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Nombre de documents : 3.
A minisatellite-based MLVA for deciphering the global epidemiology of the bacterial cassava pathogen Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis.
Rache Leidy, Blondin Laurence, Diaz Tatis Paula, Flores Carolina, Camargo Andrea, Kanté Moussa, Wonni Issa, López Camilo, Szurek Boris, Dupas Stéphane, Pruvost Olivier, Koebnik Ralf, Restrepo Silvia, Bernal Adriana Jimena, Vernière Christian.
PloS One,
18 (5):e0285491, 16 p.
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Contrasting genetic diversity and structure among Malagasy Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum phylotype I populations inferred from an optimized Multilocus Variable Number of Tandem Repeat Analysis scheme.
Rasoamanana Hasina, Ravelomanantsoa Santatra, Yahiaoui Noura, Dianzinga Niry Tiana, Rebert Emeline, Gauche Miharisoa-Mirana, Pecrix Yann, Costet Laurent, Rieux Adrien, Prior Philippe, Robene Isabelle, Cellier Gilles, Guérin Fabien, Poussier Stéphane.
PloS One,
15 (12):e0242846, 22 p.
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Characterization of worldwide olive germplasm banks of Marrakech (Morocco) and Córdoba (Spain): Towards management and use of olive germplasm in breeding programs.
El Bakkali Ahmed, Essalouh Laila, Tollon Christine, Rivallan Ronan, Mournet Pierre, Moukhli Abdelmajid, Zaher Hayat, Mekkaoui Abderrahmane, Hadidou Amal, Sikaoui Lhassane, Khadari Bouchaib.
PloS One,
14 (10):e0223716, 28 p.
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