Nombre de documents : 1.
Lessons and challenges in land change modeling derived from synthesis of cross-case comparisons.
Gilmore Pontius Jr Robert, Castella Jean-Christophe, De Nijs Ton, Duan Zengqiang, Fotsing Eric, Goldstein Noah, Kok Kasper, Koomen Eric, Lippitt Christopher D., McConnell William, Mohd Sood Alias, Pijanowski Bryan, Verburg P.H., Veldkamp Tom A..
In : Trends in spatial analysis and modelling: Decision-support and planning strategies. Behnisch Martin (ed.), Gotthard Meinel (ed.)
. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 143-164.
(Geotechnologies and the environnement, 19)
ISBN 978-3-319-52520-4
Liste générée le Wed Dec 18 22:38:54 2024 CET.