
Résultats pour : "événements météorologiques extrêmes"

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Nombre de documents : 6.

Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly. Bennett Amy C., Rodrigues de Sousa Thaiane, Monteagudo-Mendoza Abel, Esquivel-Muelbert Adriane, Morandi Paulo, Coelho de Souza Fernanda, Castro Wendeson, Duque Luisa Fernanda, Flores Llampazo Gerardo, dos Santos Rubens Manoel, Ramos Elianna, Vilanova Torre Emilio, Álvarez-Dávila Esteban, Baker Timothy R., Costa Flávia R.C, Lewis Simon L., Marimon Beatriz Schwantes, Schietti Juliana, Burban Benoit, Berenguer Erika, Araujo-Murakami Alejandro, Restrepo Correa Zorayda, Lopez Wilmar, Delgado Santana Flávia, Viscarra Laura Jessica, Elias Fernando, Vásquez Martinez Rodolfo, Marimon-Junior Ben Hur, Galbraith David, Sullivan Martin J. P., Emilio Thaise, Prestes Nayane C. C. S., Barlow Jos, Alencar Fagundes Nathalle Cristine, Almeida de Oliveira Edmar, Alvarez Loayza Patricia, Alves Luciana F., Aparecida Vieira Simone, Andrade Maia Vinícius, Aragao Luiz E.O.C., Arets Eric, Arroyo Luzmila, Banki Olaf, Baraloto Christopher, Barbosa Camargo Plínio, Barroso Jorcely G., Bento da Silva Wilder, Bonal Damien, Borges Miranda Santos Alisson, Brienen Roel, Brown Foster, Castilho Carolina V., Cerruto Ribeiro Sabina, Chama Moscoso Victor, Chavez Ezequiel, Comiskey James A., Cornejo Valverde Fernando, Davila Cardozo Nallaret, de Aguiar-Campos Natália, de Oliveira Melo Lia, del Aguila Pasquel Jhon, Derroire Géraldine, Disney Mathias, do Socorro Maria, Dourdain Aurélie, Feldpausch Ted R., Ferreira Joice Nunes, Forni Martins Valeria, Gardner Toby, Gloor Emanuel, Gutierrez Sibauty Gloria, Guillen René, Hase Eduardo, Herault Bruno, et al.. 2023. Nature Climate Change, 13 (9) : 967-974.

Increased frequency of extreme rainfall events threatens an emblematic cultural coastal agroecosystem in Southeastern Thailand. Dumrongrojwatthana Pongchai, Lacombe Guillaume, Trébuil Guy. 2022. Regional Environmental Change, 22:36, 15 p.

Impact of climate variability and extreme rainfall events on sugarcane yield gap in a tropical Island. Christina Mathias, Jones M.R., Versini Antoine, Mézino Mickaël, Le Mezo Lionel, Auzoux Sandrine, Soulie Jean-Christophe, Poser Christophe, Gérardeaux Edward. 2021. Field Crops Research, 274:108326, 11 p.

Archetypes of climate-risk profiles among rural households in Limpopo, South Africa. Paumgarten Fiona, Locatelli Bruno, Witkowski E.T.F.. 2020. Weather, Climate, and Society, 12 (3) : 545-560.

Impact of extreme weather conditions on European crop production in 2018. Beillouin Damien, Schauberger Bernhard, Bastos Ana, Ciais Philippe, Makowski David. 2020. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences, 375 (1810), dossier Impacts of the 2018 severe drought and heatwave in Europe: from site to continental scale:20190510, 13 p.

Extreme temperature event and mass mortality of insectivorous bats. Pruvot Mathieu, Cappelle Julien, Furey Neil M., Hul Vibol, Heng Huy Sreang, Duong Veasna, Dussart Philippe, Horwood Paul. 2019. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 65:41, 5 p.

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