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Aller à 2023 | 2020 | 2019 | 2015

Nombre de documents : 4.


Effects of interspecific grafting of Coffea arabica and elevation on coffee growth, yield, and quality attributes in Costa Rica. Koutouleas Athina, Blunt Conor, Bregar Aljoša, Hansen Jon Kehlet, Ræbild Anders, Etienne Hervé, Georget Frederic. 2023. Scientia Horticulturae, 320:112162, 16 p.


Selecting for water use efficiency, wood chemical traits and biomass with genomic selection in a Eucalyptus breeding program. Bouvet Jean-Marc, Makouanzi Garel Chrissy Ekomono, Brendel Olivier, Laclau Jean-Paul, Bouillet Jean-Pierre, Epron Daniel. 2020. Forest Ecology and Management, 465:118092, 10 p.
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Are medium-scale farms driving agricultural transformation in sub-Saharan Africa? Jayne Thomas, Muyanga Milu, Wineman Ayala, Ghebru Hosaena, Stevens Caleb, Stickler Mercedes, Chapoto Antony, Anseeuw Ward, van der Westhuizen Divan, Nyange David. 2019. Agricultural Economics, 50 (51), n.spéc. New mandates and new landscapes for agriculture : 75-95.


Etude architecturale du système racinaire d'un jeune palmier dattier (Phoenix dactylifera L.). Mimoun Asmaà, Jrad Amira, Tahri Kenza, Bouguedoura Nadia, Ben Salah Mohamed, Bennaceur Malika, Jourdan Christophe, Lecoustre René, Rey Hervé. 2015. . Rabat : PHC Maghreb, 1 p. Journées 2015 du PHC Maghreb, Rabat, Maroc, 25 Novembre 2015/26 Novembre 2015.

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