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Aller à 2023 | 2019 | 2018 | 2015 | 2014

Nombre de documents : 5.


Ensuring zero agricultural land expansion into high-carbon ecosystems. Rosenstock Todd, Costa Junior Ciniro, Nelson Katherine M., Hergoualc'H Kristell Anaïk, Roman-Cuesta Rosa. 2023. In : Transforming food systems under climate change through innovation. Campbell Bruce (ed.), Thornton Philip (ed.), Loboguerrero Ana Maria (ed.), Dinesh Dhanush (ed.), Nowak Andreea (ed.). Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 32-40. ISBN 978-1-009-22720-9


A new mobile app based on botanical expertise for identifying Asian mangroves species. Joffrey Carle, Proisy Christophe, Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Sidik Frida, Andayani Ariani, Suhardjono, Enright James Anthony, Grard Pierre. 2019. . MMM5. Singapour : MMM5, Résumé, 1 p. International Mangrove Macrobenthos and Management Meeting (MMM5). 5, Singapour, Singapour, 1 Juillet 2019/5 Juillet 2019.


Monitoring mangrove forests after aquaculture abandonment using time series of very high spatial resolution satellite images: A case study from the Perancak estuary, Bali, Indonesia. Proisy Christophe, Viennois Gaëlle, Sidik Frida, Andayani Ariani, Enright James Anthony, Guitet Stéphane, Gusmawati Niken Financia, Lemonnier Hugues, Muthusankar Gowrappan, Olagoke Adewole, Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Rahmania Rinny, Ricout Anaïs, Soulard Benoit, Suhardjono. 2018. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 131 (Part B), n.spéc. Indonesia seas management : 61-71.
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13 years of changes in the extent and physiognomy of mangroves after shrimp farming abandonment, Bali, Indonesia. Rahmani Rinny, Proisy Christophe, Viennois Gaëlle, Andayani Ariani, Sidik Frida, Riza Farhan Aulia, Gusmawati Niken Financia, Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Germain Olivier, Lemonnier Hugues, Subki Berni, Suhardjono, Widagti Nuryani, Gaspar Philippe. 2015. In : Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (Multi-Temp) 2015. LISTIC, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc. Annecy : IEEE, 1 p. International Workshop on the Analysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp 2015). 8, Annecy, France, 22 Juillet 2015/24 Juillet 2015.


Monitoring changes on mangroves coasts using high resolution satellite images. A case study in the Perancak estuary, Bali. Proisy Christophe, Rahmani Rinny, Viennois Gaëlle, Andayani Ariani, Baudel Sophie, Fahran Riza, Gusmawati Niken Financia, Germain Olivier, Lemonnier Hugues, Mbay Nurman, Nugraha Bambang, Prospéri Maria-Juliana, Sidik Frida, Subki Berni, Suhardjono, Widagti Nuryani, Gaspar Philippe. 2014. In : Ocean remote sensing for sustainable resources. Tanaka T. (ed.), Levy G. (ed.), Gower J. (ed.), Wayan Nusara I. (ed.), Asriningrum W. (ed.), Harsanugraha W.K. (ed.). Jakarta : Lapan, 1-7. Biennial Conference of Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference (PORSEC 2014). 12, Bali, Indonésie, 4 Novembre 2014/7 Novembre 2014.

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