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Nombre de documents : 30.


Cardinium symbiosis as a potential confounder of mtDNA based phylogeographic inference in Culicoides imicola (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), a vector of veterinary viruses. Pilgrim Jack, Siozos Stefanos, Baylis Matthew, Venter Gert J., Garros Claire, Hurst Gregory D.D.. 2021. Parasites and Vectors, 14:100, 5 p.

Identifying potential candidate Culicoides spp. for the study of interactions with Candidatus Cardinium hertigii. Pilgrim Jack, Siozios S., Baylis Matthew, Venter Gert J., Garros Claire, Hurst Gregory D.D.. 2021. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 35 : 501-506.
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La surveillance des populations de Culicoides en France métropolitaine entre 2017 et 2019. Duhayon Maxime, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Balenghien Thomas, Guis Hélène, Baldet Thierry, Garros Claire. 2021. Bulletin Epidémiologique (94):9, 14 p.

Physicochemical factors affecting the diversity and abundance of Afrotropical Culicoides species in larval habitats in Senegal. Bakhoum Mame Thierno, Fall A.G., Seck Momar Talla, Fall Moussa, Ciss Mamadou, Garros Claire, Bouyer Jérémy, Gimonneau Geoffrey, Baldet Thierry. 2021. Acta Tropica, 220:105932, 10 p.

Spatio-temporal modelling of Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) populations on Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). Grimaud Yannick, Tran Annelise, Benkimoun Samuel, Boucher Floriane, Esnault Olivier, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Cardinale Eric, Garros Claire, Guis Hélène. 2021. Parasites and Vectors, 14:288, 16 p.

An expert opinion assessment of blood-feeding arthropods based on their capacity to transmit African swine fever virus in Metropolitan France. Saegerman Claude, Bonnet Sarah, Bouhsira Emilie, De Regge Nick, Fite Johanna, Etore Florence, Garigliany Mutien-Marie, Jori Ferran, Lempereur Laetitia, Le Potier Marie-Frédérique, Quillery Elsa, Vergne Timothée, Vial Laurence. 2021. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 68 (3) : 1190-1204.
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Composition and seasonality of Culicoides in three host environments in Rabat region (Morocco). Bourquia Maria, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Boukhari Intissar, Chakrani Moad, Huber Karine, Gardes Laëtitia, Wint William, Baldet Thierry, Khallaayoune Khalid, Balenghien Thomas. 2020. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 73 (1) : 37-46.

La surveillance entomologique des populations de Culicoides en France continentale pendant la période supposée d'inactivité vectorielle, automne-hiver 2016-2017. Baldet Thierry, Duhayon Maxime, Cavalerie Lisa, Lefrançois Thierry, Fediaevsky Alexandre, Garros Claire, Balenghien Thomas. 2020. Bulletin Epidémiologique (91), n.spéc. Maladies animales réglementées et émergentes (MRE) : 1-5.

Putative role of arthropod vectors in African swine fever virus transmission in relation to their bio-ecological properties. Bonnet Sarah, Bouhsira Emilie, De Regge Nick, Fite Johanna, Etore Florence, Garigliany Mutien-Marie, Jori Ferran, Lempereur Laetitia, Le Potier Marie-Frédérique, Quillery Elsa, Saegerman Claude, Vergne Timothée, Vial Laurence. 2020. Viruses, 12 (7), n.spéc. Emerging Viruses 2020: Surveillance, Prevention, Evolution and Control:778, 16 p.

Species composition and relative abundance of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in Romania. Hristescu Doru, Bărbuceanu Florica, Dascălu Lenuța, Nitescu Cristina, Goffredo Maria, Santilli Adriana, Quaglia Michela, Balenghien Thomas, Predoi Gabriel. 2020. Parasites and Vectors, 13:393, 10 p.

Update of the Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) species checklist from Algeria with 10 new records. Belkharchouche Mounira, Berchi Selima, Mathieu Bruno, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Duhayon Maxime, Baldet Thierry, Balenghien Thomas. 2020. Parasites and Vectors, 13:463, 15 p.

