Nombre de documents : 7.
Hybridization, missing wild ancestors and the domestication of cultivated diploid bananas.
Sardos Julie, Breton Catherine, Perrier Xavier, Van Den Houwe Ines, Carpentier Sébastien Christian, Paofa Janet, Rouard Mathieu, Roux Nicolas.
Frontiers in Plant Science,
13:969220, 17 p.
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SNP-based genotyping and whole-genome sequencing reveal previously unknown genetic diversity in Xanthomonas vasicola pv. musacearum, causal agent of banana xanthomonas wilt, in its presumed Ethiopian origin.
Nakato Gloria Valentine, Studholme David J., Blomme Guy, Grant Murray, Coutinho Teresa A., Were Evans M., Wicker Emmanuel, Mahuku George.
Plant Pathology,
70 (3) : 534-543.
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Genome ancestry mosaics reveal multiple and cryptic contributors to cultivated banana.
Martin Guillaume, Cardi Céline, Sarah Gautier, Ricci Sebastien, Jenny Christophe, Fondi Emmanuel, Perrier Xavier, Glaszmann Jean-Christophe, D'Hont Angélique, Yahiaoui Nabila.
Plant Journal,
102 (5) : 1008-1025.
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Distribution in the Musa diversity of two large chromosomal translocations using re-sequencing data.
Dupouy Marion, Martin Guillaume, Hervouet Catherine, Salmon Frédéric, Lemainque Arnaud, Baurens Franc-Christophe, D'Hont Angélique.
In : Abstract Book Dynagev 2018. Réseau scientifique DYNAGEV
. Rennes : INRA, Résumé, 1 p.
Colloque annuel DynaGeV : Dynamique des génomes végétaux, Rennes, France, 21 Juin 2018/22 Juin 2018.
Characterization of two large chromosomal translocations in Musa acuminata ssp. burmannicoides "Calcutta4".
Dupouy Marion, Martin Guillaume, Derouault Paco, Hervouet Catherine, Cardi Céline, Salmon Frédéric, Toubi Lyonel, Labadie Karine, Baurens Franc-Christophe, D'Hont Angélique.
In : Abstract Book Dynagev 2017. Réseau scientifique DYNAGEV
. Montpellier : INRA, Résumé, 19.
Colloque annuel DynaGeV : Dynamique des génomes végétaux. 3, Montpellier, France, 8 Juin 2017/9 Juin 2017.
Improvement of the banana Musa acuminata reference sequence using NGS data and semi-automated bioinformatics methods.
Martin Guillaume, Baurens Franc-Christophe, Droc Gaëtan, Rouard Mathieu, Cenci Alberto, Kilian Andrzej, Hastie Alex, Dolezelova M., Aury Jean-Marc, Alberti Adriana, Carreel Françoise, D'Hont Angélique.
BMC Genomics,
17 (243), 12 p.
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