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Nombre de documents : 23.


Cover crops implementation in mango and longan orchards in Battambang Province, Cambodia. Marcon Sofia, Giuliani Alessandra, Tivet Florent, Rath Setha, Roeurn Rosa, Phoeng Pesith, Sar Veng. 2024. Agritropica, 7 (2) : 102-115.

Diachronic assessment of soil organic C and N dynamics under long-term no-till cropping systems in the tropical upland of Cambodia. Leng Vira, Cardinael Rémi, Tivet Florent, Seng Vang, Mark Phearum, Lienhard Pascal, Filloux Titouan, Six Johan, Hok Lyda, Boulakia Stéphane, Briedis Clever, De Moraes Sá João Carlos, Thuriès Laurent. 2024. Soil, 10 (2) : 699-725.

Diachronic assessment of soil organic C and N dynamics under long-term no-till systems in the tropical upland of Cambodia. Leng Vira, Cardinael Rémi, Tivet Florent, Seng Vang, Mark Phearum, Lienhard Pascal, Filloux Titouan, Six Johan, Hok Lyda, Boulakia Stéphane, Briedis Clever, De Moraes Sa Joao Carlos, Thuriès Laurent. 2024. . UM6P, Chair of Soil Sciences, AITTC. Ben Guerir : UM6P, Résumé, 2 p. International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter (SOM2024). 9, Ben Guerir, Maroc, 26 Mai 2024/31 Mai 2024.

Early effects of conservation agriculture on soil organic carbon dynamics of Mollisols in Cambodia. Koun Pengly, Vernet Pierre-Antoine, Filloux Titouan, Sar Veng, Seng Vang, Srimongkol Porntip, Tantachasatid Phakphoom, Sen Reaksmey, Pheap Sambo, Tivet Florent, Thoumazeau Alexis. 2024. Soil Use and Management, 40 (1):e12922, 14 p.
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Measurement and modelling of water flows and pesticide leaching under low-input cropping systems. Mamy Laure, Marín-Benito Jesús-María, Alletto Lionel, Justes Eric, Ubertosi Marjorie, Munier-Jolain Nicolas, Nicolardot Bernard, Bonnet Catherine, Moeys Julien, Larsbo Mats, Pot Valérie, Bedos Carole, Benoit Pierre, Barriuso Enrique. 2024. Science of the Total Environment, 957:177607, 16 p.


Diversification from field to landscape to adapt Mediterranean rainfed agriculture to water scarcity in climate change context. Molénat Jérôme, Barkaoui Karim, Benyoussef Salah, Mekki Insaf, Zitouna Rim, Jacob Frédéric. 2023. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 65:101336, 8 p.

Sugarcane yield response to legume intercropped: A meta-analysis. Viaud Pauline, Heuclin Benjamin, Letourmy Philippe, Christina Mathias, Versini Antoine, Mansuy Alizé, Chetty Julien, Naudin Krishna. 2023. Field Crops Research, 295:108882, 10 p.

A marginal abatement cost curve for greenhouse gases attenuation by additional carbon storage in french agricultural land. Bamiere Laure, Bellassen Valentin, Angers Denis, Cardinael Rémi, Ceschia Eric, Chenu Claire, Constantin Julie, Delame Nathalie, Diallo A., Graux Anne-Isabelle, Houot Sabine, Klumpp Katja, Launay Camille, Letort Elodie, Martin Raphael, Meziere Delphine, Mosnier Claire, Réchauchère Olivier, Schiavo Michele, Thérond Olivier, Pellerin Sylvain. 2023. Journal of Cleaner Production, 383:135423, 21 p.


Diversification improves the performance of cereals in European cropping systems. Reckling Moritz, Albertsson Johannes, Vermue Anthony, Carlsson Georg, Watson Christine, Justes Eric, Bergkvist Göran, Steen Jensen Erik, Topp Cairistiona F. E.. 2022. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42:118, 14 p.


ANANABIO - Concevoir des systèmes de production d'ananas en agriculture biologique. Nurbel Toulassi, Soler Alain, Thuriès Laurent, Dorey Elodie, Chabanne André, Tisserand Gaëlle, Hoarau L., Darnaudery Marie. 2021. Innovations Agronomiques, 82 : 1-24.

Effects of companion crops and tillage on soil phosphorus in a Brazilian oxisol: A chemical and 31P NMR spectroscopy study. Eberhardt Diogo, Marchao Robélio, Quiquampoix Hervé, Le Guernevé Christine, Ramaroson Volaniaina, Sauvadet Marie, Muraoka Takashi, Becquer Thierry. 2021. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 21 (2) : 1024-1037.
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Resource acquisition and ecosystem services provided by bi-specific cover crop mixtures. Tribouillois Hélène, Bedoussac Laurent, Couëdel Antoine, Justes Eric. 2021. Legume Perspectives (20) : 17-21.

