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Nombre de documents : 28.




How quality conventions shape the governance of the dairy value chains of Senegal. Ferrari Serena, Duteurtre Guillaume, Corniaux Christian, Dia Djiby. 2024. Revue d'Elevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 77 : 1-9.

Study report on consumer preferences for milk and dairy products in the city of Bobo-Dioulasso. Fayama Tionyélé, Sodre Etienne, Sib Ollo, Dabire Der. 2024. Montpellier : CGIAR Initiative on Agroecology, 33 p.

Valorisation marchande du lait de chamelle en Tunisie : comment faire ? Salmi Chaker, Jaouad Mohamed, Faye Bernard. 2024. Revue des Régions Arides (49), n.spéc. Actes des colloques internationaux 2022-2023 Gouvernance territoriale, risques et défis socio-environnementaux : 333-342.


Les fractures numériques en milieu pastoral dans le bassin de collecte de la Laiterie du Berger (nord du Sénégal). Des inégalités intersectionnelles. Ferrari Serena, Cesaro Jean-Daniel, Ba Baba, Asseloka Amadou Roufaye, Diaw Arona. 2023. . INRAE, CIRAD, IDELE, INRAT, OEP, IRESA, FAO. Tunis : INRAE, 6 p. Rencontres internationales sur le lait, vecteur de développement. 4, Tunis, Tunisie, 6 Mars 2023/8 Mars 2023.

Typology of Brazilian dairy farms based on vulnerability characteristics. Tonet Rosa Maira, Bánkuti Ferenc Istvan, Damasceno Julio Cesar, Teixeira Da Silva Siqueira Tiago, Dantas Machado Bouroullec Melise, Loddi Maria Marta. 2023. Animal. Open Space, 2:100040, 8 p.


Analyse de la chaine de valeur du Lait au Burundi. Lançon Frédéric, Habonimana Bernadette, Nimenya Nicodème, Niragira Sanctus, Morton John, Vigne Mathieu. 2022. Montpellier : CIRAD, 181 p.

Camel milk composition by breed, season, publication year, and country: A global systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression. Alhaj Omar A., Altooq Noor J., Alenezi Ahmad F., Janahi Abdulrahman I., Janahi Mohamed I., Humood Ali M., AlRasheed Maha M., Bragazzi Nicola L., Jahrami Haitham A., Faye Bernard. 2022. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 21 (3) : 2520-2559.
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Is feeding the Indian dairy cow sustainable? A tentative multiscalar answer. Vigne Mathieu, Dorin Bruno, Aubron Claire. 2022. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 20 (2) : 140-152.
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Longitudinal study of the immune response and memory following natural bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections in cattle of different age. Hägglund Sara, Näslund Katarina, Svensson Anna, Lefverman Cecilia, Enül Hakan, Pascal Leonore, Siltenius Jari, Holzhauer Menno, Delabouglise Alexis, Österberg Julia, Alvåsen Karin, Olsson Ulf, Eléouët Jean-François, Riffault Sabine, Taylor Geraldine, Rodriguez María Jose, Garcia Duran Marga, Valarcher Jean-François. 2022. PloS One, 17 (9):e0274332, 21 p.

Quality conventions shaping the governance of the milk value chain of Senegal. How quality strategies ensure the (self-)financing of the local value chain. Ferrari Serena, Duteurtre Guillaume, Corniaux Christian, Dia Djiby. 2022. . SFER, Ecole d'ingénieurs de Purpan. Toulouse : SFER, 9 p. Colloque de la SFER "Financement des filières agricoles et alimentaires - Quelles évolutions et quels impacts pour les acteurs ?", Toulouse, France, 28 Juin 2022/28 Juin 2022.
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A typology of smallholder livestock production systems reflecting the impact of the development of a local milk collection industry: Case study of Fatick region, Senegal. Habanabakize Ernest, Ba Koki, Corniaux Christian, Cortbaoui Patrick, Vasseur Elsa. 2022. Pastoralism - Research, Policy and Practice, 12:22, 14 p.


Impact of parity order on nutritional values of camel milk in modern system. Mustafa Ayman B., Elgenaidi A.R., Alkeskas Aldukali, Faraz Asim, Elhag Ahmed Eisa, Bashari Mohanad, Faye Bernard. 2021. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 53 (6) : 2475-2478.


Camelids: New players in the international animal production context. Zarrin Mousa, Riveros José L., Ahmadpour Amir, De Almeida André Martinho, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Vargas-Bello-Pérez Einar, Faye Bernard, Hernández-Castellano Lorenzo E.. 2020. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 52 (3) : 903-913.


Blood, milk and meat vitamin D in the dromedary camel. El Khasmi Mohammed, Faye Bernard. 2019. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science, 9 (4) : 585-595.

Comprehensive proteomic analysis of camel milk-derived extracellular vesicles. Ryskaliyeva Alma, Krupova Z., Henry C., Faye Bernard, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Martin P.. 2019. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 12 (2) : 93-104.

Vitamins of camel milk: A comprehensive review. Faye Bernard, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Bengoumi Mohammed. 2019. Journal of Camelid Science, 12 : 17-32.



Antimicrobial Resistance Trends of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Milk in South Africa Differs between Seasons and Regions. Karzis Joanne, Petzer Inge-Marié, Donkin Edward F., Naidoo Vinny, Etter Eric. 2018. In : Proceedings for the RuVASA and SASVEPM Congress. RuVASA, SASVEPM. Boksburg : RuVASA-SASVEPM, 186-189. RUVASA and SASVEPM congress 2018, Boksburg, Afrique du Sud, 18 Juin 2018/20 Juin 2018.

Impact of parity order on the chemical composition of camel milk under intensive farming system in Sudan. Ayman M.B., Elgenaidi A.R., Faye Bernard, Elagba M., Alhaj A.E.. 2018. In : Recent advances in camelids biology, health and production : Proceedings of the 5th conference ISOCARD 2018. Sghiri Abdelmalek (ed.), Kichou Faouzi (ed.). Laâyoune : ISOCARD, 305-308. ISBN 978-9920-36-565-9 Conference of the international society of camelid research and development ISOCARD 2018. 5, Laâyoune, Maroc, 12 Novembre 2018/15 Novembre 2018.

Kinetics of polychlorinated biphenyls in Bactrian camels. Jurjanz Stefan, Nurseitova Moldir, Toregozhina Zhanna, Konuspayeva Gaukhar, Faye Bernard. 2018. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 30 (4), n.spéc. Camel Health and Production : 312-319.


Linking disease epidemiology and livestock productivity: The case of bovine respiratory disease in France. Delabouglise Alexis, James Andrew, Valarcher Jean-François, Hägglund Sara, Raboisson Didier, Rushton Jonathan. 2017. PloS One, 12 (12):e0189090, 23 p.


Biophysical and economic water productivity of dual-purpose cattle farming. Sraïri Mohamed Taher, Benjelloun R., Karrou M., Ates S., Kuper Marcel. 2016. Animal (Cambridge), 10 (2) : 283-291.

Which is a sustainable development of dairy sector in Vietnam: Dairy household farms or intensive and large scale farms. Nguyen Mai Huong, Cesaro Jean-Daniel, Pham Duy Khanh, Hoang Vu Quang, Duteurtre Guillaume. 2016. Journal of Animal Science and Technology (61) : 12-21.


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