
Résultats de recherche pour (title:("gossypium" OR "coton" OR "cotons" OR "cotton" OR "cottons" OR cottonseed*) OR (title:(cotonni*) NOT title:(zone ADJ/4 cotonnière) NOT title:(zones ADJ/4 cotonnières)) OR book_title:("gossypium" OR "coton" OR "cotons" OR "cotonnier" OR "cotonniers" OR "cotton" OR "cottons" OR cottonseed*) OR (book_title:(cotonni*) NOT book_title:(zone ADJ/4 cotonnière) NOT book_title:(zones ADJ/4 cotonnières)) OR event_title:("gossypium" OR "coton" OR "cotons" OR "cotonnier" OR "cotonniers" OR "cotton" OR "cottons" OR cottonseed*) OR (event_title:(cotonni*) NOT event_title:(zone ADJ/4 cotonnière) NOT event_title:(zones ADJ/4 cotonnières)) OR motscles_libres:("gossypium" OR "coton" OR "cotons" OR "cotonnier" OR "cotoniers" OR "cotton" OR "cottons" OR cottonseed*) OR (motscles_libres:(cotonni*) NOT motscles_libres:(zone ADJ/4 cotonnière) NOT motscles_libres:(zones ADJ/4 cotonnières)) OR agrovoc_mat_motcle:("gossypium" OR "coton") OR candidat_mat:("coton" OR "cotonnier" OR gossypium)) AND type:(article OR "these" OR actes_congres OR hdr OR ouvrage OR chapitre_ouvrage OR brevet) AND date:(2008 OR 2009 OR 2010 OR 2011 OR 2012 OR 2013 OR 2014 OR 2015 OR 2016 OR 2017 OR 2018 OR 2019 OR 2020 OR 2021 OR 2022 OR 2023)

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1. Socio-demographic factors and ethnobotanical knowledge associated with sesame management practices across agroecological zones in Benin. Azon Christel F., Fassinou Hotegni Vodjo Nicodème, Adje Charlotte O.A., Agossou Chaldia O., Sogbohossou Dêêdi Eurydice Olga, Nouletope Hermine, Akotchayé Odilon-Parfait K., Kékpè Pancrace, Aïsso Clavaire, Guirguissou Maboudou A., Dossa Komivi, Agbangla Clément, Quenum Florent J.B., Achigan-Dako Enoch G.. 2023. Experimental Agriculture, 59:e10, 21 p.
2. Challenges facing the cotton sector worldwide and in Africa. Bachelier Bruno, Giband Marc, Kranthi Keshav R.. 2023. Cotton Innovations, 3 (10) : 1-14.
3. "Sedentarisation" of transhumant pastoralists results in privatization of resources and soil fertility decline in West Africa's cotton belt. Dossouhoui Gbonoumi Ines Anita, Yemadje Pierrot Lionel, Diogo Rodrigue V. Cao, Balarabe Oumarou, Tittonell Pablo. 2023. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1120315, 6 p.
4. The input reduction principle of agroecology is wrong when it comes to mineral fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa. Falconnier Gatien, Cardinael Rémi, Corbeels Marc, Baudron Frédéric, Chivenge Pauline, Couedel Antoine, Ripoche Aude, Affholder François, Naudin Krishna, Benaillon Emilie, Rusinamhodzi Léonard, Leroux Louise, Vanlauwe Bernard, Giller Ken E.. 2023. Outlook on Agriculture, 52 (3) : 311-326.
5. Climate-smart breeding of cotton: Enhancing resilience in the face of climate change. Giband Marc, Kranthi Keshav R.. 2023. ICAC Recorder, 41 (4) : 17-22.
6. Effect of biological activity of Carapa procera seed oil on the tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta. Konan Kouassi Arthur Jocelin, N'cho Anthelme J., Kouadio Marie-France N., Gadji Gabaze A., Coulibaly Noupe, Ouali N'Goran S-W. Mauricette, Martin Thibaud. 2023. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 130 : 1281-1292.
7. Towards an Early Warning System for cotton pests in Benin using long-term and multilocal observational data. Legros Quentin, Auzoux Sandrine, Lopez Llandres Ana, Megnigbeto Emmanuel Wilfried G., Brévault Thierry. 2023. Cotton Innovations, 3 (10) : 20-28.
