
Continuous soil carbon storage of old permanent pastures in Amazonia

Stahl Clément, Fontaine Sébastien, Klumpp Katja, Picon-Cochard Catherine, Grise Marcia Mascarenhas, Dezécache Camille, Ponchant Lise, Freycon Vincent, Blanc Lilian, Bonal Damien, Burban Benoit, Soussana Jean-François, Blanfort Vincent. 2017. Continuous soil carbon storage of old permanent pastures in Amazonia. Global Change Biology, 23 (8) : 3382-3392.

Article de revue ; Article de recherche ; Article de revue à facteur d'impact
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Quartile : Outlier, Sujet : ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES / Quartile : Outlier, Sujet : BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION / Quartile : Outlier, Sujet : ECOLOGY

Résumé : Amazonian forests continuously accumulate carbon (C) in biomass and in soil, representing a carbon sink of 0.42–0.65 GtC yr−1. In recent decades, more than 15% of Amazonian forests have been converted into pastures, resulting in net C emissions (~200 tC ha−1) due to biomass burning and litter mineralization in the first years after deforestation. However, little is known about the capacity of tropical pastures to restore a C sink. Our study shows in French Amazonia that the C storage observed in native forest can be partly restored in old (≥24 year) tropical pastures managed with a low stocking rate (±1 LSU ha−1) and without the use of fire since their establishment. A unique combination of a large chronosequence study and eddy covariance measurements showed that pastures stored between −1.27 ± 0.37 and −5.31 ± 2.08 tC ha−1 yr−1 while the nearby native forest stored −3.31 ± 0.44 tC ha−1 yr−1. This carbon is mainly sequestered in the humus of deep soil layers (20–100 cm), whereas no C storage was observed in the 0- to 20-cm layer. C storage in C4 tropical pasture is associated with the installation and development of C3 species, which increase either the input of N to the ecosystem or the C:N ratio of soil organic matter. Efforts to curb deforestation remain an obvious priority to preserve forest C stocks and biodiversity. However, our results show that if sustainable management is applied in tropical pastures coming from deforestation (avoiding fires and overgrazing, using a grazing rotation plan and a mixture of C3 and C4 species), they can ensure a continuous C storage, thereby adding to the current C sink of Amazonian forests.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : forêt, forêt tropicale, déboisement, pâturages, séquestration du carbone, cycle du carbone, émission atmosphérique, matière organique du sol, litière forestière, écosystème forestier, plante fourragère, utilisation des terres

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Guyane française, France

Mots-clés libres : Forêt, Forêt tropicale, Séquestration du carbone, Cycle du carbone, Déboisement, Pâturages, Matière organique du sol, Couverture végétale, Écosystème forestier, Plante fourragère, Utilisation des terres

Classification Agris : K01 - Foresterie - Considérations générales
L01 - Élevage - Considérations générales
P33 - Chimie et physique du sol
P40 - Météorologie et climatologie
P01 - Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières
K70 - Dégâts causés aux forêts et leur protection

Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 6 (2014-2018) - Sociétés, natures et territoires

Agences de financement européennes : European Commission, European Research Council

Programme de financement européen : FP7

Projets sur financement : (EU) Effects of phosphorus limitations on Life, Earth system and Society

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Stahl Clément, University of Antwerp (BEL)
  • Fontaine Sébastien, INRA (FRA)
  • Klumpp Katja, INRA (FRA)
  • Picon-Cochard Catherine, INRA (FRA)
  • Grise Marcia Mascarenhas, EMBRAPA (BRA)
  • Dezécache Camille
  • Ponchant Lise
  • Freycon Vincent, CIRAD-ES-UPR BSef (FRA)
  • Blanc Lilian, CIRAD-ES-UPR BSef (FRA)
  • Bonal Damien, INRA (FRA)
  • Burban Benoit, INRA (FRA)
  • Soussana Jean-François, INRA (FRA)
  • Blanfort Vincent, CIRAD-ES-UMR SELMET (FRA)

Source : Cirad-Agritrop (

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