Résultats pour : "Passeriformes"
Nombre de documents : 8.
Evaluating a mixed abiotic-biotic model for the distribution and host contact rates of an arthropod vector of pathogens: An example with Ixodes ricinus (Ixodidae).
Estrada-Pena Agustin, Adkin Amie, Bertolini Silvia, Cook Charlotte, Crescio Maria Ines, Grosbois Vladimir, Horigan Verity, Ip Sophie, Léger Anaïs, Mastrantonio Gianluca, Maurella Cristiana, De Nardi Marco, Ru Giuseppe, Simons Robin, Snary Emma, Staerk Katharina, Taylor Rachel, Smith Graham C..
Microbial Risk Analysis,
13:100067, 9 p.
Combining pollination ecology and fine-scale spatial genetic structure analysis to unravel the reproductive strategy of an insular threatened orchid.
Gigant Rodolphe, De Bruyn Alexandre, M'sa Tachirifa, Viscardi Guillaume, Gigord L., Gauvin-Bialecki Anne, Pailler Thierry, Humeau Laurence, Grisoni Michel, Besse Pascale.
South African Journal of Botany,
105 : 25-35.
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