
Résultats pour : "émission atmosphérique"

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Nombre de documents : 25.

Contrasting nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization effects on soil terpene exchanges in a tropical forest. LLusià Joan, Asensio Dolores, Sardans Jordi, Filella Iolanda, Peguero Guillermo, Grau Oriol, Ogaya Romà, Gargallo-Garriga Albert, Verryckt Lore T., Van Langenhove Leandro, Bréchet Laëtitia, Courtois Elodie A., Stahl Clément, Janssens Ivan A., Peñuelas Josep. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 802:149769, 15 p.

Influence of binder rate, pyrolysis temperature and volume of biochar briquettes on CO and PM2.5 emission factors and thermal efficiency. Himbane Philippe Bernard, Ndiaye Latgrand, Napoli Alfredo, Goli Thierry, Rozis Jean-François, Ba Mamadou Seydou, Ndioukane Remi. 2022. Energy for Sustainable Development, 68 : 525-531.

Accounting for soil organic carbon role in land use contribution to climate change in agricultural LCA: Which methods? Which impacts? Bessou Cécile, Tailleur Aurélie, Godard Caroline, Gac Armelle, Lebas de la Cour Julie, Boissy Joachim, Mischler Pierre, Caldeira-Pires Armando, Benoist Anthony. 2020. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25 (7) : 1217-1230.
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Impact of open burning of crop residues on air pollution and climate change in Indonesia. Andini Ade, Bonnet Sebastien, Rousset Patrick, Hasanudin Udin. 2018. Current Science, 115 (12) : 2259-2266.

Implications of removing straw from soil for bioenergy: An LCA of ethanol production using total sugarcane biomass. Caldeira-Pires Armando, Benoist Anthony, Da Luz Sandra Maria, Chaves Silverio Vanessa, Silveira Cristiano M., Machado Frederico. 2018. Journal of Cleaner Production, 181 : 249-259.

The effect of atmospheric oxygen on the puffing and bursting phenomena during vegetable oils droplets vaporization process for their use as biofuel in diesel engine. Zongo Augustin Sampawindé, Daho Tizane, Vaitilingom Gilles, Piriou Bruno, Valette Jérémy, Caillol Christian, Segda Bila Gérard, Higelin Pascal, Koulidiati Jean. 2018. Energy and Power Engineering, 10 (12) : 518-533.

Assimilating satellite-based canopy height within an ecosystem model to estimate aboveground forest biomass. Joetzjer E., Pillet Michiel, Ciais Philippe, Barbier Nicolas, Chave Jérôme, Schlund M., Maignan Fabienne, Barichivich J., Luyssaert Sebastiaan, Herault Bruno, von Poncet F., Poulter Benjamin. 2017. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (13) : 6823-6832.

Continuous soil carbon storage of old permanent pastures in Amazonia. Stahl Clément, Fontaine Sébastien, Klumpp Katja, Picon-Cochard Catherine, Grise Marcia Mascarenhas, Dezécache Camille, Ponchant Lise, Freycon Vincent, Blanc Lilian, Bonal Damien, Burban Benoit, Soussana Jean-François, Blanfort Vincent. 2017. Global Change Biology, 23 (8) : 3382-3392.
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Greenhouse gas emission reduction in agriculture: Trade-off or win-win situation for mall farmers in the Sudanian area of Burkina Faso? Some Tiertou Edwige, Mbaye Ahmadou Aly, Barbier Bruno. 2017. African Development Review, 29 (S2), n.spéc. Feeding Africa: Towards Agro-Allied Industrialization for Inclusive Growth : 163-178.

Livestock induces strong spatial heterogeneity of soil CO2, N2O, CH4 emissions within a semi-arid sylvo-pastoral landscape in West Africa. Assouma Mohamed Habibou, Serça Dominique, Guérin Frédéric, Blanfort Vincent, Lecomte Philippe, Touré Ibra, Ickowicz Alexandre, Manlay Raphaël, Bernoux Martial, Vayssières Jonathan. 2017. Journal of Arid Land, 9 (2) : 210-221.

Long-term carbon sink in Borneo's forests halted by drought and vulnerable to edge effects. Qie Lan, Lewis Simon L., Sullivan Martin J. P., Lopez-Gonzalez Gabriela, Pickavance Georgia C., Sunderland Terry C.H., Ashton Peter, Hubau Wannes, Abu Salim Kamariah, Aiba Shin-Ichiro, Banin Lindsay F., Berry Nicholas, Brearley Francis Q., Burslem David F. R. P, Dančák Martin, Davies Stuart J., Fredriksson Gabriella, Hamer Keith C., Hédl Radim, Khoon Kho Lip, Kitayama Kanehiro, Krisnawati Haruni, Lhota Stanislav, Malhi Yadvinder, Maycock Colin, Metali Faizah, Mirmanto Edi, Nagy Laszlo, Nilus Reuben, Ong Robert, Pendry Colin A., Poulsen Axel Dalberg, Primack Richard B., Rutishauser Ervan, Samsoedin Ismayadi, Saragih Bernaulus, Sist Plinio, et al.. 2017. Nature Communications, 8 (1):1966, 11 p.

