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Nombre de documents : 23.


Políticas públicas y agricultura familiar en América Latina ante los escenarios agroalimentarios. Patrouilleau Maria Mercedes, Le Coq Jean-François, Anastasio Mario Daniel, Sotomayor Octavio. 2025. Eutopía, 26 : 85-104.


Integrating agroecology into public policies in Senegal. Milhorance Carolina, Camara Astou, Sourisseau Jean-Michel, Piraux Marc, Assembène Mane Chérif, Sirdey Ninon, Belmin Raphaël, Ka Dié-Yacine, Sall Moussa, Sall Mame Cheikh Anta. 2024. Montpellier : CIRAD-CGIAR, 50 p.

Subnational assessment of legal and illegal deforestation in the Colombian Amazon: Consequences for zero deforestation commitments. Katz Asprilla David Mauricio, Piketty Marie-Gabrielle, Briceno Castillo Guido Vicente, Blanc Lilian, Camacho Peña Jhon, Karsenty Alain. 2024. Regional Environmental Change, 24:108, 16 p.


From rural to urban areas: New trends and challenges for the commons in Morocco. Romagny Bruno, Aderghal Mohamed, Auclair Laurent, Ilbert Hélène, Lemeilleur Sylvaine. 2023. Journal of North African Studies, 28 (1), n.spéc. Commoning the Future’: Sustaining and Contesting the Public Good in North Africa : 57-74.

Workshop report. Land governance and the territorialisation of the agro-ecological transition for the Fatick Department. Sourisseau Jean-Michel (ed.), Ka Dié-Yacine (ed.), Piraux Marc (ed.), Bayo Finda (ed.), Milhorance Carolina (ed.), Sall Thierno (ed.), Sow Mamadou (ed.), Ndour Maimouna (ed.), Sene Mame Birame (collab.), Diouf Ibrahima (collab.), Senghor Abdu (collab.), Diop Babacar (collab.), Sambou Bodian Chérif (collab.), Ndiaye Alassane (collab.). 2023. Montpellier : DyTAES-CIRAD-ISRA, 40 p.


Build the evidence base on the nexus between agriculture and forests. Final report. Feintrenie Laurene, Karsenty Alain, Blanc Lilian, Merle Caroline. 2022. s.l. : s.n., 66 p.

Recent forest and land-use policy changes in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo: Are they truly transformational? Ng Julia Su Chen, Chervier Colas, Ancrenaz Marc, Naito Daisuke, Karsenty Alain. 2022. Land Use Policy, 121:103308, 14 p.


Torn between responsibility and loyalty: how the veterinarian profession designs antibiotic resistance policies that shake its foundations. Surdez Muriel, Piquerez Lorène, Hobeika Alexandre. 2021. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 102 (2), n.spéc. 21st century vets: professional dynamics in the era of One Health : 191-211.


How do I build my agricultural growth pole? A review of policies in three West African countries. Tyrou Emma, Soullier Guillaume, Ribier Vincent. 2019. . Montpellier : INRAE, 29 p. Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists: Governance of food chains and consumption dynamics: what are the impacts on food security and sustainability?. 170, Montpellier, France, 15 Mai 2019/17 Mai 2019.

Study on Small-scale Agriculture in the Palestinian Territories. Marzin Jacques, Uwaidat Ahmad, Sourisseau Jean-Michel. 2019. s.l. : CIRAD-Al Markaz, 84 p.


Combining socioeconomic development with environmental governance in the Brazilian Amazon: the Mato Grosso agricultural frontier at a tipping point. Arvor Damien, Daugeard Marion, Tritsch Isabelle, De Mello-Théry Neli Aparecida, Théry Hervé, Dubreuil Vincent. 2018. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 20 (1) : 1-22.

El escalamiento de experiencias y el rol de las políticas. Samper Mario, Sabourin Eric. 2018. In : Políticas públicas y desarrollo rural en América Latina: Balance y perspectivas. Memorias del Seminario de la Red de Políticas Públicas y Desarrollo Rural en América Latina (PP-AL). Le Coq Jean-François (ed.), Grisa Catia (ed.), Sabourin Eric (ed.), Sotomayor Octavio (ed.). Red PP-AL, CIRAD-ES, CIAT. Cali : Red PP-AL-CIRAD, 55-56. ISBN 978-958-694-219-5 Seminario internacional: Políticas públicas y desarrollo rural en América Latina: balance y perspectivas, Cali, Colombie, 5 Septembre 2018/8 Septembre 2018.

Public policies that promote agroecology and organic agriculture in Latin America. Le Coq Jean-François, Patrouilleau Maria Mercedes, Sabourin Eric, Niederle Paulo André. 2018. In : Conference proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Food in an Urbanizing Society: Healthy food, socio-biodiversity, and sustainable agrifood systems: innovations from consumption to production. Preiss Potira V. (ed.), Schneider Sergio (ed.). Porto Alegre : UFRGS, 152. ISBN 978-85-66094-45-9 International Conference on Agriculture and Food in an Urbanizing Society. 3, Porto Alegre, Brésil, 17 Septembre 2018/21 Septembre 2018.

A difusão de políticas brasileira para agricultura familiar na América Latina e Caribe. Sabourin Eric (ed.), Grisa Catia (ed.). 2018. Porto Alegre : Escritos Editora, 286 p. ISBN 978-85-98334-85-1


Políticas públicas a favor de la agroecología en América Latina. Sabourin Eric, Patrouilleau Maria Mercedes, Niederle Paulo André, Le Coq Jean-François, Vásquez Luis. 2017. In : Os avanços da agricultura familiar e seus desafios no contexto da América Latina. Brasília : Alianza por la Agroecología-ASPTA, 19 Seminário Regional da Aliança pela Agroecologia, Brasília, Brésil, 3 Mai 2017/6 Mai 2017.


A experiência brasileira de construção de políticas públicas em favor da agroecologia. Schmitt C., Niederle Paulo, Avila Mario, Sabourin Eric, Petersen Paulo, Silveira Luciano, Assis William, Palm Juliano. 2016. In : Actas Seminario “Políticas a favor de la agroecología en América Latina y en el Caribe. Red PP-AL. Brasília : Red PP-AL-CIRAD, 1-20. Seminario “Políticas a favor de la agroecología en América Latina y en el Caribe”, Brasília, Brésil, 9 Novembre 2016/11 Novembre 2016.
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The cities facing to agriculture and food: which strategies? Case studies in the Mediterranean. Soulard Christophe-Toussaint, Banzo Mayté, Perrin Coline, Valette Elodie. 2015. . Lazio Expo 2015, AiCARE, University of Pisa. Rome : Lazio Expo 2015, 1 p. International Conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society. 2, Rome, Italie, 14 Septembre 2015/17 Septembre 2015.


Towards Bioeconomy Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. Trigo Eduardo J., Henry Guy, Sanders Johan, Schurr Ulrich, Ingelbrecht Ivan, Revel Clara, Santana Carlos, Rocha Pedro. 2014. In : Towards a Latin America and Caribbean Knowledge Based Bio-Economy in Partnership with Europe. Hodson de Jaramillo Elizabeth (ed.). Bogota : Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 15-41. ISBN 978-958-716-742-9
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