
Résultats pour : "Anatomie végétale"

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Nombre de documents : 37.


Contribution au développement d'un modèle d'appui à la conception d'itinéraires techniques de production de mangues plus durables. Carrie Emma. 2023. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 205 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie fonctionnelle et sciences agronomiques : Université de Montpellier

Root distribution of Adansonia digitata, Faidherbia albida and Borassus akeassii along a climate gradient in Senegal. Gning Fatou, Jourdan Christophe, Marone Diatta, Ngom Daouda, Ræbild Anders. 2023. Agroforestry Systems, 97 : 605-615.
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When architectural plasticity fails to counter the light competition imposed by planting design: An in silico approach using a functional–structural model of oil palm. Perez Raphaël, Vezy Rémi, Brancheriau Loïc, Boudon Frédéric, Grand François, Ramel Merlin, Raharjo Doni Artanto, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Dauzat Jean. 2022. In Silico Plants, 4 (1), n.spéc. : Functional–Structural Plant Models:diac009, 16 p.


Cooperative root graft networks benefit mangrove trees under stress. Vovides Alejandra G., Wimmler Marie-Christin, Schrewe Flalk, Balke Thorsten, Zwanzig Martin, Piou Cyril, Delay Etienne, López-Portillo Jorge, Berger Uta. 2021. Communications Biology, 4:513, 8 p.

Functional–structural plant modeling highlights how diversity in leaf dimensions and tillering capability could promote the efficiency of wheat cultivar mixtures. Blanc Emmanuelle, Barbillon Pierre, Fournier Christian, Lecarpentier Christophe, Pradal Christophe, Enjalbert Jérôme. 2021. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:734056, 15 p.

Investigation of the architecture and age of superlative Adansonia grandidieri from Andombiry Forest, Madagascar. Patrut Adrian, Patrut Roxana Teodora, Leong Pock Tsy Jean-Michel, Danthu Pascal, Woodborne Stephan, Rakosy Laszlo, Ratiu Ileana-Andreea. 2021. Forests, 12 (9):1258, 12 p.

Pantropical variability in tree crown allometry. Loubota Panzou Grace Jopaul, Fayolle Adeline, Jucker Tommaso, Phillips Oliver L., Bohlman Stephanie, Banin Lindsay F., Lewis Simon L., Affum-Baffoe Kofi, Alves Luciana F., Antin Cécile, Arets Eric, Arroyo Luzmila, Baker Timothy R., Barbier Nicolas, Beeckman Hans, Berger Uta, Bocko Yannick, Bongers Frans, Bowers Samuel, Brade Thomas, Brondizio Eduardo S., Chantrain Arthur, Chave Jérôme, Compaore Halidou, Coomes David A., Diallo Adama, Dias Arildo S., Dimobe Kangbéni, Djaney Djagbletey Gloria, Domingues Tomas, Doucet Jean-Louis, Drouet Thomas, Forni Eric, Godlee John L., Goodman Rosa C., Gourlet-Fleury Sylvie, et al.. 2021. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30 (2) : 459-475.

Spectral subdomains and prior estimation of leaf structure improves PROSPECT inversion on reflectance or transmittance alone. Spafford Lynsay, Le Maire Guerric, MacDougall Andrew, De Boissieu Florian, Feret Jean Baptiste. 2021. Remote Sensing of Environment, 252:112176, 15 p.


Anatomical and physico-mechanical properties of Acacia auriculiformis wood in relation to age and soil in Benin, West Africa. Tonouéwa Jesugnon Fifamè Murielle Féty, Langbour Patrick, Biaou Samadori Sorotori Honoré, Assèdé Eméline Sêssi Pélagie, Guibal Daniel, Kouchade Clément, Kounouhéwa Basile B.. 2020. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, 78 (4) : 745-756.
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Neighbourhood-mediated shifts in tree biomass allocation drive overyielding in tropical species mixtures. Guillemot Joannès, Kunz Matthias, Schnabel Florian, Fichtner Andreas, Madsen Christopher P., Gebauer Tobias, Härdtle Werner, von Oheimb Goddert, Potvin Catherine. 2020. New Phytologist, 228 (4) : 1256-1268.

