc, Lançon Jacques. 2018. . Cotton Expert House Africa (CHA), Cotton Development Organisation (CDO). Kampala : Cotton Expert House Africa, Résumé, 2 p. Conférence Panafricaine du Coton. 2, Kampala, Ouganda, 1 Novembre 2018/3 Novembre 2018.

Single and bundle cotton fibers testing; Friction component. Mahjoub Wafa, Harzallah Omar, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Dréan Jean-Yves. 2018. . Istanbul : s.n. AUTEX World Textile Conference. 18, Istanbul, Turquie, 20 Juin 2018/22 Juin 2018.

Taxinomic characterisation of cotton seeds (Gossypium ssp.) through morphological and morphometric analyses. Exploratory and archaeological approaches. Milon Juliette, Bouchaud Charlène, Cucchi Thomas, Viot Christopher. 2018. . Las Palmas de Gran Canaria : s.n., 1 p. International Workshop for African Archaeobotany - IWAA 2018. 9, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Espagne, 26 Juin 2018/29 Juin 2018.


Chemical ecology underlying cotton topping. Lopez Llandres Ana, Renou Alain, Jean Janine, Goebel François-Régis, Brévault Thierry. 2017. In : Médiation chimique dans l'environnement. Ecologie chimique [Livret de résumés]. CNRS. Montpellier : CNRS, Résumé, p. 27. Journées scientifiques du GDR MediatEC. 4, Montpellier, France, 2 Novembre 2017/4 Novembre 2017.

Cotton farmers' willingness to pay for pest management services in northern Benin. Kpadé Patrice Cokou, Mensah Edouard Roméo, Fok Michel, Ndjeunga Jupiter. 2017. Agricultural Economics, 48 (1) : 105-114.
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Diversity analysis of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) germplasm using the CottonSNP63K Array. Hinze Lori L., Hulse-Kemp Amanda M., Wilson Lain W., Zhu Qian-Hao, Llewellyn Danny, Taylor Jen M., Spriggs Andrew, Fang David D., Ulloa Mauricio, Burke John, Giband Marc, Lacape Jean-Marc, Van Deynze Allen, Udall Joshua, Scheffler Jodi, Hague Steve, Wendel Jonathan F., Pepper Alan, Frelichowski James, Lawley Cindy T., Jones Don C., Percy Richard, Stelly David M.. 2017. BMC Plant Biology, 17:37, 20 p.

Evolution and domestication of diploid cultivated cottons: molecular genetics and agronomic evidence. Viot Christopher. 2017. In : Cotton in the Old World: domestication, cultivation, use and trade. Abstracts = Le coton dans l'Ancien Monde : domestication, culture, usage et commerce. Résumés. AASPE, Sorbonne universités, MNHN, CNRS. Paris : MNHN, p. 10. Cotton in the Old World: domestication, cultivation, use and trade, Paris, France, 3 Mai 2017/4 Mai 2017.

Modelling of some Mechanical Properties of Cotton Fibers. Mahjoub Wafa, Harzallah Omar, Dréan Jean-Yves, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Segovia César. 2017. In : The fiber society 2017 spring conference: "Next Generation Fibers for Smart Products" may 17-19, 2017. The fiber society. Aachen : The fiber society, 98-100. The Fiber Society 2017 Spring Conference, Aachen, Allemagne, 17 Mai 2017/19 Mai 2017.

Study of the bijective relationship between the single and bundle cotton fiber mechanical properties. Dréan Jean-Yves, Mahjoub Wafa, Harzallah Omar, Segovia César, Gourlot Jean-Paul. 2017. In : Book of abstracts of the National textile conference-2017. Rahnev Ivelin (ed.). Sofia : s.n., 280. National Textile Conference 2017. 19, Sofia, Bulgarie, 25 Octobre 2017/27 Octobre 2017.


Cotton topping in Mali. Renou Alain, Téréta Idrissa. 2016. . Université de Neuchâtel. Neuchâtel : Université de Neuchâtel, Résumé, 1 p. Atelier scientifique Ecimage du cotonnier et induction de défenses de la plante contre les insectes ravageurs : quelles recherches et quelles collaborations développer ?, Neuchâtel, Suisse, 18 Mai 2016/19 Mai 2016.
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Developing sodium tolerant cotton by exploiting genetic diversity within two cultivated tetraploid species. Liu Shiming, Constable Greg A., Lacape Jean-Marc, Llewellyn Danny. 2016. . ICGI. Goiânia : ICGI, Résumé, 1 p. World Cotton Research Conference. 6, Goiânia, Brésil, 2 Mai 2016/6 Mai 2016.

Eco-efficiency of cotton-cropping systems in Pakistan: an integrated approach of life cycle assessment and data envelopment analysis. Ullah Asmat, Perret Sylvain, Gheewala Shabbir H., Soni Peeyush. 2016. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134 (Part B) : 623-632.

Is it possible to check micro ginning fiber quality preservation performance using reference seed-cotton materials? Togola Mamadou, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Gozé Eric, Traoré Abdoul Karim. 2016. . ICGI. Goiânia : ICGI, 1 p. World Cotton Research Conference, Goiânia, Brésil, 2 Mai 2016/6 Mai 2016.

Mapping Of QTLs identified in a novel source of resistance to the Root-Knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita race 3) in cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.). Gomez G.M., Moretzon M.C., da Silva Esdras Henrique, Furlanetto Cleber, Silvba J.G.P., Lacape Jean-Marc, Barroso Paulo Augusto Vianna, Carneiro Regina Maria Dechechi Gomes, Giband Marc. 2016. . ICGI. Goiânia : ICGI, Résumé, 2 p. World Cotton Research Conference. 6, Goiânia, Brésil, 2 Mai 2016/6 Mai 2016.


Valorisation of cotton germplasm collections, securing and developing exchanges in compliance with international agreements. Viot Christopher, Maghnaoui Najate, Neirac Claire, Dessauw Dominique, Bachelier Bruno. 2015. In : From farm to fabric: The many faces of cotton - Eighth Open session: International exchange of cotton germplasm. Mumbai : s.n., 1-5. Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee. 74, Mumbai, Inde, 6 Décembre 2015/11 Décembre 2015.


Leaf orientation and sunlit leaf area distribution in cotton. Thanisawanyangkura Sornprach, Sinoquet Hervé, Rivet Pierre, Cretenet Michel, Jallas Eric. 1997. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 86 (1-2) : 1-15.


CIRAD research and practical use of growfh regulators in Africa. Martin José. 1994. In : Proceedings of consultative meeting of the working group 3 on growth regulators on cotton. FAO. Athènes : Hellenic Cotton Board, 31-35. Consultative Meeting of the Working Group 3 on Growth Regulators on Cotton, Athènes, Grèce, 25 Janvier 1994/27 Janvier 1994.

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