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Nombre de documents : 11.


CRISPRi in Xanthomonas demonstrates functional convergence of transcription activator-like effectors in two divergent pathogens. Zárate-Chaves Carlos Andrés, Audran Corinne, Medina Culma César Augusto, Escalon Aline, Javegny Stéphanie, Gagnevin Lionel, Thomas Emilie, Pimparé Léa-Lou, López Camilo, Jacobs Jonathan M., Noel Laurent D., Koebnik Ralf, Bernal Adriana Jimena, Szurek Boris. 2023. New Phytologist, 238 (4) : 1593-1604.

A network approach to decipher the dynamics of Lysobacteraceae plasmid gene sharing. Richard Damien, Roumagnac Philippe, Pruvost Olivier, Lefeuvre Pierre. 2023. Molecular Ecology, 32 (10), n.spéc. Evolutionary ecology of human associated microbes : 2660-2673.


Molecular epidemiology of Xanthomonas euvesicatoria strains from the Balkan Peninsula revealed by a new multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis scheme. Vancheva Taca, Bogatzevska Nevena, Moncheva Penka, Mitrev Sasa, Vernière Christian, Koebnik Ralf. 2021. Microorganisms, 9 (3):536, 19 p.

Trends in molecular diagnosis and diversity studies for phytosanitary regulated Xanthomonas. Catara Vittoria, Cubero Jaime, Pothier Joël F., Bosis Eran, Bragard Claude, Dermic̓ Edyta, Holeva Maria C., Jacques Marie Agnès, Petter Françoise, Pruvost Olivier, Robene Isabelle, Studholme David J., Tavares Fernando, Vicente Joana G., Koebnik Ralf, Costa Joana. 2021. Microorganisms, 9 (4), n.spéc. Integrating Science on Xanthomonas and Xylella for Integrated Plant Disease Management:862, 30 p.


An optimized microsatellite scheme for assessing populations of Xanthomonas phaseoli pv. manihotis. Rache Leidy, Blondin Laurence, Flores Carolina, Trujillo Cesar, Szurek Boris, Restrepo Silvia, Koebnik Ralf, Bernal Adriana Jimena, Vernière Christian. 2019. Phytopathology, 109 (5) : 859-869.
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Horizontal gene transfer plays a major role in the pathological convergence of Xanthomonas lineages on common bean. Chen Nicolas W.G., Serres-Giardi Laurana, Ruh Mylène, Briand Martial, Bonneau Sophie, Darrasse Armelle, Barbe Valérie, Gagnevin Lionel, Koebnik Ralf, Jacques Marie Agnès. 2018. BMC Genomics, 19:606, 20 p.

Molecular epidemiology of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis to decipher its transmission pathway at a village level in Colombia. Vernière Christian, Begue Koralie, Blondin Laurence, Caillon Sophie, Perez Dario, Szurek Boris. 2018. In : 13èmes Rencontres Plantes-Bactéries - Book of Abstracts. SFP, INRA, CNRS. Paris : SFP, Résumé, p. 124. Rencontres Plantes-Bactéries. 13, Aussois, France, 29 Janvier 2018/2 Février 2018.


Adaptation of genetically monomorphic bacteria: evolution of copper resistance through multiple horizontal gene transfers of complex and versatile mobile genetic elements. Richard Damien, Ravigné Virginie, Rieux Adrien, Facon Benoît, Boyer Claudine, Boyer Karine, Grygiel Pierre, Javegny Stéphanie, Terville Marie Annabelle, Canteros B.I., Robene Isabelle, Vernière Christian, Chabirand Aude, Pruvost Olivier, Lefeuvre Pierre. 2017. Molecular Ecology, 26 (7), n.spéc. Microbial Local Adaptation : 2131-2149.


Multilocus variable number of tandem repeat analysis reveals multiple introductions in Spain of Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, the causal agent of bacterial spot disease of stone fruits and almond. López-Soriano Pablo, Boyer Karine, Morente María Clara, Peñalver Javier, Palacio-Bielsa Ana, Vernière Christian, López María M., Pruvost Olivier. 2016. PloS One, 11 (9):e0163729, 18 p.


Comparative genomics of a cannabis pathogen reveals insight into the evolution of pathogenicity in Xanthomonas. Jacobs Jonathan M., Pesce Céline, Lefeuvre Pierre, Koebnik Ralf. 2015. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6 (431), 13 p.

First report of Xanthomonas citripv. mangiferaeindicae causing mango bacterial canker on Mangifera indica L. in Benin. Zombré C., Sankara Philippe, Ouédraogo Souleymane, Wonni Issa, Pruvost Olivier, Boyer Claudine, Vernière Christian, Adandonon Appolinaire, Vayssières Jean-François, Ahohuendo B.C.. 2015. Plant Disease, 99 (12) : p. 1854.

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