Spatial and temporal diversity of service plant management strategies across vineyards in the south of France. Analysis through the Coverage Index. Fernández-Mena Hugo, Frey Hélène, Celette Florian, Garcia Leo, Barkaoui Karim, Hossard Laure, Naulleau Audrey, Métras Raphaëlle, Gary Christian, Metay Aurélie. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 123:126191, 14 p.

Storing carbon in French agricultural soils: potential and cost of additionnal storage. Bamiere Laure, Pellerin Sylvain, Bellassen Valentin, Constantin Julie, Cardinael Rémi, Ceschia Eric, Delame Nathalie, Graux Anne-Isabelle, Houot Sabine, Klumpp Katja, Launay Camille, Letort Elodie, Martin Raphael, Meziere Delphine, Mosnier Claire, Roger-Estrade Jean, Réchauchère Olivier, Schiavo Michele, Thérond Olivier. 2021. . EAAE. Prague : EAAE, Résumé, 2 p. Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE 2021). 16, Prague, République tchèque, 20 Juillet 2021/23 Juillet 2021.


Dataset on early growth of cover crops in growth chamber. Damour Gaëlle, Guérin Chloé, Dorel Marc. 2020. Data in Brief, 29:105262, 5 p.

Stocker du carbone dans les sols français. Quel potentiel au regard de l'objectif 4 pour 1000 et à quel coût ? Rapport scientifique de l'étude. Pellerin Sylvain (ed.), Bamiere Laure (ed.), Launay Camille, Martin Raphael, Schiavo Michele, Angers Denis, Augusto Laurent, Balesdent Jérôme, Basile-Doelsch Isabelle, Bellassen Valentin, Cardinael Rémi, Cécillon Lauric, Ceschia Eric, Chenu Claire, Constantin Julie, Darroussin Joël, Delacote Philippe, Delame Nathalie, Gastal François, Gilbert Daniel, Graux Anne-Isabelle, Guenet Bertrand, Houot Sabine, Klumpp Katja, Letort Elodie, Litrico Isabelle, Martin Manuel, Menasseri Safya, Meziere Delphine, Morvan Thierry, Mosnier Claire, Estrade J.R., Saint-André Laurent, Sierra Jorge, Thérond Olivier, Viaud Valérie, Grateau Régis, Le Perchec Sophie, Réchauchère Olivier. 2020. Paris : INRA, 528 p.


A dataset on service crop phenotypic characteristics related to their ability to deliver a set of ecological functions. Damour Gaëlle, Meynard Charles, Lakhia Steewy, Ramassamy Mylène, Lakhia Kelly, Dorel Marc. 2020. Data in Brief, 31:105808, 8 p.


Crucifer-legume cover crop mixtures for biocontrol: Toward a new multi-service paradigm. Couëdel Antoine, Kirkegaard John, Alletto Lionel, Justes Eric. 2019. In : Advances in Agronomy: Volume 157. Sparks Donald L. (ed.). Amsterdam : Elsevier, 55-139. (Advances in Agronomy, 157) ISBN 978-0-12-817410-4

Trait-based approach for agroecology: Contribution of service crop root traits to explain soil aggregate stability in vineyards. Garcia Leo, Damour Gaëlle, Gary Christian, Follain Stéphane, Le Bissonnais Yves, Metay Aurélie. 2019. Plant and Soil, 435 (1-2) : 1-14.


Intercropping of grass cover crops in banana plantations: Impacts on banana growth and yield. Achard Raphaël, Tixier Philippe, Dorel Marc, Roger Estrade Jean. 2018. Tropical Agriculture and Development, 62 (1) : 1-8.

Towards Agroecological Cropping Systems: the Role of Diversification in Time and Space for Supporting the Crop Production. Justes Eric, Alletto Lionel, Bedoussac Laurent, Bonnet C., Couëdel Antoine, Gavaland André, Journet Etienne-Pascal, Plaza-Bonilla Daniel, Rafaillac Didier, Viguier Loïc. 2018. In : Book of abstracts of the XV European Society for Agronomy Congress : "Innovative cropping and farming systems for high quality food production systems". Agroscope. Genève : Agroscope, Résumé, 33. European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA 2018). 15, Genève, Suisse, 27 Août 2018/31 Août 2018.

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