Research on climate change policies and rural development in Latin America: Scope and gaps. Locatelli Bruno, Aldunce Paulina, Fallot Abigail, Le Coq Jean-François, Sabourin Eric, Tapasco Jeimar. 2017. Sustainability, 9 (10):1831, 17 p.

Yield and nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations: Main drivers and management trade-offs determined using simulation. Pardon Lénaïc, Huth Neil, Netelenbos Nelson Paul, Banabas Murom, Gabrielle Benoît, Bessou Cécile. 2017. Field Crops Research, 210 : 20-32.

Quantifying nitrogen losses in oil palm plantations: Models and challenges. Pardon Lénaïc, Bessou Cécile, Saint-Geours Nathalie, Gabrielle Benoît, Khasanah Ni'matul, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Nelson Paul N.. 2016. Biogeosciences, 13 : 5433-5452.

Reducing soil CO2 emission and improving upland rice yield with no-tillage, straw mulch and nitrogen fertilization in northern Benin. Dossou-Yovo Elliott Ronald, Brüggemann Nicolas, Jesse Naab, Huat Joël, Evariste Ago Expedit, Agbossou Euloge Kossi. 2016. Soil and Tillage Research, 156 : 44-53.

A methodological framework to assess the carbon balance of tropical managed forests. Piponiot-Laroche Camille, Cabon Antoine, Descroix Laurent, Dourdain Aurélie, Mazzei Lucas, Ouliac Benjamin, Rutishauser Ervan, Sist Plinio, Hérault Bruno. 2016. Carbon Balance and Management, 11 (15), 14 p.

Simulation of field NH3 and N2O emissions from slurry spreading. Langevin Brigitte, Genermont Sophie, Basset-Mens Claudine, Lardon Laurent. 2015. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35 (1) : 347-358.

A comparison of energy use, water use and carbon footprint of cassava starch production in Thailand, Vietnam and Colombia. Tran Thierry, Da Guillaume, Moreno Santander Martín Alonso, Vélez-Hernández Gustavo Adolfo, Giraldo Toro Andres, Piyachomkwan Kuakoon, Sriroth Klanarong, Dufour Dominique. 2015. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 100 : 31-40.

Soil nutrient availability and CO2 production in agroforestry systems after the addition of Erythrina poeppigiana pruning residues and native microbial inocula. Payan-Zelaya Fidel, Harmand Jean-Michel, Flores-Macías Antonio, Beer John, Ramos-Espinoza Guadalupe, De Léon González Fernando. 2013. Agroforestry Systems, 87 (2) : 439-450.

Human and environmental controls over aboveground carbon storage in Madagascar. Asner Gregory P., Clark John, Mascaro Joseph, Vaudry Romuald, Chadwick K.Diana, Vieilledent Ghislain, Rasamoelina Maminiaina, Balaji Aravindh, Kennedy-Bowdoin Ty, Maatoug Léna, Colgan Matthew S., Knapp David E.. 2012. Carbon Balance and Management, 7 (2), 13 p.

A universal airborne LiDAR approach for tropical forest carbon mapping. Asner Gregory P., Mascaro Joseph, Muller-Landau Hélène C., Vieilledent Ghislain, Vaudry Romuald, Rasamoelina Maminiaina, Hall Jefferson, Van Breugel Michiel. 2012. Oecologia, 168 (4) : 1147-1160.

Monitoring NH3, N2O, CO2 and CH4 emissions during pig solid manure storage and effect of turning. Hassouna Mélynda, Espagnol Sandrine, Robin Paul, Paillat Jean-Marie, Levasseur Pascal, Li Y.. 2008. Compost Science and Utilization, 16 (4) : 267-274.

Caractérisation des émissions de carbonisation en four à combustion partielle mise au point de systèmes de traitement des fumées de carbonisation. Girard Philippe, Meyer Christian, Fontelle J.P., Boillot M.. 1987. In : Biomass for Energy and Industry: 4th E.C. Conference. Grassi G. (ed.), Delmon B. (ed.), Molle J.F. (ed.), Zibetta H. (ed.). CCE. Londres : Elsevier Applied Science, 1128-1132. ISBN 1-851-166-164-6 International Conference on Biomass for Energy and Industry. 4, Orléans, France, 11 Mai 1987/15 Mai 1987.

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