Nombre de documents : 5.
A comparative study of maize and miscanthus regarding cell-wall composition and stem anatomy for conversion into bioethanol and polymer composites.
Brancourt-Hulmel Maryse, Arnoult Stéphanie, Cezard L., El Hage F., Gineau Emilie, Girones Jordi, Griveau Yves, Jacquemont M.P., Jaffuel Sylvie, Mignot E., Mouille Gregory, Lapierre Catherine, Legée F., Méchin Valérie, Navard Patrick, Vo Loan T.T., Reymond Matthieu.
BioEnergy Research,
15 (2) : 777-791.
 Prévisualisation |
The Biomass dust-fueled engine.
Stover Luke, Piriou Bruno, Vaitilingom Gilles, Rouau Xavier.
In : Proceedings of the 26th European Biomass Conference (EUCBE). Persson M. (ed.), Scarlat N. (ed.), Grassi A. (ed.), Helm P. (ed.)
. Florence : ETA, 618-621.
ISBN 978-88-89407-18-9 European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. 26, Copenhagen, Danemark, 14 Mai 2018/17 Mai 2018.
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