VectorNet data series 3: Culicoides abundance distribution models for Europe and surrounding regions. Balenghien Thomas, Alexander Neil, Arnþórsdóttir Auður Lilja, Bisia Marina, Blackwell Alison, Bodker René, Bourquia Maria, Boutsini Sofia, Carpenter Simon, Colenutt Claire, Culverwell Lorna, Cvetkovikj Aleksandar, Dascălu Lenuța, De Regge Nick, Dhollander Sofie, Elbers Armin R.W., England Marion, Filatov Sehrii, Garros Claire, Goffredo Maria, Haddad Nabil, Hoye Hoke Thomas, Hristescu Doru, Khallaayoune Khalid, Kocisova Alica, Larska Magdalena, Lucientes Javier, Mathieu Bruno, Miranda Miguel Angel, Murchie Archie, Nitescu Cristina, Ozoliņa Zanda, Pereira da Fonseca Isabel, Petric Dusan, Pudar Dubravka, Ramilo David, Richardson Jane, Seglina Zanda, Sghaier Soufien, Stefanovska Jovana, Stougiou Despoina, Sviland Stale, Tchakarova Simona, Van Bortel Wim, Verdun Castello Marta, Veronesi Eva, Versteirt Veerle, Wint William. 2020. Open Health Data, 7 (2), 7 p.

A phylogenetic analysis of the biting midges belonging to Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) subgenus Avaritia using molecular data. Mathieu Bruno, Garros Claire, Balenghien Thomas, Candolfi Ermanno, Delecolle Delphine, Cetre-Sossah Catherine. 2020. Parasites and Vectors, 13:243, 12 p.


Ecological niche modelling to estimate distribution of Culicoides, potential vectors of bluetongue virus in Senegal. Ciss Mamadou, Biteye Biram, Fall Assane Gueye, Ba Gahn Marie Cicille, Leroux Louise, Apolloni Andrea. 2019. BMC Ecology, 19:45, 12 p.

Modelling temporal dynamics of Culicoides Latreille (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) populations on Reunion Island (Indian Ocean), vectors of viruses of veterinary importance. Grimaud Yannick, Guis Hélène, Chiroleu Frédéric, Boucher Floriane, Tran Annelise, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Duhayon Maxime, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Esnault Olivier, Cardinale Eric, Garros Claire. 2019. Parasites and Vectors, 12:562, 17 p.

Update of the species checklist of Culicoides Latreille, 1809 biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) of Morocco. Bourquia Maria, Garros Claire, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Gardes Laëtitia, Huber Karine, Boukhari Intissar, Delecolle Jean Claude, Baldet Thierry, Mignotte Antoine, Lhor Youssef, Khallaayoune Khalid, Balenghien Thomas. 2019. Parasites and Vectors, 12:459, 13 p.


Culcoides-borne diseases in the Indian Ocean: examples of bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease viruses in Reunion Island. Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Veron L., Boucher Floriane, Grimaud Yannick, Hoarau Johny, Benkimoun Samuel, Tran Annelise, Guis Hélène, Cardinale Eric, Garros Claire. 2018. In : Abstract Book of the 15th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15). ISVEE. Chiang Mai : ISVEE, 392. International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15). 15, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 12 Novembre 2018/16 Novembre 2018.

Modelling temporal dynamics of Culicoides populations on Reunion Island (Indian Ocean) vectors of viruses of veterinary importance. Grimaud Yannick, Guis Hélène, Boucher Floriane, Chiroleu Frédéric, Tran Annelise, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Duhayon Maxime, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Esnault Olivier, Cardinale Eric, Garros Claire. 2018. In : Abstract Book of the 15th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15). ISVEE. Chiang Mai : ISVEE, 38. International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 15). 15, Chiang Mai, Thaïlande, 12 Novembre 2018/16 Novembre 2018.

Preliminary studies for the implementation of a novel One Health surveillance of arboviruses in the Indian Ocean. Guis Hélène, Tantely Luciano Michaël, Boucher Floriane, Raharinirina Manou Rominah, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Grimaud Yannick, Cardinale Eric, Garros Claire, Girod Romain. 2018. In : Abstract book of the ISESSAH-InnovSur 2018 Conference. Montpellier SupAgro. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 92. ISESSAH-InnovSur 2018 Conference, Montpellier, France, 14 Mai 2018/18 Mai 2018.

