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Nombre de documents : 7.


Dynamic parameterization of soil surface characteristics for hydrological models in agricultural catchments. Grangeon Thomas, Vandromme Rosalie, Pak Lai-Ting, Martin Philippe, Cerdan Olivier, Richet Jean-Baptiste, Evrard Olivier, Souchère Véronique, Auzet Anne-Véronique, Ludwig Bruno, Ouvry Jean-François. 2022. Catena, 214:106257, 12 p.


Biogeographic history and habitat specialization shape floristic and phylogenetic composition across Amazonian forests. Baraloto Christopher, Vleminckx Jason, Engel Julien, Petronelli Pascal, Dávila Nállarett, Rios Marcos, Valderrama Sandoval Elvis Harry, Mesones Italo, Guevara Andino Juan Ernesto, Fortunel Claire, Allie Elodie, Paine C. E. Timothy, Dourdain Aurélie, Goret Jean-Yves, Valverde-Barrantes Oscar J., Draper Frederick C., Fine Paul V. A.. 2021. Ecological Monographs, 91 (4):e01473, 19 p.

Regeneration capacities of woody species biodiversity and soil properties in Miombo woodland after slash-and-burn agriculture in Mozambique. Montfort Frédérique, Nourtier Marie, Grinand Clovis, Maneau Solène, Mercier Corentin, Roelens Jean-Baptiste, Blanc Lilian. 2021. Forest Ecology and Management, 488:119039, 11 p.


Consequences of soil attributes on the productivity and eucalypt drought response in two climate types in Brazil. Silva Vinicius Evangelista, Buzetti Salatier, Laclau Jean-Paul, Montanari Rafael, Panosso Alan Rodrigo, Moreira Dias Sharlles Christian, da Silva João Flávio. 2020. Ciência Florestal, 30 (1) : 117-134.

Influences of farming practices on soil properties and the 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline content of Khao Dawk Mali 105 rice grains. Chinachanta Kawiporn, Herrmann Laetitia, Lesueur Didier, Jongkaewwattana Sakda, Santasup Choochad, Shutsrirung Arawan. 2020. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, 2020:8818922, 14 p.


Agronomic performances of biodegradable films as an alternative to polyethylene mulches in vineyards. Gastaldi Emmanuelle, Touchaleaume François, César Guy, Jourdan Christophe, Coll P., Rodrigues C.. 2019. In : Proceedings of the XXI International Congress on Plastics in Agriculture: Agriculture, Plastics and Environment. Le Moine, B. (ed.). ISHS. Louvain : ISHS, 25-38. (Acta Horticulturae, 1252) ISBN 978-94-6261-249-5 International Congress on Plastics in Agriculture. 21, Bordeaux, France, 29 Mai 2018/31 Mai 2018.


Quantifying the effect of forest age in annual net forest carbon balance. Besnard Simon, Carvalhais Nuno, Arain M. Altaf, Black Andrew, de Bruin Sytze, Buchmann Nina, Cescatti Alessandro, Chen Jiquan, Clevers Jan G.P.W., Desai Ankur R., Gough Christopher M., Havrankova Katerina, Herold Martin, Hörtnagl Lukas, Jung Martin, Knohl Alexander, Kruijt Bart, Krupkova Lenka, Law Beverly, Lindroth Anders, Noormets Asko, Roupsard Olivier, Steinbrecher Rainer, Varlagin Andrej, Vincke Caroline, Reichstein Markus. 2018. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (12):124018, 10 p.

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