
Résultats de recherche pour (agrovoc_mat_motcle:("elaeis" OR "astrocaryum" OR "jessenia" OR "mauritia" OR "oenocarpus" OR "orbignya" OR "palmier oléifère" OR "huile de palme" OR "palmiste") OR motscles_libres:("elaeis" OR "astrocaryum" OR "jessenia" OR "oenocarpus" OR "orbignya" OR "palmier oléifère" OR palmier NEAR/2 huile OR palmiers NEAR/2 huile OR "huile de palme" OR "huile de palme" OR oil NEAR/2 palm OR oil NEAR/2 palms OR "huile de palmiste" OR "huile de babassu" OR "huilerie de palme") OR candidat_mat:(elaeis OR "astrocaryum" OR "jessenia" OR "mauritia" OR "oenocarpus" OR "orbignya" OR "huile de babassu" OR "huilerie de palme") OR title:("elaeis" OR "astrocaryum" OR "jessenia" OR "oenocarpus" OR "orbignya" OR "palmier oléifère" OR palmier NEAR/2 huile OR palmiers NEAR/2 huile OR "huile de palme" OR "huile de palme" OR oil NEAR/2 palm OR oil NEAR/2 palms OR "huile de palmiste" OR "huile de babassu" OR "huilerie de palme") OR book_title:("elaeis" OR "astrocaryum" OR "jessenia" OR "oenocarpus" OR "orbignya" OR "palmier oléifère" OR palmier NEAR/2 huile OR palmiers NEAR/2 huile OR "huile de palme" OR "huile de palme" OR oil NEAR/2 palm OR oil NEAR/2 palms OR "huile de palmiste" OR "huile de babassu" OR "huilerie de palme" ) OR event_title:("elaeis" OR "astrocaryum" OR "jessenia" OR "oenocarpus" OR "orbignya" OR "palmier oléifère" OR palmier NEAR/2 huile OR palmiers NEAR/2 huile OR "huile de palme" OR "huile de palme" OR oil NEAR/2 palm OR oil NEAR/2 palms OR "huile de palmiste" OR "huile de babassu" OR "huilerie de palme" ) ) AND type:(article OR "these" OR actes_congres OR hdr OR ouvrage OR chapitre_ouvrage OR brevet) AND date:(2008 OR 2009 OR 2010 OR 2011 OR 2012 OR 2013 OR 2014 OR 2015 OR 2016 OR 2017 OR 2018 OR 2019 OR 2020 OR 2021 OR 2022 OR 2023)

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1. OptiPalMex: Transformando la producción de palma de aceite en México hacia un futuro sostenible y inclusivo. Bouamra Yasmine, Labeyrie Axel, Vlaminck Winston. 2023. Revista P de Palma Palmex, 5 : 22-23.
2. Oil palm growers' prospects for sustainable oil palm production. A case study from Campeche, Mexico. Cifuentes-Espinosa Jaime Andrés, Feintrenie Laurene, Monzón-Alvarado Claudia, Schmook Birgit, Mesa-Jurado María Azahara. 2023. Agricultural Systems, 212:103780, 17 p.
3. L'essor du commerce de poudres lactées ré-engraissées avec de l'huile de palme - Le cas des exportations européennes en Afrique de l'Ouest. Corniaux Christian, Duteurtre Guillaume, Dia Djiby, Chatellier Vincent. 2023. Economie Rurale (386) : 111-124.
4. Architecture génétique de la résistance à la fusariose et à la pourriture basale du stipe chez le palmier à huile (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Daval Aurélie. 2023. Montpellier : Institut Agro Montpellier, 153 p. Thèse de doctorat : Génétique et amélioration des plantes : Institut agro Montpellier
5. Mechanical weeding enhances ecosystem multifunctionality and profit in industrial oil palm. Iddris Najeeb Al-Amin, Formaglio Greta, Paul Carola, von Grob Volker, Chen Guantao, Angulo-Rubiano Andres, Berkelmann Dirk, Brambach Fabian, Darras Kevin F. A., Krashevska Valentyna, Potapov Anton, Wenzel Arne, Irawan Bambang, Damris Muhammad, Daniel Rolf, Grass Ingo, Kreft Holger, Scheu Stefan, Tscharntke Teja, Tjoa Aiyen, Veldkamp Edzo, Corre Marife D.. 2023. Nature Sustainability, 6 (6) : 683-695.