Schmallenberg virus detection in Culicoides biting midges in Spain: First laboratory evidence for highly efficient infection of Culicoides of the Obsoletus complex and Culicoides imicola. Pagès Nonito, Talavera Sandra, Verdún Marta, Pujol Núria, Valle M., Bensaïd Albert, Pujols Joan. 2018. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 65 (1) : e1-e6.
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Spatial distribution modelling of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) biting midges, potential vectors of African horse sickness and bluetongue viruses in Senegal. Diarra Maryam, Fall Moussa, Fall Assane Gueye, Diop Aliou, Lancelot Renaud, Seck Momar Talla, Rakotoarivony Ignace, Allene Xavier, Bouyer Jérémy, Guis Hélène. 2018. Parasites and Vectors, 11:341, 15 p.

Use of entomology surveillance data for Culicoides abundance modeling in mainland France. Villard Pierre, Munoz Facundo, Balenghien Thomas, Baldet Thierry, Lancelot Renaud, Hénaux Viviane. 2018. . CIRAD, ENVT, INRA. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p. InnovSur 2018, Montpellier, France, 16 Mai 2018/18 Mai 2018.
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The epidemiology of Culicoides-borne diseases in the Indian Ocean: Examples of the Bluetongue and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease fever viruses in La Reunion Island. Garros Claire, Grimaud Yannick, Veron L., Boucher Floriane, Benkimoun Samuel, Hoarau Johny, Tran Annelise, Guis Hélène, Cardinale Eric, Cetre-Sossah Catherine. 2018. In : 21st E-SOVE (European Society for Vector Ecology) Meeting Abstract Book. Arthropod Vector Science for the benefit of society: Educate, Empathize, Engage. ESOVE. Palermo : ESOVE, Résumé, 82. E-SOVE (European Society for Vector Ecology) Meeting. 21, Palermo, Italie, 22 Octobre 2018/26 Octobre 2018.


Ecologie et taxonomie intégrative des moucherons piqueurs du genre Culicoides Latreille (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) en région Afrotropicale. Bakhoum Mame Thierno. 2017. Montpellier : AgroParisTech, 176 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de l'évolution et de la biodiversité : AgroParisTech


EDEN & EDENext: the impact of a decade of research (2004-2015) on vector-borne diseases. Lancelot Renaud (ed.), Laurens Sylvie (ed.), Lewer Andrew (ed.), Alexander Neil, Allepuz Alberto, Alten Bulent, Bodker René, Bonnet Sarah, Carpenter Simon, Cetre-Sossah Catherine, Chirouze Emilie, Depaquit Jérôme, Dressel Kerstin, Ducheyne Els, Dvorak Vit, Kasap Ozge Erisoz, Gall Yvonne, Fall Assane Gueye, Farkas Kata, Figuerola Jordi, Garros Claire, Groschup Martin, Halada Petr, Hendrickx Guy, Henttonen Heikki, Hlavackova Kristyna, Hornok Sandor, Hubalek Zdenek, Iltis Nicole, Kazimirova Maria, Kley Nils, Lambert Marie-Christine, Lancelot Renaud, Mihalca Andrei Daniel, Miranda Miguel, Napp Sebastian, Niedrig Matthias, Plantard Olivier, Purse Bethan V., Rizzoli Annapaola, Rogers David, Schmidt Katja, Searle Kate R., Silaghi Cornelia, Sironen Tarja, Vayssier-Taussat Muriel, Volf Petr, Votypka Jan, Vourc'h Gwenaël, White Steven, Wint William. 2015. Montpellier : CIRAD, 130 p. ISBN 978-2-87614-707-2

Modélisation de la dynamique temporelle et de la distribution spatiale des Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) au Sénégal. Diarra Maryam. 2015. Saint-Louis : Université Gaston Berger, 209 p. Thèse de doctorat : Statistiques appliquées : Université Gaston Berger


Sensibilité aux insecticides et évaluation préliminaire des méthodes de lutte antivectorielle disponibles contre les Culicoides (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) paléarctiques, vecteurs de virus émergents d'intérêt en santé animale. Venail Roger. 2014. Montpellier : Université Montpellier 2, 256 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie santé. Entomologie médicale : Université Montpellier 2


A wind density model to quantify the airborne spread of Culicoides species during north-western Europe bluetongue epidemic, 2006. Hendrickx Guy, Gilbert Marius, Staubach Christoph, Elbers Armin R.W., Mintiens Koen, Gerbier Guillaume, Ducheyne Els. 2008. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 87 (1-2) : 162-181.

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