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Nombre de documents : 14.


Políticas públicas y agricultura familiar en América Latina ante los escenarios agroalimentarios. Patrouilleau Maria Mercedes, Le Coq Jean-François, Anastasio Mario Daniel, Sotomayor Octavio. 2025. Eutopía, 26 : 85-104.



Can the Middle East-North Africa region mitigate the rise of its food import dependency under climate change? Le Mouël Chantal, Forslund Agneta, Marty Pauline, Manceron Stéphane, Marajo-Petitzon Elodie, Caillaud Marie-Cécile, Dumas Patrice, Schmitt Bertrand. 2023. Regional Environmental Change, 23:52, 11 p.


Embedding the integrated assessment of agricultural systems in a companion modeling process to debate and enhance their sustainability. Hossard Laure, Tardivo Caroline, Barbier Jean-Marc, Cittadini Roberto, Delmotte Sylvestre, Le Page Christophe. 2022. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 42:11, 17 p.


Has the COVID-19 crisis changed our relationship to the future? Jahel Camille, Bourgeois Robin, Pesche Denis, De Lattre-Gasquet Marie, Delay Etienne. 2021. Futures and Foresight Science, 3 (2):e75, 15 p.

Identifying uncertainties in scenarios and models of socio-ecological systems in support of decision-making. Rounsevell Mark D.A., Arneth Almur, Brown Calum, Cheung William W.L., Gimenez Olivier, Holman Ian, Leadley Paul, Luján Criscely, Mahévas Stéphanie, Marechaux Isabelle, Pélissier Raphaël, Verburg Peter, Vieilledent Ghislain, Wintle Brendan A., Shin Yunne-Jai. 2021. One Earth, 4 (7) : 967-985.


Conception de scénarios d'amélioration de la production laitière pour approvisionner une laiterie à Madagascar. Zoungrana Rasmata. 2020. Montpellier : Montpellier SupAgro, 93 p. Mémoire de master 2 : Agronomie et agro-alimentaire. Systèmes d'élevage : Montpellier SupAgro

Landscape-scale spatial modelling of deforestation, land degradation, and regeneration using machine learning tools. Grinand Clovis, Vieilledent Ghislain, Razafimbelo Tantely Maminiana, Rakotoarijaona Jean-Roger, Nourtier Marie, Bernoux Martial. 2020. Land Degradation and Development, 31 (13) : 1699-1712.
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Modelling nitrogen and light sharing in pea-wheat intercrops to design decision rules for N fertilisation according to farmers' expectations. Malagoli Philippe, Naudin Christophe, Vrignon-Brenas Sylvain, Sester Mathilde, Jeuffroy Marie-Hélène, Corre-Hellou Guenaëlle. 2020. Field Crops Research, 255:107865, 10 p.


Analysing plausible futures from past patterns of land change in West Burkina Faso. Jahel Camille, Vall Eric, Rodriguez Zermeño, Bégué Agnès, Baron Christian, Augusseau Xavier, Lo Seen Danny. 2018. Land Use Policy, 71 : 60-74.

Rapport des ateliers de co-construction de scénarios prospectifs pour la zone sud des Niayes. Camara Clémentine (ed.), Bourgeois Robin, Bourgoin Jeremy, Camara Astou Diaw, Ciss Ibrahima, Daouda Gueye Pape, Diop Mbaye, Fall Diallo Mbaye, Faye Amy, Gaye Diery, Diop Djibril, Jahel Camille, Jankowski Frédérique, Gueye Ndiaye Ali, Gueye Ndéye Yacine, Kane Oumar, Mbaye Thérèse, Ndiaye Mamadou, Ndoye Khady Thiane, Niang Seydou, Nourou Sy Elhadji Seydou, Sané Mamadou, Ségnane Serigne, Seye Ndiankou, Sow Mamadou, Thiao Ibrahima Paul, Tounkara Sidy. 2018. Dakar : CIRAD-ISRA-BAME, 50 p.


Moving forward socio-economically focused models of deforestation. Dezécache Camille, Salles Jean Michel, Vieilledent Ghislain, Hérault Bruno. 2017. Global Change Biology, 23 (9) : 3484-3500.
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