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Aller à 2025 | 2023 | 2022 | 2020 | 2018 | 2015

Nombre de documents : 10.


First report of saffron-associated mastrevirus 1 from saffron in Iran. Hosseini Seyyedeh atefeh, Julian Charlotte, Galzi Serge, Filloux Denis, Roumagnac Philippe. 2025. Plant Disease, 1 p.


Refining the emergence scenario of the invasive recombinant Tomato yellow leaf curl virus -IS76. Jammes Margaux, Urbino Cica, Diouf Mame Boucar, Peterschmitt Michel. 2023. Virology, 578 : 71-80.

Stronger together: Synergy between an emerging monopartite begomovirus and a DNA-B component. Ouattara Alassane, Tiendrebeogo Fidèle, Becker Nathalie, Urbino Cica, Thébaud Gaël, Hoareau Murielle, Allibert Agathe, Chiroleu Frédéric, Vernerey Marie-Stéphanie, Traoré Edgar Valentin, Barro Nicolas, Traoré Oumar, Lefeuvre Pierre, Lett Jean-Michel. 2023. In : 19e Rencontres de virologie végétale (RVV2023). Résumés. SFV, SFP, RIVOC, IRD, INRAE, CNRS, CIRAD, Agropolis. Aussois : SFV, Résumé, p. 57. Rencontres de virologie végétale (RVV2023). 19, Aussois, France, 15 Janvier 2023/19 Janvier 2023.


Assessing geminiviruses prevalence in Mediterranean vegetable crops. Belabess Zineb, Mnari Hattab Monia, Anfoka Ghandi, Granier Martine, Accotto Gian Paolo, Ballardini Massimiliano, Bernardo Umberto, Davino Salvatore, Ennmily Meryem, Jerbi Nihed, Laarif Asma, Marian Daniele, Matic Slavica, Mazza Giuseppe, Miozzi Laura, Nazih Abderrahmane, Noris Emanuela, Nugnes Francesco, Taarabt Youness, Tahiri Abdessalem, Urbino Cica, Zaagueri Takoua, Peterschmitt Michel, Vaira Anna Maria. 2022. . SFV. Sète : SFV, Résumé, 1 p. International Symposium on ssDNA Viruses, Sète, France, 26 Septembre 2022/1 Octobre 2022.


Alfalfa leaf curl virus is transmitted by Aphis craccivora in a highly specific circulative manner. Ryckebusch Faustine, Sauvion Nicolas, Granier Martine, Roumagnac Philippe, Peterschmitt Michel. 2020. Virology, 546 : 98-108.

Diversity, distribution and prevalence of vegetable-infecting geminiviruses in Burkina Faso. Ouattara Alassane, Tiendrebeogo Fidèle, Lefeuvre Pierre, Hoareau Murielle, Claverie Sohini, Allibert Agathe, Chiroleu Frédéric, Traoré Edgar Valentin, Barro Nicolas, Traoré O., Lett Jean-Michel. 2020. Plant Pathology, 69 (2) : 379-392.

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A novel divergent geminivirus identified in asymptomatic new world cactaceae plants. Fontenele Rafaela S, Salywon Andrew M., Majure Lucas C., Cobb Ilaria N., Bhaskara Amulya, Avalos-Calleros Jesús, Argüello-Astorga Gerardo, Schmidlin Kara, Khalifeh Anthony, Smith Kendal, Schreck Joshua, Lund Michael, Köhler Matias, Wojciechowski Martin, Hodgson Wendy C., Puente-Martinez Raul, Van Doorslaer Koenraad, Kumari Safaa G., Vernière Christian, Filloux Denis, Roumagnac Philippe, Lefeuvre Pierre, Ribeiro Simone G., Kraberger Simona, Martin Darren Patrick, Varsani Arvind. 2020. Viruses, 12 (4):398, 26 p.


Characterization of begomoviruses sampled during severe epidemics in tomato cultivars carrying the Ty-1 gene. Torre Covadonga, Donaire Livia, Gómez-Aix Cristina, Juárez Miguel, Peterschmitt Michel, Urbino Cica, Hernando Yolanda, Agüero Jesús, Aranda Miguel A.. 2018. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (9):2614, 22 p.


Mapping genetic determinants of viral traits with FST and quantitative trait locus (QTL) approaches. Doumayrou Juliette, Thébaud Gaël, Vuillaume Florence, Peterschmitt Michel, Urbino Cica. 2015. Virology, 484 : 346-353.
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