Quality, typicity and potential valorization of Piper borbonense, a poorly known wild pepper from Reunion Island. Weil Mathieu, Boulanger Renaud, Morel Gilles, Servent Adrien, Shum Cheong Sing Alain, Bohuon Philippe. 2020. Fruits, 73 (3) : 95-103.

Radiocarbon dating of a very large Grandidier baobab, the giant of Bevoay. Patrut Adrian, Patrut Roxana Teodora, Leong Pock Tsy Jean-Michel, Woodborne Stephan, Rakosy Laszlo, Ratiu Ileana-Andreea, Bodis Jenö, Danthu Pascal. 2020. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai. Chemia, 65 (4) : 151-158.

Scaling of petiole anatomies, mechanics and vasculatures with leaf size in the widespread Neotropical pioneer tree species Cecropia obtusa Trécul (Urticaceae). Levionnois Sébastien, Coste Sabrina, Nicolini Eric-André, Stahl Clément, Morel Hélène, Heuret Patrick. 2020. Tree Physiology, 40 (2) : 245-258.

TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Kattge Jens, Bönisch Gerhard, Diaz Sandra, Lavorel Sandra, Prentice Lain Colin, Leadley Paul, Tautenhahn Susanne, Werner Gijsbert D. A., Bastianelli Denis, Derroire Géraldine, Herault Bruno, Justes Eric, Laclau Jean-Paul, Le Maire Guerric, Nouvellon Yann, Taugourdeau Simon, et al.. 2020. Global Change Biology, 26 (1) : 119-188.

Topography consistently drives intra- and inter-specific leaf trait variation within tree species complexes in a Neotropical forest. Schmitt Sylvain, Herault Bruno, Ducouret Emilie, Baranger Anne, Tysklind Niklas, Heuertz Myriam, Marcon Eric, Cazal Saint Omer, Derroire Géraldine. 2020. Oikos, 129 (10) : 1521-1530.
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Accelerating the automated detection, counting and measurements of reproductive organs in herbarium collections in the era of deep learning. Mora-Fallas Adán, Goeau Hervé, Mazer Susan J., Love Natalie, Mata-Montero Erick, Bonnet Pierre, Joly Alexis. 2019. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards, 3:e37341, 3 p. Biodiversity Next: Building a global infrastructure for biodiversity data, Leiden, Pays-Bas, 22 Octobre 2019/25 Octobre 2019.

Description of the Cirad wood collection in Montpellier, France, representing eight thousand identified species. Langbour Patrick, Paradis Sébastien, Thibaut Bernard. 2019. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 339 : 7-16.

Diversité et variabilité de l'architecture des plantes. Sabatier Sylvie-Annabel. 2019. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 106 p. Habilitation à diriger des recherches : Morphologie et Architecture végétale : Université de Montpellier

Morphological characterization of pineapple (Ananas comosus) genetic resources from Benin. Adje Charlotte A.O., Achigan-Dako Enoch G., Coppens D'Eeckenbrugge Geo, Yedomonhan Hounnankpon, Agbangla Clément. 2019. Fruits, 74 (4) : 167-179.

An imaging approach to identify mechanisms of resistance to pineapple fruitlet core rot. Barral Bastien, Chillet Marc, Lechaudel Mathieu, Lartaud Marc, Verdeil Jean-Luc, Conejero Geneviève, Schorr-Galindo Sabine. 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1065, 12 p.


