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Aller à 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

Nombre de documents : 12.


Investigating the genetic variation of cacao pathogen Phytophthora megakarya. Gitto Andrew, Kolawole Oluwaseun O., Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Bailey Bryan, Schlathoelter Ina, Henderson Donna, Marelli Jean-Philippe, Brawner Jeremy, Goss Erica. 2023. In : Fungi from Coast to Coast : Book of abstracts. s.l. : Acadia University, Résumé, p. 48. Annual CanFunNet Fungal Biology Conference. 4, Wolfville, Canada, 31 Mai 2023/2 Juin 2023.


Modélisation de la dynamique d'évolution spatio-temporelle de la pourriture brune causée par Phytophthora megakarya parasite du cacaoyer (Theobroma cacao L.). Nembot Fomba Christian Gaele. 2021. Youndé : Université de Yaoundé, 216 p. Thèse de doctorat : Phytopathologie. Biotechnologies végétales : Université de Yaoundé

Parameter estimation in a PDE model for the spatial spread of cocoa black pod disease. Nembot Fomba Christian Gaele, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Soubeyran Samuel, Roques Lionel, Ambang Zachée, Soh Takam. 2021. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83:101, 28 p.

Spatial and temporal analysis of Phytophthora megakarya epidemic in newly established cacao plantations. Ndoungue Djeumekop Minette Mireille, Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Ribeyre Fabienne, Bonnot François, Cilas Christian, Neema Claire, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn. 2021. Plant Disease, 105 (5) : 1448-1460.


Field testing an oil-based Trichoderma asperellum formulation for the biological control of cacao black pod disease, caused by Phytophthora megakarya. Mbarga Manga Amougou, Begoude B.A.D., Ambang Zachée, Meboma M., Kuaté Jean, Ewbank W., Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn. 2020. Crop Protection, 132, 105134, 4 p.

Origine et modes de dispersion des épidémies dues à Phytophthora megakarya dans les systèmes de cacaoculture innovants au Cameroun. Djeumekop Ndoungue Mireille Minette. 2020. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 196 p. Thèse de doctorat : Biologie des interactions : Montpellier SupAgro


Modeling the temporal evolution of cocoa black pod rot disease caused by Phytophthora megakarya. Nembot Fomba Christian Gaele, Takam Soh Patrice, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Dumont Yves. 2018. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (18), n.spéc. Biomathematics/Advanced Analysis in Pure & Applied Sciences : 8816-8843.
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Combining field epidemiological information and genetic diversity to understand Phytophthora megakarya dispersion in young cocoa plantations in Cameroon. Ndoungue Djeumekop Minette Mireille, Blondin Laurence, Herail Claude, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Neema Claire. 2017. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2017. ICCO. Lima : ICCO, 7 p. International Symposium on Cocoa Research – ISCR 2017 : Promoting Advances in Research to Enhance the Profitability of Cocoa Farming. 1, Lima, Pérou, 13 Novembre 2017/17 Novembre 2017.

Spatio-temporal dynamics on a plot scale of cocoa black pod rot caused by Phytophthora megakarya in Cameroon. Ndoumbè Nkeng Michel, Efombagn Mousseni Ives Bruno, Bidzanga Nomo Lucien, Sache Ivan, Cilas Christian. 2017. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 147 (3) : 579-590.

Spatiotemporal patterns of Phytophthora megakarya infections in newly established cacao plantations in Cameroon. Ndoungue Mireille Minette, Ngo Bieng Marie-Ange, Nembot Fomba Christian Gaele, Petchayo Sandrine, Neema Claire, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn. 2017. In : Deepen knowledge in plant pathology for innovative agro-ecology. Dunkerque : EFPP, Résumé, 1 p. European Foundation for Plant Pathology Conference. 12, Dunkerque, France, 29 Mai 2017/2 Juin 2017.

Trichoderma asperellum PR11 soil treatments for Phytophthora megakarya control. Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Ndoungue Djeumekop Minette Mireille, Petchayo Tigang Sandrine, Techou Zaccharie, Nembot Fomba Christian Gaele, Fontem D.. 2017. In : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Cocoa Research 2017. ICCO. Lima : ICCO, 4 p. International Symposium on Cocoa Research – ISCR 2017 : Promoting Advances in Research to Enhance the Profitability of Cocoa Farming. 1, Lima, Pérou, 13 Novembre 2017/17 Novembre 2017.


PCR-based identification of cacao black pod causal agents and identification of biological factors possibly contributing to Phytophthora megakarya's field dominance in West Africa. Ali Shahin, Amoako-Attah Ishmael, Bailey Rebecca, Strem Mary, Schmidt Martha, Yaw Akrofi Andrew, Surujdeo-Maharaj Surendra, Kolawole Oluwaseun O., Begoude Dider, Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn, Goss Erica, Phillips-Mora Wilbert, Meinhardt Lyndel W., Bailey Bryan. 2016. Plant Pathology, 65 (7) : 1095-1108.
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