
Estimating carbon emissions for REDD+. The conditions for involving local people

Boissière Manuel, Felker Liz, Beaudoin Guillaume, Bong Indah Waty, Dharmadi Hawthorne Sandra, Depuy Walker H, Ekowati Dian, Farida Lina, Hofstee Carola, Vega Praputra Andhika, Rafanoharana Serge, Aria Seta Gilang, Ullah Wahid, Wijaya Arief. 2014. Estimating carbon emissions for REDD+. The conditions for involving local people. Perspective (30) : 1-4.

Article de revue ; Article de revue à comité de lecture Revue en libre accès total
Version publiée - Anglais
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Résumé : The participation of local people in climate change mitigation is considered key to ensuring that their priorities are taken into account. This should help to design effective social safeguards and to improve equity in benefit sharing. The participation of local people has been explored in carbon emission Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) for REDD+. The feasibility and sustainability of participatory MRV (PMRV) are not automatic and depend on its relevance to local people (including incentives to participate), their technical capacity and the existence of appropriate structures for MRV.

Mots-clés Agrovoc : forêt, gestion des ressources naturelles, approche participative, changement climatique, adaptation aux changements climatiques, carbone, services écosystémiques, communauté locale, document d'orientation

Mots-clés géographiques Agrovoc : Indonésie

Classification Agris : P01 - Conservation de la nature et ressources foncières
K01 - Foresterie - Considérations générales
P40 - Météorologie et climatologie
E51 - Population rurale

Champ stratégique Cirad : Axe 6 (2014-2018) - Sociétés, natures et territoires

Auteurs et affiliations

  • Boissière Manuel, CIRAD-ES-UPR BSef (IDN) ORCID: 0000-0002-2552-7664 - auteur correspondant
  • Felker Liz, CGIAR (IDN)
  • Beaudoin Guillaume, CIFOR (IDN)
  • Bong Indah Waty, CGIAR (IDN)
  • Dharmadi Hawthorne Sandra
  • Depuy Walker H, University of Georgia (IDN)
  • Ekowati Dian, CIFOR (IDN)
  • Farida Lina, CGIAR (IDN)
  • Hofstee Carola, CIFOR (IDN)
  • Vega Praputra Andhika, CGIAR (IDN)
  • Rafanoharana Serge, CIFOR (IDN)
  • Aria Seta Gilang
  • Ullah Wahid, CGIAR (IDN)
  • Wijaya Arief, CGIAR (IDN)

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Source : Cirad - Agritrop (

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