Analyzing key factors of roots and soil contributing to tree anchorage of Pinus species. Yang Ming, Defossez Pauline, Danjon Frédéric, Fourcaud Thierry. 2018. Trees, 32 (3) : 703-712.
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Architecture des plantes et production végétale : Les apports de la modélisation mathématique. De Reffye Philippe (ed.), Jaeger Marc (ed.), Barthélémy Daniel (ed.), Houllier François (ed.). 2018. Versailles : Ed. Quae, 357 p. (Synthèses : Quae) ISBN 978-2-7592-2620-7

Diversité, écologie et évolution des plantes monocaules de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Bruy David. 2018. Montpellier : Université de Montpellier, 329 p. Thèse de doctorat : Ecologie fonctionnelle et sciences agronomiques : Université de Montpellier

Epidermal anatomic characterization of spontaneous plants belonging to Poaceae, Cistaceae and Boraginaceae families in Algerian northern sahara. Slimani Noureddine, Mahboub Nasma, Chehma Abdelmadjid, Huguenin Johann, Barir Asma, Bezza Imane Fatma. 2018. International Journal of Biological and Agricultural Reaserch, 1 (1) : 41-48.

Morphology, anatomy and taxonomy. Coppens D'Eeckenbrugge Geo, Leal Freddy. 2018. In : The pineapple: Botany, production and uses. Sanewski Garth M. (ed.), Bartholomew Duane P. (ed.), Paull Robert E. (ed.). Wallingford : CABI, 11-31. ISBN 978-1-78639-330-2

Ornamental plants architectural characteristics in relation to visual sensory attributes: A new approach on the rose bush for objective evaluation of the visual quality. Garbez M., Symoneaux R., Belin E., Caraglio Yves, Chéné Y., Dones Nicolas, Durand Jean-Baptiste, Hunault G., Relion D., Sigogne M., Rousseau D., Galopin G.. 2018. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 83 (3) : 187-201.

The relative weight of ontogeny, topology and climate in the architectural development of three North American conifers. Buissart Fabien, Vennetier Michel, Delagrange Sylvain, Girard François, Caraglio Yves, Sabatier Sylvie-Annabel, Munson Alison D., Nicolini Eric-André. 2018. AoB Plants, 10 (4), 147 p.


Root traits are related to plant water-use among rangeland Mediterranean species. Fort Florian, Volaire Florence, Guilioni Lydie, Barkaoui Karim, Navas Marie-Laure, Roumet Catherine. 2017. Functional Ecology, 31 (9) : 1700-1709.

The architectural design of trees protects them against large herbivores. Charles‐Dominique Tristan, Barczi Jean-François, Le Roux Elizabeth, Chamaillé‐Jammes Simon. 2017. Functional Ecology, 31 (9) : 1710-1717.


Categorizing plant images at the variety level: Did you say fine-grained? Champ Julien, Lorieul Titouan, Bonnet Pierre, Maghnaoui Najate, Sereno Christophe, Dessup Thierry, Boursiquot Jean-Michel, Audeguin Laurent, Lacombe Thierry, Joly Alexis. 2016. Pattern Recognition Letters, 81 : 71-79.

Integrating mixed-effect models into an architectural plant model to simulate inter- and intra-progeny variability: A case study on oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Perez Raphaël, Pallas Benoît, Le Moguédec Gilles, Rey Hervé, Griffon Sébastien, Caliman Jean-Pierre, Costes Evelyne, Dauzat Jean. 2016. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67 (15) : 4507-4521.


Does ontogeny modulate irradiance-elicited plasticity of leaf traits in saplings of rain-forest tree species? A test with Dicorynia guianensis and Tachigali melinonii (Fabaceae, Caesalpinioideae). Coste Sabrina, Roggy Jean-Christophe, Garraud Laurianne, Heuret Patrick, Nicolini Eric-André, Dreyer Erwin. 2009. Annals of Forest Science, 66 (7):709, 12 p.


Hydraulic architecture correlates with bud organogenesis and primary shoot growth in beech (Fagus sylvatica). Cochard Hervé, Coste Sabrina, Chanson Bernard, Guehl Jean-Marc, Nicolini Eric-André. 2005. Tree Physiology, 25 (12) : 1545-1552.

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