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Nombre de documents : 11.


Carbon and nitrogen stocks in Lithic soils: Environmental drivers and land-use implication in Brazilian dry ecosystems. de Souza Oliveira Filho José, Silva Nascimento Diniz Rousilene, Cipriano da Silva Rafael, Ohana Gomes Moreira Vanessa, Matos Vieira Juliana, Saraiva Barreto Manoel Messias, Benicio de Souza Carvalho Margareth Silvia, Tritsch Isabelle, Scopel Eric. 2024. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 24 : 1476-1488.


Adaptation of some quinoa genotypes (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), grown in a saharan climate in Algeria. Maamri Kelthoum, Djerroudi Zidane Ouiza, Chaabena Ahmed, Fiene Gabriele, Bazile Didier. 2022. Life, 12 (11), n.spéc. Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stresses:1854, 22 p.


Ecosystem services and disservices associated with pastoral systems from Patagonia, Argentina – A review. Tittonell Pablo, Hara Sofía María, Álvarez Valeria E., Aramayo Valeria M., Bruzzone Octavio A., Easdale Marcos Horacio, Enriquez Andrea S., Laborda Luciana, Trinco Fabio Daniel, Villagra Edgar Sebastián, El Mujtar Verónica. 2021. Cahiers Agricultures, 30:43, 12 p.

Performance of some cultivars of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. under semi-arid conditions in Algeria (North Africa). Semmar Rania Narimane, Bouchareb Brahim, Bazile Didier. 2021. . EMCEI. Sousse : EMCEI, 5 p. Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI). 3, Sousse, Tunisie, 10 Juin 2021/13 Juin 2021.


Climate change from the margin: Intersecting inequities in adaptation to climate change in the West African Sahel. Djoudi Houria, Locatelli Bruno, Gautier Denis, Zida Mathurin. 2020. In : FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change: Book of abstracts. Gitz V., Meybeck A., Ricci F., Belcher B., Brady M.A., Coccia F., Elias M., Jamnadass R., Kettle C., Larson A., Li Y., Louman B., Martius C., Minang P., Sinclair F., Sist P., Somarriba E. (editors). Bogor : CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), 154. FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, Bogor, Indonésie, 14 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.

Landscapes in motion: Linkages and feedbacks between landscape dynamics and human migration. Djoudi Houria, Locatelli Bruno, Martius Christopher. 2020. In : FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change: Book of abstracts. Gitz V., Meybeck A., Ricci F., Belcher B., Brady M.A., Coccia F., Elias M., Jamnadass R., Kettle C., Larson A., Li Y., Louman B., Martius C., Minang P., Sinclair F., Sist P., Somarriba E. (editors). Bogor : CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), 172. FTA 2020 Science Conference: Forests, trees and agroforestry science for transformational change, Bogor, Indonésie, 14 Septembre 2020/25 Septembre 2020.


Impact of agrarian practices and some pastoral uses on vegetation in Algerian steppe rangelands. Hammouda Rachid Fethi, Huguenin Johann, Julien Lionel, Nedjraoui Dalila. 2019. Rangeland Journal, 41 (2) : 97-107.
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Landsharing for climat smart lanscapes in dry and humid tropical livestock areas. Blanfort Vincent, Vayssières Jonathan, Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Plassin Sophie, Poccard-Chapuis René. 2019. . Bali : s.n., 1 p. Global Science Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture 2019. 5, Bali, Indonésie, 8 Octobre 2019/10 Octobre 2019.

Vector-borne disease and climate change adaptation in African dryland social-ecological systems. Wilcox Bruce A., Echaubard Pierre, De Garine-Wichatitsky Michel, Ramirez Bernadette. 2019. Infectious Diseases of Poverty, 8 (1):36, 12 p.



Resilience challenges and solutions in specific dryland areas: Sahel region. Wane Abdrahmane, Touré Ibra. 2013. . Washington : s.n., Diaporama, 1 diaporama (17 vues) African Drylands Report Planning Workshop, Washington, États-Unis, 29 Janvier 2013/30 Janvier 2013.

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