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Nombre de documents : 14.


Towards a (semi-)automatic urban planning rule identification in the french language. Koptelov Maksim, Holveck Margaux, Crémilleux Bruno, Reynaud Justine, Roche Mathieu, Teisseire Maguelonne. 2023. In : 2023 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2023). IEEE. New York : IEEE, 396-405. ISBN 979-8-3503-4504-09 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA). 10, Thessaloniki, Grèce, 9 Octobre 2023/13 Octobre 2023.

Using features based on elongation to enhance sentiment analysis. Rafae Abderrahim, Erritali Mohammed, Madani Youness, Roche Mathieu. 2023. In : Information management and big data. Lossio-Ventura Juan Antonio (ed.), Valverde-Rebaza Jorge (ed.), Díaz Eduardo (ed.) , Alatrista-Salas Hugo (ed.). Cham : Springer, 70-81. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1837) ISBN 978-3-031-35444-1 Annual International Conference on Information Management and Big Dat (SIMBig 2022). 9, Lima, Pérou, 16 Novembre 2022/18 Novembre 2022.


Appréhender les dynamiques spatiales et thématiques aà travers la fouille de textes. Roche Mathieu. 2022. In : Actes de l'atelier Textmine - EGC'2022. Cuxac Pascal (ed.), Lemaire Vincent (ed.), Lopez Cédric (ed.). Lannion : s.n., Résumé, p. 41. Atelier "Fouille de Textes - Text Mine" - EGC'2022, Blois, France, 25 Janvier 2022/25 Janvier 2022.

Deep species distribution modeling from Sentinel-2 image time-series: A global scale analysis on the Orchid family. Estopinan Joaquim, Servajean Maximilien, Bonnet Pierre, Munoz François, Joly Alexis. 2022. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 21 p.

Exploring the agricultural landscape diversity-food security nexus: an analysis in two contrasted parklands of Central Senegal. Leroux Louise, Faye Ndeye Fatou, Jahel Camille, Falconnier Gatien N., Diouf Abdoul Aziz, Ndao Babacar, Tiaw I., Senghor Yolande, Kanfany Ghislain, Balde Alpha Bocar, Dieye Mor, Sirdey Ninon, Alobo Loison Sarah, Corbeels Marc, Baudron Frédéric, Bouquet Emmanuelle. 2022. Agricultural Systems, 196:103312, 15 p.

Text and Data Mining. Roche Mathieu. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD-ES-UMR TETIS, 1 diaporama (102 vues)


Digital agriculture and Data science. Roche Mathieu. 2021. In : Digital Science and Technologie Network (DSTN) - Thematic Workshop: e-Agriculture. CEAMITIC. s.l. : CEAMITIC, p. 2. Digital Science and Technologie Network (DSTN) - Thematic Workshop: e-Agriculture, s.l., Sénégal, 17 Mars 2021/17 Mars 2021.
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Mining online and social media to analyse epidemic periods. Roche Mathieu. 2021. In : IMED - International Congress on Infectious Diseases. ISID (International society of infection diseases). Boston : ISID, 1 p. IMED - International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance. 8, s.l., États-Unis, 4 Novembre 2021/6 Novembre 2021.
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Text and Data Mining - Application in agriculture domain. Roche Mathieu. 2021. Montpellier : CIRAD-ES-UMR TETIS, 1 diaporama (95 vues)


Coupling of cropping system models with the AEGIS platform [S4-O.04]. Auzoux Sandrine, Christina Mathias, Ripoche Aude, Soulie Jean-Christophe. 2020. In : Crop modelling for agriculture and food security under global change: Book of abstracts. CIRAD, INRAE, INRIA. Montpellier : CIRAD, Résumé, 155-156. International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCROPM 2020). 2, Montpellier, France, 3 Février 2020/5 Février 2020.

Face à la Science Ouverte [focus DATA], transformation et adaptation des établissements de recherche et des communautés épistémiques. Bonnet Pascal. 2020. . INRIA, IRD, CIRAD, CIMPA, AUF. Thiès : INRIA, Résumé, 2 p. African Conference in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CARI 2020), Thiès, Sénégal, 14 Octobre 2020/17 Octobre 2020.


Valuing health surveillance as an information system: Interdisciplinary insights. Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas, Vandenberg Olivier, Kozlakidis Zisis, Aenishaenslin Cécile, Roche Mathieu, Bonnet Pascal, Ravel André. 2019. Frontiers in Public Health, 7:138, 12 p.


Heterogeneous Text Mining. Roche Mathieu. 2018. Montpellier : CIRAD-ES-UMR TETIS, 4 diaporamas ( vues)

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