8. Cotton topping reduces the performance of aphids on topped and neighbor plants under greenhouse conditions. Lopez Llandres Ana, Verdeny-Vilalta Oriol, Brévault Thierry, Goebel François-Régis, Jean Janine. 2023. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 17 : 173-184.
[img] [img]
9. Modelling the creep behavior of Gossypium hirsutum cotton fibers based on their physical and mechanical properties. Mahjoub Wafa, Harzallah Omar, Gourlot Jean-Paul, Dréan Jean-Yves. 2023. Industrial Crops and Products, 203:117223, 11 p.
10. Exploring the carbonization effect on the interspecific identification of cotton (Gossypium spp.) seeds using classical and 2D geometric morphometrics. Milon Juliette, Bouchaud Charlène, Viot Christopher, Lemoine Michel, Cucchi Thomas. 2023. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 49:104007, 8 p.
11. An entomopathogenic fungus recently discovered to attack Amrasca biguttula biguttula (Hem.: Cicadellidae) in Benin: provisional identification and research to be undertaken. Silvie Pierre, Lopez Llandres Ana, Yarou Boni Barthélémy, De Troij Antoine, Goergen Georg. 2023. Cotton Innovations, 3 (10) : 15-19.
12. Optimal choice of cotton cultivar for rainfed conditions in Sahelo-Sudanian climate with late planting: a case study in Senegal. Traore Abdou, Gozé Eric, Gérardeaux Edward, Diouf Latyr, Ndour Abdoulaye, Ndiaye Saliou, Oumarou Palaï, Loison Romain. 2023. Journal of Agricultural Science, 161 (4) : 469-476.
13. Evolution of the cotton genus, Gossypium, and its domestication in the Americas. Viot Christopher, Wendel Jonathan F.. 2023. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 42 (1) : 1-33.
14. Recycling crop and livestock co-products on agro-pastoral farms for the agroecological transition: more than 60% potentially recoverable in western Burkina Faso. Zoungrana Sombénéwendé Rasmata, Ouédraogo Souleymane, Sib Ollo, Bougouma-Yameogo Valérie M.C., Fayama Tionyélé, Coulibaly Kalifa, Berre David, Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Vall Eric. 2023. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 27 (4) : 270-283.
15. Commodity crops in biodiversity-rich production landscapes: Friends or foes? The example of cotton in the Mid Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe. Baudron Frédéric, Guerrini Laure, Chimimba Edmore, Chimusimbe Edwin, Giller Ken E.. 2022. Biological Conservation, 267:109496, 13 p.
16. ddPCR strategy to detect a gene-edited plant carrying a single variation point: Technical feasibility and interpretation issues. Fraiture Marie-Alice, Guiderdoni Emmanuel, Meunier Anne Cecile, Papazova Nina, Roosens Nancy. 2022. Food Control, 137:108904, 10 p.
17. Application of essential oils of Ocimum gratissimum and Cymbopogon citratus as bioinsecticides for the management of two major biting‐sucking insects (Bemisia tabaci gennadius and Jacobiella fascialis jacobi) and the improvement of seed and fiber quality of cotton plants in Ivory Coast. Kobenan Koffi Christophe, Kouakou Brou Julien, Kouakou Malanno, Kone Pitou Woklin Euloge, Kouadio Ibrahime Sinan, Zengin Gokhan, Didi Roland, Ochou Germain Elisabeth Cynthia, Bini Kouadio Kra Norbert, Menozzi Philippe, Ochou Ochou Germain, Dick Acka Emmanuel. 2022. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 19 (2):e202100801, 13 p.
18. Transcriptional differences between the two host strains of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Orsucci Marion, Moné Yves, Audiot Philippe, Gimenez Sylvie, Nhim Sandra, Naït-Saïdi Rima, Frayssinet Marie, Dumont Guillaume, Boudon Jean-Paul, Vabre Marin, Rialle Stéphanie, Koual Rachid, Kergoat Gael J., Nagoshi Rodney N., Meagher Robert L., D'Alençon Emmanuelle, Nègre Nicolas. 2022. Peer Community Journal, 2:e1, 19 p.
19. Plant-based extracts for cotton pest management in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review. Silvie Pierre. 2022. Botany Letters, 15 p.
20. Optimizing the test locations and replicates in multi‐environmental cotton registration trials in southern Xinjiang, China. Xu Naiyin, Qiao Yintao, Zhao Suqin, Yang Xiaoni, Li Jian, Fok Michel. 2022. Crop Science, 62 (5) : 1866-1879.
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