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Nombre de documents : 30.


Calibrating the STICS soil-crop model to explore the impact of agroforestry parklands on millet growth. Sow Sidy, Senghor Yolande, Sadio Khardiatou, Vezy Rémi, Roupsard Olivier, Affholder François, N’Diénor Moussa, Clermont-Dauphin Cathy, Gaglo Koudjo Espoir, Ba Seydina, Tounkara Adama, Balde Alpha Bocar, Agbohessou Yélognissè Frédi, Seghieri Josiane, Sall Saidou Nourou, Couedel Antoine, Leroux Louise, Jourdan Christophe, Sanogo Diaite Diaminatou, Falconnier Gatien. 2024. Field Crops Research, 306:109206, 15 p.

Ideotype map research based on a crop model in the context of a climatic gradient. Sambakhe Diariétou, Gozé Eric, Bacro Jean-Noël, Dingkuhn Michael, Adam Myriam, Ndiaye Malick, Muller Bertrand, Rouan Lauriane. 2024. Ecological Modelling, 498:110840, 8 p.

Impact of crop-weed competition on yield gap: A field-based approach in sugarcane in Réunion Island. Laine Elise, Ripoche Aude, Colbach Nathalie, Affholder François. 2024. . Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, INRAE. s.l. : s.n., 1 Congress of the European Society for Agronomy. 18, Rennes, France, 26 Août 2024/30 Août 2024.

Linking genetic markers and crop model parameters using neural networks to enhance genomic prediction of integrative traits. Larue Florian, Rouan Lauriane, Pot David, Rami Jean-François, Luquet Delphine, Beurier Grégory. 2024. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15:1393965, 13 p.


Crop modeling frameworks interoperability through bidirectional source code transformation. Midingoyi Cyrille Ahmed, Pradal Christophe, Enders Andreas, Fumagalli Davide, Lecharpentier Patrice, Raynal Hélène, Donatelli Marcello, Fanchini Davide, Athanasiadis Ioannis, Porter Cheryl, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Oliveira F.A.A., Holzworth Dean, Martre Pierre. 2023. Environmental Modelling and Software, 168:105790, 14 p.

PlantBiophysics.jl: a Julia package for fast and easy calibration, prototyping and simulation of biophysical models. Vezy Rémi, Treillou Simon, Peynaud Emilie, Arsouze Thomas, Perez Raphaël, Dauzat Jean. 2023. In : Book of abstracts the 10th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM2023). Tsu-Wei Chen (ed.), Andreas Fricke (ed.), Katrin Kahlen (ed.), Susann Müller (ed.), Hartmut Stützel (ed.). Hannover : Institute of Horticultural Production Systems, 54-55. International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant Models (FSPM2023). 10, Berlin, Allemagne, 27 Mars 2023/31 Mars 2023.

Proposal and extensive test of a calibration protocol for crop phenology models. Wallach Daniel, Palosuo Taru, Thorburn Peter J., Mielenz Henrike, Buis Samuel, Hochman Zvi, Gourdain Emmanuelle, Andrianasolo Fety, Dumont Benjamin, Ferrise Roberto, Gaiser Thomas, Garcia Cécile, Gayler Sebastian, Harrison Matthew, Hiremath Santosh, Horan Heidi, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Jansson Per-Erik, Jing Qi, Justes Eric, Kersebaum Kurt Christian, Launay Marie, Lewan Elisabet, Liu Ke, Mequanint Fasil, Moriondo Marco, Nendel Claas, Padovan Gloria, Qian Budong, Schütze Niels, Seserman Diana‑Maria, Shelia Vakhtang, Souissi Amir, Specka Xenia, Srivastava Amit Kumar, Trombi Giacomo, Weber Tobias K. D., Weihermüller Lutz, Wöhling Thomas, Seidel Sabine Julia. 2023. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:4, 14 p.


gym-DSSAT: a crop model turned into a Reinforcement Learning environment. Gautron Romain, Padrón González Emilio José, Preux Philippe, Bigot Julien, Maillard Odalric-Ambrym, Emukpere David. 2022. Villeneuve d’Ascq : INRIA, 34 p. (INRIA Research Report, 9460)

A model-guided holistic review of exploiting natural variation of photosynthesis traits in crop improvement. Yin Xinyou, Gu Junfei, Dingkuhn Michael, Struik Paul C.. 2022. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73 (10) : 3173-3188.