6. Revisiting foliar diagnosis for oil palm potassium nutrition. Lamade Emmanuelle, Tcherkez Guillaume. 2023. European Journal of Agronomy, 143:126694, 14 p.
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7. Promoting oil palm-based agroforestry systems: an asset for the sustainability of the sector. Masure Alix, Martin Pierre, Lacan Xavier, Rafflegeau Sylvain. 2023. Cahiers Agricultures, 32:16, 9 p.
8. The theory of change for landscape approaches and its implementation in Sabah, Malaysia Borneo. Ng Su Chen Julia. 2023. Montpellier : AgroParisTech, 268 p. Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de l'environnement : AgroParisTech
9. Understanding stakeholders' perspectives on the collaborative governance challenges in Sabah. Ng Su Chen Julia, Chervier Colas, Roda Jean-Marc, Samdin Zaiton, Carmenta Rachel. 2023. Journal of Development Studies, 59 (11) : 1699-1717.
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10. Occurrence of triploids in oil palm and their origin. Pomies Virginie, Turnbull Nicolas, Le Squin Sandrine, Syahputra Indra, Suryana Edyana, Durand-Gasselin Tristan, Cochard Benoît, Bakry Frédéric. 2023. Annals of Botany, 131 (1) : 17-32.
11. The ESSU concept for designing, modeling and auditing ecosystem service provision in intercropping and agroforestry systems. A review. Rafflegeau Sylvain, Gosme Marie, Barkaoui Karim, Garcia Leo, Allinne Clémentine, Deheuvels Olivier, Grimaldi Juliette, Jagoret Patrick, Lauri Pierre-Eric, Mérot Anne, Metay Aurélie, Reyes Francisco, Saj Stéphane, Curry George Nicolas, Justes Eric. 2023. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:43, 24 p.
12. Climate change is challenging oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) production systems. Rival Alain, Bessou Cécile. 2023. In : Cultivation for enhanced climate change resilience. Volume 1: Tropical fruit trees. Abul-Soad Adel Ahmed (ed.), Al-Khayri Jameel M (ed.). Boca Raton : CRC Press, 109-126. ISBN 978-0-367-15189-8
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13. Oil palm plantation systems are at a crossroads. Rival Alain, Chalil Diana. 2023. OCL. Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids, 30:28, 6 p.
14. Exploring fruit lipid diversity in a neglected group of tropical palms: The tribe Phytelepheae. Romero-Estévez David, Vaissayre Virginie, Morcillo Fabienne, Montúfar Rommel, Dussert Stéphane. 2023. JSFA Reports, 3 (11) : 549-560.
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15. Migration from inorganic to organic fertilization for a more sustainable oil palm agro-industry. Supriatna Jajang, Setiawati Mieke Rochimi, Sudirja Rija, Suherman Cucu, Bonneau Xavier. 2023. Heliyon, 9 (12):e22868, 17 p.
16. Mate selection: A useful approach to maximize genetic gain and control inbreeding in genomic and conventional oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) hybrid breeding. Tchounke Billy, Sanchez Leopoldo, Bell Joseph Martin, Cros David. 2023. PLoS Computational Biology, 19 (9):e1010290, 27 p.
17. Huile de palme : retour à la normale. Voituriez Tancrède. 2023. In : Cyclope 2023 : les marchés mondiaux. Matières premières, monnaies, services, agriculture, énergie, finance, industrie, commodités. "Les cavaliers de l'apocalypse". Chalmin Philippe (ed.), Jérourel Yves (ed.). Paris : Economica, 317-319. (Cyclope, 37) ISBN 978-2-7178-7267-5
18. Palm oil: back to normal. Voituriez Tancrède. 2023. In : Cyclope 2023 : World commodities market. Raw materials, currencies, services, agriculture, energy, finance, industry, commodities. "The four horsemen of the apocalypse". Chalmin Philippe (ed.), Jégourel Yves (ed.). Paris : Cercle Cyclope, 305-308. (Cyclope, 37)
19. Unravelling sustainable intensification in oil‑palm agroforestry on the Adja plateau, Benin. Yemadje Rolland H., Koussihouèdé Hermione, Rafflegeau Sylvain. 2023. Agroforestry Systems, 97 : 483-494.
20. Experimental determination of the oil palm planting density in western Africa. Bonneau Xavier, Impens Reinout. 2022. OCL. Oilseeds and Fats, Crops and Lipids, 29:30, 10 p.
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