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Nombre de documents : 5.
Complex systems in ecology: A guided tour with large Lotka-Volterra models and random matrices.
Akjouj Imane, Barbier Matthieu, Clenet Maxime, Hachem Walid, Maïda Mylène, Massol François, Najim Jamal, Tran Viet Chi.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
480 (2285), 35 p.
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Anthropic disturbances impact the soil microbial network structure and stability to a greater extent than natural disturbances in an arid ecosystem.
Maurice Kenji, Bourceret Améliia, Youssef Sami, Boivin Stéphane, Laurent-Webb Liam, Damasio Coraline, Boukcim Hassan, Selosse Marc-André, Ducousso Marc.
Science of the Total Environment,
907:167969, 11 p.
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Impact of environment and genotype-by-environment interaction on functional properties of amylose-free and wild-type cassava starches.
Karlström Amanda, Belalcazar John, Sanchez Teresa, Lenis Jorge I., Moreno John Larry, Pizarro Monica, Ricci Julien, Dufour Dominique, Tran Thierry, Ceballos Hernan.
Starch - Stärke,
71 (1-2):1700278, 8 p.
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