Crop2ML: An open-source multi-language modeling framework for the exchange and reuse of crop model components. Midingoyi Cyrille Ahmed, Pradal Christophe, Enders Andreas, Fumagalli Davide, Raynal Hélène, Donatelli Marcello, Athanasiadis Ioannis, Porter Cheryl, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Holzworth Dean, Garcia Frédérick, Thorburn Peter J., Martre Pierre. 2021. Environmental Modelling and Software, 142:105055, 15 p.

Decision rules for managing N fertilization based on model simulations and viability assessment. Ravier Clémence, Sabatier Rodolphe, Beillouin Damien, Meynard Jean-Marc, Trepos Ronan, Jeuffroy Marie-Hélène. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 125:126247, 13 p.

Evaluating process-based sugarcane models for simulating genotypic and environmental effects observed in an international dataset. Jones M.R., Singels A., Chinorumba S., Poser Christophe, Christina Mathias, Shine J., Annandale J., Hammer Graeme. 2021. Field Crops Research, 260:107983, 17 p.

How well do crop models predict phenology, given calibration data from the target population? Wallach Daniel, Palosuo Taru, Thorburn Peter J., Gourdain Emmanuelle, Asseng Senthold, Basso Bruno, Buis Samuel, Crout Neil, Dibari Camilla, Dumont Benjamin, Ferrise Roberto, Gaiser Thomas, Garcia Cécile, Gayler Sebastian, Ghahramani Afshin, Hochman Zvi, Hoek Steven, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Horan Heidi, Huang Mingxia, Jabloun Mohamed, Jing Qi, Justes Eric, et al.. 2021. European Journal of Agronomy, 124:126195, 10 p.

Impact of climate variability and extreme rainfall events on sugarcane yield gap in a tropical Island. Christina Mathias, Jones M.R., Versini Antoine, Mézino Mickaël, Le Mezo Lionel, Auzoux Sandrine, Soulie Jean-Christophe, Poser Christophe, Gérardeaux Edward. 2021. Field Crops Research, 274:108326, 11 p.


Can DSSAT CSM-CROPGRO-Cotton support cotton breeding under low input rainfed conditions? A case study in Senegal. Traore Abdou, Loison Romain, Gérardeaux Edward, Diouf Fatimata B Hassedine, Saliou Ndiaye. 2020. . CIRAD, INRAE, INRIA. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 poster International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM 2020). 2, Montpellier, France, 3 Février 2020/5 Février 2020.

Coupling Sentinel-2 images and STICS crop model to map soil hydraulic properties. Lammoglia Sabine Karen Djidemi, Chanzy André, Guérif Martine. 2020. In : Crop modelling for agriculture and food security under global change: Book of abstracts. CIRAD, INRAE, INRIA. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 167-168. International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM 2020). 2, Montpellier, France, 3 Février 2020/5 Février 2020.

Du millimètre au kilomètre : assimiler l'hétérogénéité spatiale dans une agronomie du paysage au service d'une agriculture durable. Todoroff Pierre. 2020. Saint-Denis : Université de la Réunion, 93 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Génie informatique, automatique et traitement du signal : Université de la Réunion

DynACof: A process-based model to study growth, yield and ecosystem services of coffee agroforestry systems. Vezy Rémi, Le Maire Guerric, Christina Mathias, Georgiou Selena, Imbach Pablo, Hidalgo Hugo G., Alfaro Eric J., Blitz-Frayret Céline, Charbonnier Fabien, Lehner Peter, Loustau Denis, Roupsard Olivier. 2020. Environmental Modelling and Software, 124:104609, 25 p.
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Modeling the effects of climate change on agriculture: a focus on cropping systems. Adam Myriam, Boote Kenneth J., Falconnier Gatien N., Porter Cheryl, Eyshi Rezaei E., Webber Heidi. 2020. In : Climate change and agriculture. Deryng Delphine (ed.). Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 55-95. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science)

Reuse of process-based models: Automatic transformation into many programming languages and simulation platforms. Midingoyi Cyrille Ahmed, Pradal Christophe, Athanasiadis Ioannis, Donatelli Marcello, Enders Andreas, Fumagalli Davide, Garcia Frédérick, Holzworth Dean, Hoogenboom Gerrit, Porter Cheryl, Raynal Hélène, Thorburn Peter J., Martre Pierre. 2020. In Silico Plants, 3 (1):diaa007 : -20.


