
Conclusion: New horizons for innovation studies

Goulet Frédéric, Vinck Dominique. 2023. Conclusion: New horizons for innovation studies. In : New horizons for innovation studies. Doing without, doing with less. Goulet Frédéric (ed.), Vinck Dominique (ed.). Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 289-299. (Sociology, Social Policy and Education,, 2023) ISBN 978-1-80392-554-7

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Résumé : The conclusion to this volume summarises the multiple facets of new horizons for innovation that are incentives to do without or with less. It recalls the removal of things, of entities, that have not yet come into being in a project still in the preparatory stage yet well established and dominant elsewhere, with the idea of centralisation as the inescapable solution for data management, and ERPs becoming the norm. For example, the removal of pesticides and their alternatives shows how withdrawal logics emerge and lead to the framing and categorisation of legitimate alternatives that are relatively hermetic to pesticide and, more broadly, to all the technologies specific to the dominant socio-technical system of intensive agriculture. This is also the case for the paper-bleaching processes where one solution has become the new standard, meeting regulatory targets for the reduction of organochlorines, even though the 'Totally Chlorine Free' process continues to survive but remains as a green niche product for some markets where product-labelling policies allowed fine differentiation. The contributions in this book enrich our understanding of the mechanisms at work in innovation processes, including decline, hesitation, phase out and withdrawal, among others. They underline the importance of the phenomenon in our society, confronted with both the microscopic and planetary transformations it has brought about, and with the extent of the questioning that all this implies in terms of change and innovation.

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