Nombre de documents : 4.
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Communication avec actes
GUS gene expression in Anthurium andreanum, Oncidium grower ramsey and Brassolaeliocattleya orange glory empress after particle bombardment.
Gek-Lan Chi, Hedy K.L. Goh, Kuwan-Yee Hoo, Legavre Thierry.
In : Proceedings of the First International symposium on biotechnology of tropical and subtropical species, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, September 29-October 3, 1997. Part 2. Drew R.A. (ed.). ISHS
. Louvain : ISHS [Belgique], 379-383.
(Acta Horticulturae, 461)
ISBN 978-90-66058-90-3 International Symposium on Biotechnology of Tropical and Subtropical Species. 1, Brisbane, Australie, 29 Septembre 1997/3 Octobre 1997.
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