Exploring process-level genotypic and environmental effects on sugarcane yield using an international experimental dataset. Jones M.R., Singels A., Chinorumba S., Patton A., Poser Christophe, Singh M., Martiné Jean-François, Christina Mathias, Shine J., Annandale J., Hammer Graeme. 2019. Field Crops Research, 244:107622, 12 p.


Cardinal temperatures variability within a tropical japonica rice diversity panel. Rouan Lauriane, Audebert Alain, Luquet Delphine, Roques Sandrine, Dardou Audrey, Gozé Eric. 2018. Plant Production Science, 21 (8) : 256-265.

Designing new management sequences for pineapple production using the SIMPIÑA model. Dorey Elodie, Cambournac Tiphaine, Michels Thierry, Rothe Marie, Tixier Philippe. 2018. Agricultural Systems, 159 : 50-56.

Estimating soil water holding capacity using Sentinel2 images and yield map. Lammoglia Sabine Karen Djidemi, Bourdin Frédéric, Chanzy André, Guérif Martine. 2018. In : European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018- volume 20. EGU. Vienne : EGU, Résumé, 1 p. EGU2018 - European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2018. 20, Vienne, Autriche, 8 Avril 2018/13 Avril 2018.

The PILOTE-N model for improving water and nitrogen management practices: Application in a Mediterranean context. Mailhol Jean-Claude, Albasha Rami, Cheviron Bruno, Lopez Jean-Marie, Ruelle Pierre, Dejean C.. 2018. Agricultural Water Management, 204 : 162-179.


How accurately do maize crop models simulate the interactions of atmospheric CO2 concentration levels with limited water supply on water use and yield? Durand Jean-Louis, Delusca Kenel, Boote Ken, Lizaso Jon, Manderscheid Remy, Weigel Hans Johachim, Ruane Alex C., Rosenzweig Cynthia, Jones Jim, Ahuja Lajpat R., Anapalli Saseendran S., Basso Bruno, Baron Christian, Bertuzzi Patrick, Biernath Christian, Deryng Delphine, Ewert Franck, Gaiser Thomas, Gayler Sebastian, Heinlein Florian, Kersebaum Kurt Christian, Kim Soo-Hyung, Müller Christoph, Nendel Claas, Olioso Albert, Priesack Eckart, Ramirez Villegas Julian, Ripoche Dominique, Rötter Reimund P., Seidel Sabine Julia, Srivastava Amit Kumar, Tao Fulu, Timlin Dennis, Twine Tracy E., Wang Enli, Webber Heidi, Zhao Zhigan. 2017. European Journal of Agronomy, 100 : 67-75.
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Climatic gradients along the windward slopes of Mount Kenya and their implication for crop risks. Part 2: Crop sensitivity. Philippon Nathalie, Baron Christian, Boyard-Micheau Joseph, Adde Antoine, Leclerc Christian, Mwongera Caroline Njeri, Camberlin Pierre. 2016. International Journal of Climatology, 36 (2) : 917-932.
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Cropping system sensitivity to climate change in the northern uplands of Lao PDR. An agroclimatic modeling approach. Lechevallier Esther. 2015. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 67 p. Mémoire d'ingénieur : Agronomie. Production végétale durable : Montpellier SupAgro

Testing satellite rainfall estimates time series for crop yield simulation of a rainfed cereal in West Africa. Leroux Louise, Baron Christian, Lo Seen Chong Danny, Bégué Agnès, Traoré Seydou. 2015. In : Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (Multi-Temp) 2015. LISTIC, University Savoie Mont-Blanc. Annecy : IEEE, 1-4. International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp 2015). 8, Annecy, France, 22 Juillet 2015/24 Juillet 2015.

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